American Speedway  

Stan Bradbury's
Speedway Training Notes

Table of Contents

Stan Bradbury's Speedway Training Notes

<--  Chapter 8  -->


A good helmet is a "must" and must have a current "Snell" Foundation sticker inside the helmet in order to pass CMA inspection.

Many riders also like to wear the light-weight back protectors under their leathers. The leathers made specifically for speedway are light-weight and are padded in all the necessary places.

Special speedway boots are available which are also light and flexible and can be obtained with a light weight steel shoe designed for speedway use.

Shin pads and elbow pads are worn by a number of riders especially those who have suffered nagging injuries to those parts and there is no doubt that these afford good protection.

A lanyard type safety cut-out is mandatory in Canada.

A totally enclosed chain guard is also required elsewhere and will be here before long (don't forget to ventilate the primary chain). A primary chain safety stud is another item that is required here. The pin referred to is mounted below and just back of the clutch. If the primary chain breaks, it strikes this pin and prevents the chain from tearing into the riders left thigh or arm etc.

The FIM (Federation Internationals Motocyclistes), the world governing body in Geneva, Switzerland, to whom the CMA (Canadian Motorcycle Association), the AMA (American Motorcycle Association) and indirectly, the CSRA (Canadian Speedway Racing Association) are affiliated, sets the speedway rules and safety measures based on accident reports and on the advise of its affiliates. Each affiliate can set some of its own rules where the FIM rules are impractical. Care is taken to ensure, where possible, that the local rules do not conflict with the FIM rules.

The limited amount of speedway racing in Canada and its lower level of competition make some of the sophisticated European rules unnecessary due to the unlikelihood of any extraordinary accidents. However, there is no doubt that the FIM rules make for safer racing and will no doubt be followed eventually in Canada. Rules applied in Canada by the CMA are listed briefly in the CMA competition rule book and are available in greater detail from the CMA upon application. These rules were originally suggested by the CSRA and are upgraded periodically by both the CSRA the CMA, and individual CMA members.

<--  Chapter 8  -->

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