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2007 USA Speedway History - Northern California

New Northern California Speedway club to be formed

Former US international rider John Cook is spearheading the formation of a new Northern California Speedway club.

The purpose of the club is to accelerate the promotion of the sport thru:

1. Winter practice sessions
2. Sportsman level races
3. A youth development program

An open meeting will take place for all those interested at Lou La Bonte's restaurant in Auburn on December 8, 2007 from 9am to 11am.

Support so far has already been confirm by Bart Bast, Tommy Hedden, Kenny Ingalls, Bart Bardecki, Shawn Eldridge.

Any rider who is interested in learning more is encouraged to attend.

- Gary Roberts - groberts@iee.org

It is with deep regret that I have to announce that Steve Bast passed away this morning. (Tue Oct 30, 2007)

Steve's many speedway achievements include two National Championship wins 1969 and 1973, six California State Championship wins 1969, 1970, 1971, 1972, 1974 and 1975. He was a prominent scorer for the US team in USA vs The World events in 1974, 1975, 1976 and 1978.

My condolences go out his family.

There will be a memorial service and celebration of Steve's life on Sunday November 11th at noon. It will be in Auburn at Lou La Bonte's restaurant and family and friends are welcome. The restaurant is on the south frontage road by highway 80, just east of the Foresthill/Auburn Ravine exit. Northern California

- Gary Roberts - groberts@iee.org

The results for the 2007 AMA Nationals Championship are HERE.

The results for the 2007 Auburn Track Championship are HERE.

August 24, 2007 Auburn

North American U21
Starting Draw

1. John Marquez
2. Kenny Ingalls
3. Alex Marcucci
4. JT Mabry
5. Greg Hooten
6. Tori Hubbert
7. Mikey Buman
8. Dale Facchini
9. Justin Boyle
10. RJ Becerra
11. Tom Fehrman
12. Ricky Wells
13. Travis Henderson
14. Ronny Woodsford
15. Ricky Felicio
16. Steven Reese
R1 Scott York
R2 Michelle Fehrman

Youth National
Starting Draw

1. Mitchell Johnson
2. Joey Holt
3. Amber Felicio
4. Richard Crocker
5. Cody Ciciarelli
6. Kendra Warren
7. Gino Manzares
8. Jason Ramirez
9. Will Hilgenberg
10. Jamison Dilkey
11. Russell Green
12. Tyler Warren
13. Tanner Kane
14. Thomas Reich
15. Bryce Starks
16. Ben Essary
R1 Joseph Dingle
R2 Desi Fehrman
R3 Anison Maloney

Congratulations to Nate Perkins on becoming a Dad!
If anyone is wondering what has happened to Southern California visitor, rider and promoter, Nate Perkins, the answer is that Nate and his wife are the proud parents of a new baby girl. That's why we haven't seen or heard from Nate in the last while. Mom and baby doing great. Congratulations Nate, we look forward to seeing you back soon at Auburn.

Speedway Champion, John Cook, who is now recovering from his horrendous MX accident, is holding a speedway school at Madera Fairgrounds on August 9, 2007.

There are a limited number of places in the class, so it is suggested to book early.
Click here for more information.

Fast Friday Practice:
There will be a practice session this coming Friday, April 6 at Fast Fridays in Auburn.
It will run from 6pm till around 8pm.
All riders MUST be signed up for the 2007 season, with valid AMA and USA Speedway membership.
If you did not attend the sign up party today and you wish to sign up, you MUST do so before Friday night.
There is still time to mail in your entry assuming you have the necessary paperwork.
If you do not, then Dave Joiner is available at his office most of this week so give him a call at 530 878 7223 to arrange when your entry can be processed.
There will be nobody available on Friday night with whom the 2007 season sign up can be done.

Ivan Mauger School:
There are still a couple of open places for the Ivan Mauger school on Saturday April 7 and Sunday April 8.
If you wish to attend, contact Mike or Dee Ann Bast at 530 878 2928.

Kenny Ingalls Fund Raiser

Kevin Ingalls, father of Fast Fridays regular Kenny is inviting all speedway supporters, friends and family to join in for a fun golf tournament. The Ingalls are raising money to help with costs for the upcoming Dream Team trip to England. Kenny, along with fellow Californian speedway racers Bryan Yarrow and Tommy Hedden will be included with the team that will be making a racing tour of England this spring.

Support Team Ingalls's Dream Team Trip
Black Oak Golf Course, Auburn California
This Saturday February 17, 2007
Start Time - 8AM
$300.00 First Place
Tournament prizes, tee gifts, post play raffle and dinner
Four-Person scramble format
Entry fee $70.00 per player - 4 man team $280.00
Contact Kevin - (530) 367-4021

6 times World Champion, Ivan Mauger will be holding a training session at Auburn, the weekend of April 7, 2007.

For full details click HERE.

Gary Roberts - groberts@iee.org


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