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2005 USA Speedway History
Northern California

So.NOR-Cal promotions promoter, Steve Stasiefski is pleased to announce that Northern California will have a new Speedway Motorcycle RACING venue in 2006.

AMA sanctioned Professional, Amateur, Youth and Pee Wee speedway RACING is scheduled to run every SATURDAY NIGHT – ALL SUMMER LONG @ the ARENA - Yolo County Fair grounds in Woodland, California. Woodland is located 15 miles north/west of Sacramento with easy freeway access.

Action starts with a first LOOK at this state of the art newly built 1/10 mile decomposed granite track that features banked turns, safety fence in the corners with a practice on April 8th.

Track also features full sprinkler system with built in drainage to handle the Northern California climate, large pit area with workbenches and 110v power outlets and a rider’s dressing room. The well-lit ARENA seats 3000+ Fans comfortably and has 2 concession stands, modern restrooms and a KIDS area.

Ride your motorcycle to the ARENA and park for “FREE” in a designated secured parking lot. Show your AMA membership card at the gate and receive discounts for the evening’s event.

Stay tune for more information and our web site that will be up the 1st of the year. In the mean time if you would like more info or questions about sponsorship opportunities. Looking forward to an excited action packed season!

Gary Roberts - groberts@iee.org

AMA Series for 2005 Championship Information Here!

Vital Information for Northern California off-road motorcyclists

Although this is not a speedway topic, I believe it is of vital importance to all off-road riders in the Auburn area. I am therefore using speedwaybikes.com to communicate this information. There is an imminent danger that many of our off-road riding areas in the Tahoe National Forest will become unavailable to us. I would encourage all off-road users, not just motorcyclists or followers of the sport of Speedway to help with the process described below. This process will even affect users of mountain bikes, so the concern is clearly not limited to "damage" by noise or tire treads.

The Tahoe National Forest Service is working on a Route Designation Process. The Forest Service has developed a process to "reduce impact and user conflicts" which could reduce or even eliminate some of the currently available trails through the Tahoe National Forest.

They are working on a 5 stage process (full details below) to document current trails, prohibiting all OHV's, including mountain bikes from anywhere undocumented, then designating which of the current routes to designate for future OHV use. Bottom line is, we are going to lose the availability of many of our trails. We must take immediate action.

The first stage of documenting the current trails involves getting hold of their maps, available from USDA Forest Service and checking that their maps contain all the trails that we currently use.

Also 5 public workshops will be held in the Tahoe National Forest area. The purpose of these workshops is to learn more about this route designation process, to answer questions and to review the existing routes as mapped. They are:

Downieville Aug 24, Downieville Community Hall, 327 Main St. 6.30pm - 8pm.

Foresthill Aug 26, Foresthill Ranger Station 22830 Foresthill Road, 6.30pm - 8pm

Truckee, Aug 29 Truckee Donner Public Utility District Board Room, 11570 Donner Pass Rd. 6.30pm - 8pm

Sierraville, Aug 30 Sierraville Ranger Station, 317 S. Lincoln (Hwy89) 6.30pm - 8pm

Nevada City, Aug 31 TNF Headquarters 631 Coyote St. 6.30pm - 8pm

All OHV users are encouraged to attend the meetings and help provide details of our favorite trails.
All details of trails must be submitted by September 30.

Names of those who can provide more information include the following:

David Michael, OHV coordinator for the TNF, 530 478 6183 or dmichael@fs.fed.us

Phil Horning, Project coordinator 530 478 6210 or phorning@fs.fed.us

Jon George, American River Ranger District OHC coordinator 530 994 3401 ext. 6667 or jwiley@fs.fed.us

Ann Westling, Public affairs officer, 530 478 6205 or awestling@fs.fed.us

Details of the 5 step process:

Completing the inventory/map of existing roads, trails and routes used by wheeled vehicles, including mountain bicycles.

Issuing a Temporary Forest Order that prohibits wheeled vehicle use (including mountain bike off of mapped existing routes or open areas.

Proposing a system of OHV routes.

Making a final decision as to which routes will be designated for OHV use.

Issuing a Forest Order for designated routes and signing those routes.

The timelines for each step is:

Step 1 to be finished by March 2006

Step 2 to be finished by June 2006

Step 3 to be finished by February 2007

Step 4 to be finished by December 2007

Step 5 to be finished by September 2008

By the end of step 5, I foresee the creation of a new most endangered species. It could well be the off-road motorcyclist!

Gary Roberts - groberts@iee.org

Press announcement June 9, 2005

Red Line Oil

The Red Line Synthetic Oil Corporation is based in Benicia, CA and manufactures synthetic oil for racing engines. Its been used in a variety of fields of automobile racing for a number of years and now they have taken an interest in Speedway motorcycle racing.

This year they are putting up $2700 in prize money to the highest finishing Red Line Oil rider in each division.

The riders must use Red Line Oil and must display Red Line Oil decals on their bikes.

The breakdown of the prize money is as follows:
Top D1 rider $1000
Top D2 rider $750
Top D3 rider $500
Top D1 Youth rider $200
Top D2 Youth rider $150
Top D3 Youth rider $100

The list of top riders already using the oil is impressive. It includes Bart Bast, the Heddens, Charlie Venegas, Chris Manchester and Chad Felicio. In Europe, Billy Janniro is using it.

Anyone wanting more information should contact Kelly Kerrigan atkkerrigan@redlineoil.com, or call 800 624 7958.

They have a web site, www.redlineoil.com which shows an impressive number of motor sports competitors, who use Red Line Oil's products.

Gary Roberts - groberts@iee.org

May 25, 2005 - I am happy to report that Gary Roberts has begun his column and we look forward to many more!.

March 2005

On Sunday April 3 Fast Fridays will host their annual season sign up party.
It will take place at the track. All riders and families are invited.
It starts at 12 noon.
Its an opportunity to sign up for opening night and to renew AMA membership.
A notary will be present for youth and peewee riders.
There will be information about the season schedule, including the National Championship rounds.
Its a pot luck, bring your own food, to put on the BBQ.

March 2005 - New Speedway Track Carson City Raceway
Click Here for MAP

February 2005

Brant Engineering is moving to the Big Barn in Woodland, California.  They will offer the same fast reliable engineering, rebuilding, wheel repair, and machine work services that they did in Southern California.

The new address is:
  19191 County Road 95A
  Woodland CA  95695
  (530) 979-6276

On March 26, Brant Engineering are holding an open house, open to all speedway people. They need to get acquainted and show everyone what Brant Engineering does.  Anyone who has a race bike, hot rod, race car, or something unique to put on display that would be great as well.  The party is rain or shine in the main building.  ( The Barn. )  We expect some hot rods, Bonneville cars, bikes, sprint cars, etc.

Dave Brant looks forward to welcoming a big crowd.

January 2005

Fast Friday is proud to announce their annual crab feed and awards dinner, taking place on Saturday, January 22, 2005 at the Sierra Building in the Auburn Gold Country Fairgrounds.

Riders, sponsors, employees, friends, families are invited to attend.

There will be a huge raffle with a great selection of prizes.

 This will be an opportunity for Fast Fridays to honor Division Points Champions, the Youth National Champion, Division 1 Rookie of the Year, AMA National Champion, Sportsman of the Year, and the top 10 riders of each division will be presented with points money checks.

Tickets are available from Scott Auto Trim on Nevada Street in Auburn, or call Fast Fridays at 530 878 7223.

Tickets are $26.00 for adults or $10.00 for kids 6-12.

For non crab eaters there is an alternative beef dinner.

Reserve your tickets in advance, do NOT expect to buy a ticket at the door. Fast Fridays needs to know how many to cater for.


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