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2009 USA Speedway History
Southern California

New Years Classic - 31st January Perris

Posted by: "Steve Evans"dreamteamspeedway@sbcglobal.net
Date: Sun Dec 27, 2009

The 4th annual New Years Classic is being held at Perris Raceway 1pm Sunday, 31st January. All divisions are welcome to race - D1, D2, D3, Jnr, PW, Powder Puff, Sidecar. Any rider who is interested in trying out for the 2010 Dream Team should attend this race, as the final team selection will be made most likely within 7 days of this event.

It is not clear at this stage if the event will be strictly for fun like the previous Perris events or if there will be a small purse for the D1 riders.

There will be no speedway sprint cars at this event. We hope, in light of the fact that IMS is closed for practice at this point to have a good rider turn out.

Note in light of keeping Perris going definitely volunteers are needed for sign ups, pits and flaggers. So, if you can't or don't ride, please help in any way you possibly can.

Email or call to sign up. It's just 5 weeks until the 7 week off season is over!

Perris Auto Speedway
18700 Lake Perris Drive
Perris, CA  92571
(951) 940-0134

For Further Information contact Scott Daloisio (909) 226-7768 or racesatthepas@aol.com; Kim Donner (951) 940-0134

For Immediate Release


(SEPTEMBER 28, 2009, PERRIS, CA)  Effective immediately, fans, racers and media members who want to keep up with all of the latest news at Perris Auto Speedway can do so at Twitter.  The service is free and will feature every class that races on the famous Riverside County clay oval including Sprint Cars, Stock Cars, Motorcycles and Off-Road.  The PAS Twitter address is: http://twitter.com/perrisautospdwy

Race information, results, weather and traffic conditions and Oval Nationals entries are just a few of the news items that will be featured in PAS tweets. 
For more information call The PAS at: (951) 940-0134.

Perris Auto Speedway is located on the Lake Perris Fairgrounds (home of October’s Southern California Fair), approximately one hour east of Los Angeles and one hour North of San Diego. To get to the track, take the 215 freeway, exit on the Ramona Expressway and go three miles east to the fairgrounds.

racesatthepas@aol.com is the only authorized Internet address to issue official media news released from The Perris Auto Speedway or Oval Entertainment

Perris October 4th Sign Ups

We need more riders to sign up for this event! It's a fun Clubman race, with all divisions partaking. I need the program ready early by Wednesday night, as Ryan Evans picks up the reigns as I leave for the UK on race day.

Start time has been pushed back to 2pm so that riders who do IMS the night before have time to get over.

I get asked a lot to do races at Perrisand whilst I know the number of races and tracks is stretching a lot of us right now I need your support. Perris is a pure back gate venue and the overhead is higher than my other tracks, so it for sure needs riders to come, race and enjoy!

As its a Clubman race if you have a bike, we'll run a class for it. I need to know ahead if you want to run a class, but Quads, Flat Track, Mini Bike, vintage speedway, you name it and have 4 riders, its a go!

Call me or email to sign up.

Steve Evans dreamteamspeedway@sbcglobal.net

October Perris, Victorville, and Ridgecrest Races

As you know the Dream Team tour is happening this October, and this tour will take me out of town for 2 weeks. I will therefore not be in attendance at the Perris Race on October 4th as that is the date we fly, will miss VV on the 17th & be back 5 days prior to Ridgecrest on the 24th. But, with or without me, the show goes on!

Luckily, Speedway Promotion is a team activity, and at all of my races there really are some amazing folk who get the show rolling. Therefore, all the tasks will be covered as listed below and you won't miss me at all getting in the way. Here are the details;

Perris 4th October
Pre Sign Ups / Program - Steve Evans
Race day Race Director - Ryan Evans (Ryan will handle any race day program additions / changes)
Asst Race Director - Tom Fox
Back Gate / Finances - Carrie Hancock

VV 17th October
Pre Sign Ups / Program - Ryan Evans (you can sign with Steve prior to October 4th)
Race day Race Director - Ryan Evans
Asst Race Director - Tom Fox
Back Gate / Finances - Leah Lyons

Ridgecrest 24 October
Sign Ups - Ryan Evans up to 19th, Steve after, otherwise business as usual!

Note that the best you can do for us here is to contact me ahead of time and pre-sign up for all events or let me know which you cannot make. Ryan is taking on the most work here and he is a huge asset to have, but I don't want to have him spending hours on the phone chasing up riders. Aside from the West Coast Champs at IMS on the 3rd, these races I believe are the only SoCal Speedway events in October.

Steve Evans dreamteamspeedway@sbcglobal.net

Sign ups are open for the Victorvillerace on September 5th, It will feature the 2009 USA Dream Team in their only US appearance before their historic October UK tour.

If you are a D1 rider not on the tour we would love to have you in the opposition team for the day.

Also a full program of D2, D3, Pee Wees, Powder Puffs and Sidecars will be on the show.

Email or call to get your entries in! Steve Evans, dreamteamspeedway@sbcglobal.net


Perris Auto Speedway
18700 Lake Perris Drive
Perris, CA 92571
(951) 940-0134

For Further Information contact Scott Daloisio (909) 226-7768 or racesatthepas@aol.com;

For Immediate Release


(JULY 7, 2009, PERRIS, CA) For the first time since 1996, Speedway Motorcycles return to Perris Auto Speedway this Saturday, July 11th, when the Riverside County track hosts the California State Speedway Longtrack Championship presented by Justice Brothers. The event, which is sanctioned by AMA/USA Speedway, will include First, Second and Third Division Speedway racing along with the spectacular 1,000cc Sidecars. Spectator gates will open at 5:00 PM. Practice will start at 5:00 with the first race at 7:00.

Saturday’s First Division entry list is like a “Who’s Who” of Southern California Speedway racing. Longtime stars Bobby “Boogaloo” Schwartz, “Flyin’” Mike Faria, Shawn McConnell, “Fast” Eddie Castro and Gary Hicks have all pre entered the new, prestigious event. They will be challenged by the newer generation of American stars including Jimmy Fishback, Tim Gomez, Shaun Harmatiuk and Ricky Wells. Wells, who is a rookie rider in for the Coventry Bees in England’s tough Elite League, is coming off his best British meeting when he scored 11 points vs Peterborough last week. If those riders are enough to wet your appetite for first class Speedway, perhaps the contingent of Northern California stars will reel you in. Current US National Champion Billy Janniro, Kenny Ingalls, Tommy Hedden and longtime veteran John Houston will all be journeying to Southern California for Saturday’s race. By the way, there may be a few surprise entries still to come.

“I am very impressed with the entry list for Saturday’s Speedway race,” Perris promoter Don Kazarian said. “I never dreamed it would be this good. The racing should be great. I again have to thank Howie Zechner and Steve Evans for getting all of these top riders for us. They have done a great job and it should be a great show for the fans.”

Saturday’s program will take place on the track’s inner quarter mile oval and will supply high speeds Southern California fans have not seen since Ascot closed in 1990. “For many riders, it will be their first time on a big track. That is the reason for practice,” Kazarian said. “Even for most of the veterans, it will be their first time on a track this size in quite some time. For them, it should only take a lap or two to adjust their gearing.”

Advance tickets for this Saturday are available 24 hours a day by calling 1-800-595-4849. They can also be ordered on the Internet at tix.com or perrisautospeedway.com.

For more information call The PAS at: (951) 940-0134.

Video and DVD productions of this event will be available from:xtremespeedwayaction.com

Perris Auto Speedway is on the Lake Perris Fairgrounds (home of the Southern California Fair), approximately one hour east of Los Angeles and one hour North of San Diego. To get to the track, take the 215 freeway, exit on the Ramona Expressway and go two miles east to the fairgrounds.

racesatthepas@aol.com is the only authorized Internet address to issue official media news released from The Perris Auto Speedway or Oval Entertainment

5000 at THE PAS 7/4 Sprinter/Fireworks

"Harald Zechner" razamataz91107@yahoo.com
Mon Jul 6, 2009

The Fourth of July was a beautiful Saturday night at the Perris Auto Fairgrounds. Approximately 5000 fans attended the races for two divisions of Sprint cars, Ford focus Midgets and a fireworks show. After a hot 100+ day the evening was cool and pleasant.

The near sell crowd made Saturdays nights Speedway booth at the PAS a big success. Once again Allen Doss brought his laydown as did #292 Mike Shultz. Both bikes were displayed under a blue popup with a 3x6 California Longtrack banner hung under it. A table held propaganda and schedules from all the other Speedway tracks. It was a nice clean setup and received lots of attention. Over three thousand Longtrack cards and fliers were given out. They must like the picture because I couldn't find any on the ground. Announcer Scott Daloisio gave the upcoming Longtrack race lots of PA.

Every paid admission received a $5.00 off coupon for the Wednesday night Speedway show at the Grand. It's nice to see the cross promotion work that has been going on between the PAS, The Grand and IMS. It's a good business model.

Also any of the 5000 spectators who were there can bring their 7/4 ticket stub to this Saturday Longtrack race and get $5.00 off our admission price.

Fairgrounds manager Vince Agnifili and several of his Board members were there. They are very excited and behind our upcoming race. They have already given Donnie Kazarian a second race date that will take place during their fair this year.

All in all. A good night of Speedway promotion and a good night of California State Longtrack promotion.

See you all Wednesday at "The Grand" or was that Friday at IMS? Well positively Saturday at "The PAS" (IMS, Fast Fridays, Costa Mesa, Vallejo and Victorville)


American Dream Team

"Steve Evans"dreamteamspeedway@sbcglobal.net
Date: Sun Jun 28, 2009

The famed American Dream Team will be touring the United Kingdom for a five race tour early in October. After consulting with Chris Van Straaten, Vice Chairman of the British Speedway Promoters Association, Gary and I have decided to pursue a fall tour. This is a great opportunity for any rider who is looking at a Pro career in Europe to put themselves in the shop window, especially as at the end of the English season promoters will be looking hard to find fresh talent for 2010.

A number of riders have already expressed an interest in the tour. Rider packs will all of the information on this opportunity will become available within a week.

There will be some administration changes from our end which will give riders much more predictability on the exact tour overhead.

If you have interest contact Gary (tmgracing@aol.com) or myself. We need to have the team named by the end of July and it is limited to seven riders.

Perris Auto Speedway
18700 Lake Perris Drive
Perris, CA 92571
(951) 940-0134

For Further Information contact Scott Daloisio (909) 226-7768 or racesatthepas@aol.com; Kim Donner (951) 940-0134

For Immediate Release


(JUNE 28, 2009, PERRIS, CA) On Saturday, July 11th, Perris Auto Speedway will host Speedway Motorcycle Racing for the first time in 13 years. The event will be the California State Speedway Long Track Championship and it will be sanctioned by USA Speedway and the American Motorcycle Association. Joining the Speedway motorcycles on the night will be the 1000cc Speedway Sidecars. Spectator gates will open at 5:00 PM. Practice will begin at 5:00 and the first race will bump off at 7:00.

In the late 1980s, Speedway Motorcycle racing was the first ever motorsports event held on the Lake Perris Fairgrounds, which is now home to Perris Auto Speedway. Current USA Speedway official Ryan Evans won that race.

From 1991 to 1993 Speedway Motorcycle racing was a regular Thursday event on the fairgrounds. However, the last time Speedway action took place on the fairgrounds was during the inaugural season of Perris Auto Speedway. In addition to the race on the 11th being the first Speedway race at The PAS since 1996, it will be the first Speedway Long Track race held in Southern California since a 1990 event at legendary Ascot Park in Gardena.

“We are really looking forward to this event,” Perris Auto Speedway promoter Don Kazarian said from behind his desk. “Speedway has been a longtime staple of the motorsports industry in Southern California and the sport seems to be on an upswing right now. Costa Mesa Speedway is the most famous American Speedway track and they have been going strong for 40 years. A new track just opened in San Bernardino last week. The Grand in City of Industry races every Wednesday night and Steve Evans promotes at a variety of tracks. We are very excited to be part of this sport.”

The race will take place on The PAS quarter-mile track. The quarter-mile hosted Flat Track Motorcycle racing last year for the first time and the show was a tremendous success. Flat Track racing returned to the quarter-mile two weeks ago and provided lots of close racing. Fans should expect to see the same when the Speedway Motorcycles take over July 11th.

Kazarian and his staff are going all out for this event. With the help of how Howie Zechner and Steve Evans, he expects a great show. “Howie and Steve are doing a tremendous job putting this event together for us,” Kazarian said. “They are assembling a star-studded field of riders and doing much of the footwork to get this event off the ground. We cannot thank them enough for all the hard work they have done.”

In addition to Zechner and Evans, Costa Mesa Speedway promoter Brad Oxley will be preparing the track at The PAS. A few weeks ago when Kazarian was asked if he would like to have Oxley's help in preparing the surface, the longtime promoter lit up like a Christmas tree. “I think that would be great,” he said with a big smile. “Brad Oxley has been building Speedway tracks for a long, long time and he knows what he is doing. Not only has he built the track at Costa Mesa, but he also built the tracks at Long Beach Veterans Stadium and at the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum for the 1982 World Speedway Championship. He prepared the track for us the last time we ran Speedway in 1996. Brad's involvement will make for a top notch track that will provide great racing for the fans and the riders.”

Billy “The Bullet” Hamill, the 1996 World Speedway Champion and a five time US National Champion, has been named Grand Marshal for the prestigious race. “Billy Hamill is one of the greatest riders in American Speedway history,” Kazarian said. “In his career, he was not only a great Speedway rider, but a great ambassador to the sport as well. His work with the younger riders over the years has been a tremendous help to American Speedway and we are honored to have him as Grand Marshal.”

Advance tickets for the California State Speedway Long Track Championship are available 24 hours a day by calling 1-800-595-4849. They can also be ordered on the Internet at tix.com or perrisautospeedway.com.

For more information on this event you can call The PAS office at (951) 940-0134. Howie Zechner at (626) 449-1175 or Steve Evans at (310) 309-9418.

Perris Auto Speedway is on the Lake Perris Fairgrounds (home of the Southern California Fair), approximately one hour east of Los Angeles and one hour North of San Diego. To get to the track, take the 215 freeway, exit on the Ramona Expressway and go two miles east to the fairgrounds.

racesatthepas@aol.com is the only authorized Internet address to issue official media news released from The Perris Auto Speedway or Oval Entertainment

Billy Hamill Long Track Grand Marshall

Posted by: "Harald Zechner" razamataz91107@yahoo.com
Date: Wed Jun 17, 2009

1996 World Champion Billy Hamill was named Grand Marshall to The 2009 California State Longtrack Speedway Championship that will be held Saturday July 11, 2009 at the Perris Auto Speedway in Perris California.

I'm honored Billy stated. "I love Longtrack racing and desperately want to compete. If any race could make me come out of retirement this would be the one".

The PAS normally runs Sprint, Midgets and Stock cars on it's 1/2 mile clay surface but for this event track owner Donnie Kazarian will prepare a 440 meter dirt track.

Speedway's a good show Donnie was quoted. It use to run here semi regularly and I'd like to see that happen again. Not weekly but several times a year would be good. I think the spectator base would support it".

Track announcer Scott Daloisio is also a huge Speedway supporter and historian. I did press, pictures, video commentary and wrote for Cycle News on the Speedway circuit for years he told me. "I'm still involved and helping tracks like The Grand and new IMS venues".

CEO and Manager of this State owned Fairgrounds Vince Agnifili is also a big Speedway disciple. "I worked for years with John Smith and Harry Oxley at the Costa Mesa Fairgrounds and even promoted a couple of Speedway races in Santa Barbara". "If this event is a success I'll make a place for them to race during our 2009 Southern California Fair in October".

Speedway Sidecars will also be featured along with support class divisions.

Spectator gates open at 5pm.
Practice between 5 and 6:30pm
Racing starts at 7:00pm

Bring Longtrack back to California. Ride, support, sponsor.

Perris Auto Speedway is on the Lake Perris Fairgrounds approximately one hour east of Los Angeles and one hour North of San Diego. To get to the track, take the 215 freeway, exit on the Ramona Expressway and go two miles east to the fairgrounds.

More event information at perrisautospeedway.com.
Rider contact Steve Evans, dreamteamspeedway@sbcglobal.net 310.309.9418
Sponsor Media contact, Howie Zechner, howie@razvideo.com 626.449.1175

PAS Saturdays Longtrack Display

Posted by: "Harald Zechner" razamataz91107@yahoo.com
Date: Tue Jun 16, 2009

Saturday nights Speedway booth at the PAS was a big hit. It was busy all night as Steve Evans and I handed out flyers for our upcoming Longtrack Championship and all the tracks, Costa Mesa, Fast Fridays, The Grand and IMS. The only two that were missing was Charlie's (we didn't have any of his) and Steve who forgot his (that won't happen again).

We displayed a laydown machine. Most of those class C racing fans had never seen one. There were lots of questions. What kind of bike, why no brakes, what kind of fuel, how much do they cost, where do they race, excreta, excreta. Boy if I have to hear "I use to go to Costa Mesa" again I'll scream.

The pits were a different story. When I got there it was a little after 3pm and Greg Ayers and sponsor Geoff Arnold were all set up with a truck and bike.

Greg got to take the Team Joker machine out for some practice laps before the spectators got there. All and I mean all the Class C guys came to the edge of the track and watched as he burned about four laps. The bike was under geared but still cut a good pace. It looked really graceful on the track. All commented on how well it ran, it was the talk of the pit's.

During intermission about halfway through the show Greg got to go again. This time the bike was properly geared and it ripped. Two laps and then a lay-down in turn three. The crowd went crazy and cheered as Greg got up and took the still running machine for a couple of more. I must admit I forgot how well Ayers rode Ascot back in the day. Don't under estimate his ability to win the Longtrack title. He was fearless Saturday.

I asked Greg how it was. He was beaming. This Longtrack Championship is really going to be good he replied. "I like this track".

All in all a good day for Speedway. Except for missing Bobby Schwartz win at Costa Mesa it was almost perfect.

Want to thank Allen Doss and his family for coming out and allowing us to display his machine and to Joker and Greg for their professional pit setup, ultra clean motorcycle and a intermission show their probably still talking about.

Thanks Gene Romero for allowing us to be at your show, Donnie Kazarian for allowing us to play in your sandbox and Scott Daloisio for all the Speedway plugs for our race and all the Southern tracks.


Information, sponsorship, rider signup:
Steve Evans, dreamteamspeedway@sbcglobal.net 310.309.94
Howie Zechner, Howie Zechner 626.449.1175

After a 19 year absence Longtrack Speedway racing returns to California

Posted by: Harald Zechner
Date: Sat Jun 13, 2009 1:28 am (PDT)

The bikes are light, the riders are fearless, the track is fast, the competition is intense.

Long Track Speedway races have a rich tradition and are held all over the world on dirt 440 meter or larger tracks. Germany has some of the fastest and best known. They are always well attended by riders and fans alike. Both like the speed, thrill and excitement of a big race track.

The last Longtrack event held here on the West Coast was in 1990 at Ascot in Gardena California and won by Jeremy Doncaster from England.

1997 Speedway World Champion and seven-time AMA National Champion Greg Hancock was the last American to win the Ascot Longtrack in 1989.

Shawn Moran is America's only World Longtrack Champion. He won the crown in 1983.

The 2009 California State Longtrack Speedway Championship will be held Saturday July 11, 2009 at the Perris Auto Speedway in Perris California.

The event pays a $5,000.00 purse and is sanctioned by the AMA and USA Speedway.

Speedway Sidecars will also be featured. Alcohol powered four cylinder 1000cc motors in specially constructed lightweight frames these two man rockets also are thrilling on a big track.

We're going to run a full program co-promoter Steve Evans stated. 2nd and 3rd division will also be on the ticket. "Lot's of these riders race at my Victorville track on a regular basis but never get an opportunity to be on anything this large. They don't have the experience our 1st division riders have. It will be exciting".

Spectator gates open at 5pm. Fans are welcome to come early and watch the bikes and sidecars practice. Practice will that also start at five.

Racing starts at 7:00 p.m. Saturday night, July 11 at the Lake Perris Fairgrounds in Perris Ca. Speedway Motorcycle Racing is the Original Extreme Sport. Be a part of the action.

More event information at perrisautospeedway.com.
Rider contact Steve Evans, dreamteamspeedway@sbcglobal.net 310.309.9418
Sponsor Media contact, Howie Zechner, Howie Zechner 626.449.1175

2009 IMS Poster - Download and Print


PAS Long Track 11 July Sign Ups

Posted by: "Steve Evans"dreamteamspeedway@sbcglobal.net
Date: Thu Jun 11, 2009 10:06 pm ((PDT))

The much anticipated State Long Track Championships is now open for sign ups! There will be a $5,000 purse on offer on the 440 meter track. This could be perhaps the race of the season in a year with quite a lot of story lines to offer! The proposed program will feature 18 D1 Riders plus 12 each in Division 2 and 3, as well as Sidecars. There WILL be practice on the day, so riders will be able to get a few laps to get set ups down before the show begins. Entry fees are $35 to race, $25 to pit.

Please note that ALL sign ups need to come through myself as I am keeping the master sign up sheet, so if in doubt, call me or drop me an email so we don't miss your spot on the show.

This is going to be something, Howie is going to fill in more details a little later. The best riders at incredible speed will be a sight for us all to behold!

4th July at Ridgecrest

From: Steve Evans <dreamteamspeedway@sbcglobal.net>
Sent: Thursday, June 11, 2009 6:25:41 PM
Subject: 4th July at Ridgecrest - Sign Ups Open!

One of the biggest races of the year, and the biggest at Ridgecrest, is the 4th July Firecracker Derby. The Ridgecrest track last time was best ever - Costa Mesa sized with some great racing! There will also be a giant fireworks display after the show. The D1 Main Event will pay at least $400 to the winner, with a purse above the AMA Minimum.

Please email or phone 310 309 9418 to enter!

2009 California State Longtrack Speedway Championship

The 2009 California State Longtrack Speedway Championship will race Saturday July 11, 2009 at the Perris Auto Speedway in Perris California.

What a great opportunity to bring LongTrack Speedway back to the Southland PAS track owner Donnie Kazarian said. “I use to watch them race at Ascot, they were very fast and very scary.”

200 pound bikes, 500cc power plants, methanol fuel, 85+ horsepower, no brakes, a 440 meter dirt track. This is as serious as it gets. Big gears, big speed. If you make a mistake here it will hurt you.

Sanctioned by the American Motorcyclist Association and USA Speedway Inc. and paying a $5000. purse this event will bring out Americas top Speedway pilots.

We expect a full rider turnout including 1st, 2nd and 3rd division Victorville Speedway promoter Steve Evans said. The riders have very little opportunity to really go fast. On Saturday June 11 that won’t be a problem.

Plus we’ve added Sidecars to the program. 4 cylinder 1000cc motors, fueled with alcohol and nitrous going the wrong way on the track. Sure, what could go wrong there.

Don’t miss this opportunity. It all starts at 7:00 p.m. Saturday night, July 11 at the Lake Perris Fairgrounds in Perris CA. Come see for yourself why we call Speedway Motorcycle Racing the Original Extreme Sport.

More event information:

Rider/Sponsor contact:
Steve Evans,dreamteamspeedway@sbcglobal.net
Howie Zechner, Howie Zechner

2009 Clubman Amateur Nationals

Posted by: "Steve Evans"dreamteamspeedway@sbcglobal.net
Mon June 1, 2009 10:24 pm (PDT)

This hugely successful event from last season will be held again at Perris Raceway, on its now traditional day after the Costa Mesa Nationals, 20th September. This will be the day for all D2 and D3 riders to star, with National Title's on the line. We will also host a PW50 National Speedway Championship on the same bill.
So, put this date in your diary - we want this to be even better than last time!

Perris June 7th

Steve Evans dreamteamspeedway@sbcglobal.net
Date: Fri May 29, 2009 10:17 pm ((PDT))

Unfortunately we will not be able to hold the race that was 'provisional' on the schedule for June 7th. By the time we were able to contact the Speedway Sprint drivers it was too late for a lot of them to attend. Without the double bill of Speedway Sprints and bikes Perris is not a viable venue at this point.

The remaining Perris dates this year are still on the schedule and are a go. The Clubman Amateur Nationals will be held on 20th September, our next race will be 23rd August. We also have 4 October and 1 November on the schedule.

If anyone is under doubt that Perris could fade away with the number of tracks in SoCal, that is not the case. In fact, when the track is made bigger to a full quarter mile, it will become an important cog in the growing SoCal Speedway scene. We will have a true European sized track to prepare riders for their careers overseas.

Wells/Hancock/Janniro @ 5.7.09 AMA/USA Speedway Nationals Series Round 1

1997 World Champion and seven-time AMA National Champion Greg Hancock will compete in Round One of the AMA/USA Speedway National Championship Series at the Orange County Fairgrounds in Costa Mesa, California on Saturday, June 6.

Sanctioned by the American Motorcyclist Association and USA Speedway Inc. and inscribed by the Federation Internationale de Motociclisme (FIM), the National Championship Series is considered one of the most prestigious motorcycle races of the year. If you want to be the AMA Speedway National Champion then this is where it starts. You can't get there unless you're here.

This is the fourth consecutive year International Speedway has hosted round one at the Orange County Fairgrounds and it has gotten a real following from competitors and fans alike. "This is serious high-dollar stuff," Costa Mesa promoter Brad Oxley told USA Speedway Board member Harald Zechner. "The best of the best will be here. They want the title, they want the money."

Hancock, who competes in and is currently third in the exclusive European-based World Speedway Grand Prix Series, makes his home in Costa Mesa. "I started my career here in the Costa Mesa 'bullring' as a junior and won my first AMA National Championship here in 1995. Now I want to be the first American to win an eighth U.S. National Speedway title." Hancock is currently tied with retired Speedway legend Mike Bast who won seven national titles back in the 1970's.

"Forget what Hancock says," Billy Janniro the defending AMA National Champion told Zechner. "I'm winning that #1 plate again this year and nothing's going to stop me." He could be right. Janniro won all three rounds in last year's AMA National Championship Series and has been very strong in his early showings this season.

"I can beat those guys," is Zechner's quote from 17 years old two-time U.S. Under 21 National Champion Ricky Wells. "I'm flying in from England and I don't plan on losing." This will be Wells's first appearance in America since leaving to race for the Coventry Bees in the British Elite League earlier this year. In 2007 the Yorba Linda resident became the youngest winner of the Costa Mesa Fair Derby race when he won at the age of 15. Last Sunday he qualified for the 2009 Under 21 World Championship Semi-Finals to be held next month.

With a $10,400 cash purse plus contingencies the 22-rider line up is impressive and will feature the very best we have in America.

It all starts at 7:00 p.m. Saturday night, June 6 at the Orange County Fairgrounds in Costa Mesa. Come see for yourself why we call Speedway Motorcycle Racing the Original Extreme Sport.

Want more? CostaMesaSpeedway.net

Don't even think about missing it.
Howie Zechner

Speedway in Chino, CA

Posted by: "East Coast Speedway Promotions" eastcoastspeedway@hotmail.com
Date: Mon May 25, 2009 3:59 pm ((PDT))

Shawn McConnell and I are pleased to announce that another part of our organization has secured the lease on the Chino, CA Fairgrounds facility and we now have exclusive rights to promote speedway motorcycle racing there in the future. This is another very exciting development for us and the sport. Several other promoters have held the facility in very high regard and have tried to get in there in the past. The facility is first class and could be an awesome future home for speedway. It is a real gem in a great area.

First thing is first though, we have our hands full at the moment making sure that we get IMS up and running successfully! If all goes well though, the plan is to add Chino down the road and possibly to run several events in the not too distant future.

Posted by: "dogynn@aol.com" dogynn@aol.com
Date: Mon May 25, 2009 11:30 pm ((PDT))

I have had several phone calls tonight in regards to the Chino track. There seems to be some confusion. Just to clarify that as Jason said, San Bernardino is our main priority and we definitely have our hands full with that. We want to be certain that we get that up and running and make it the best facility that we possibly can.

We are in no way trying to compete with the other promoters. We fully support each and every track and strongly encourage everyone to do the same. I will personally be racing each and every Wednesday at Industry, Saturday at Costa Mesa, For Steve Evans whenever I possibly can, and hopefully at San Bernardino as well (if I have time). Industry is one of the greatest facilities for weekly speedway racing in the world -no rain outs ever. Costa Mesa is THE track. Steve Evans also does a great job with Victorville, Perris, and Ridgecrest. Our ultimate goal is to increase interest in our sport. More interest=more tracks=more riders=bigger purses=more fun.

Chino IS a cool facility, and down the road it would be a great place to run some special events. (Championship rounds, qualifying rounds-possibly creating a 4 round series in Southern California, off season racing, etc) but as Jason said... this is future.

(We also send our support to all the tracks throughout Northern California, New York, and the rest of the States)

Shawn McConnell


Victorville Eliminapolis 500 Sign Ups Open

The last Victorville race of the Spring season will be held this coming Saturday night at 6pm, 23 May. Due toCosta Mesa, Ridegcrest and the PAS taking up several saturday's, this will be our last event for almost 2 months.

All classes with feature. The D1 Main Event will be run on an awesome Last Man Out format featuring the top 8 scorers (only 4 on the track at one time!), with the winner taking home $500. It will feature Indy 500 style 'bumping' as the lower scorers try to bump higher scorers to make the final 4.

Victorville has produced some great racing this year and this one should be no different. Jimmy Fishback has already signed up for his 1st ride of the year in the High Desert.

If anyone out there would like to sponsor $100, we will also run Last Man Out Mains for D2 and D3, on a $100 winner take all basis per division.

The Eliminapolis 500 is sponsored by Valley-Hi Toyota Scion and presented by Ministry Clothing.

Email or call to get on the show! Next VV race will be 18 July, an 8 week break.

Perris - 10th May cancelled, next date TBC

Next Ridgcrest race 15th May

Inland Motorcycle Speedway

Well, it has been five years or more in the making but I am very pleased to announce that Shawn McConnell and I have agreed to a five-year exclusive contract to promote speedway motorcycle racing at the National Orange Show in San Bernardino, CA. Together, Shawn and I will be re-opening Inland Motorcycle Speedway. It is our goal bring speedway back to the Inland Empire and restore this famous facility to it's former glory!

We are now 5 days into constructing the racetrack which will sit approx. 300 feet from the site of the original location and in the same area that Charlie Venegas used for his track in 2001 and 2002. We would like to express our respect and thanks to Charlie for his efforts in promoting speedway in San Berdoo which helped open the doors for this opportunity. Our respect and thanks also go out to the Oxley family who helped continue with several races in 2003, to the different promoters of Glen Helen Raceway who helped keep the IMS banner going and most importantly, to John LaDouceur and family who created and built IMS into one of the most well-respected speedway tracks in the world!

The new IMS will officially be known as Inland Motorsport Speedway but we are sure it will be affectionately referred to by most as IMS which will help catch the attention of some of the old fans in the area.

Our priority with this project is to provide a fun, fair, AFFORDABLE AND ENTERTAINING venue while doing our best to bring back past history and create many more years of new history for our great sport. IMS will be for people of all ages but not for people who can't have fun! We also want to see the other tracks be successful!

At this time we would like to release some information listed below...

IMS can and will be used as a full-time practice facility to help replace the void left when Maely's closed. Speedway rentals and instruction will be available at IMS.

We are building it as close to a replica of the old IMS as possible and there will be seating on both sides to begin with.

The racing surface will be slightly longer and wider than Costa Mesa and Industry and will have LOTS OF DIRT which is why IMS was regarded as one of the best tracks in the world.

Opening night is tentatively set for June, 19th. We will be racing mostly on Fridays at 8pm. We have a midnight curfew so no races will be cut short although we plan to run a timely program that should conclude before 11. We may have a couple Thursday night specials and possibly a Saturday or two when CM is dark late in season.

We will not be AMA sanctioned.

All current approved speedway mufflers will be welcome.

Any first division riders who wear motocross gear will be strongly encouraged to wear proper speedway suits but will have to wear a speedway race jacket with your number on the back should you choose to wear moto equipment. Shawn says this will be strictly enforced. If you need a race jacket see Trish Wells at Kiwi Covers or Kelcey Gordon at NJK Leathers ASAP.

Our staff will consist of some of the best people in speedway...Bruce Flanders, Steve Lucero, Ryan Evans, Mike Reed, Carrie Hancock and Jean Fink are just some of the people who have already joined the team!

Our souvenir stand will be second to none. Watch for some exciting announcements!

Several big name riders who have not raced recently have indicated they will be coming out of retirement to race IMS. Several young talented racers who have not been racing regularly have said they will be racing IMS consistently. Fans may be pleasantly surprised at who a few of these riders are!

We are working on pricing but want to assure people that front gate admissions will be LESS than $15.00 for reg events and back gate prices will not exceed $30.00 per rider and will be LESS than $20.00 for mechanics.

We are looking into other fun events for the track on non-speedway nights like super-moto, mini-bike races, TT, John Aden's karts, microds, ATV's, etc.

We plan to have some special events at IMS including the Ken Maely Shoe championship and some old IMS favorite big Championships that we will announce soon.

We will be launching a new website soon that will be created by Dennis Preston who has done an awesome job with the new CM site.

There will be lots of other developments but we will leave you hanging on those for now!

Shawn and I would like to thank our wife's and families for being so supportive and although we are certain to forget someone, we want to especially thank TYR Construction, the Orange Show, Ken Niehart, Gary Gomez, Ryan Evans, the Oxley's, Dennis Preston, Fred Facchini, Joker Machine, Scot Daloisio, Team Swollen, Kelly Inman, Cary Cotterman, Donny Odom, etc. for special assistance and Greg Hancock, Billy Hamill and Steve Evans amongst many who have went out of their way to offer support. Sorry to anyone who we may have left out.

We want to point out that this in no way will have any negative effect on the tracks in NY. We plan a full season there and have some great things happening.

In closing, we NEED HELP!!! If anyone has any contacts or interest in helping with sponsorship or construction, we would love to hear from you! We really could use a hand with electrical, chain-link fencing, crashwall materials and constructing, etc. Please feel free to contact eastcoastspeedway@hotmail.com or dogynn@aol.com.

Thank you very much, let's put speedway back on the map!

Jason Bonsignore and Shawn McConnell
Inland Motorsport Speedway

USA Speedway National Championship

All riders who wish to participate in the USA Speedway National Championship Series must fill out a Letter of Intent form to participate in the Series. Every rider must fill out the form regardless of whether or not they are seeded into the Series or if they have to be selected.

The form can be downloaded from theUSA Speedway website. Riders must have their Letter of Intent submitted by Saturday, May 16. A completed Letter of Intent may be mailed to the address on the form, scanned and e-mailed to info@usaspeedway.org, or submitted to a USA Speedway Board Member (Dave Joiner at Fast Fridays or Ryan Evans at Costa Mesa.)

The AMA/USA Speedway National Championship Series will have three rounds with the schedule as follows:

Saturday, June 6 - Costa Mesa Speedway - Costa Mesa, California
Friday, July 10 - Fast Fridays Speedway - Auburn, California
Friday, October 2 - Fast Fridays Speedway - Auburn, California

2009 Speedway League

A three team Speedway League will take place this year during the main season itself rather than at the end of the year as has been previously traditional. It will be aimed at the D1 riders and Upper D2 riders. Victorville, Ridgecrest and Perris are the three named tracks, though other promotions are welcomed to enter teams if they wish.

Most likely each event will be based around a 14 heat format for 6 man teams. Riders will be assigned and designated to race for one team only, as previous competitions were devalued with riders switching teams too often.

The provisional dates are:

Perris - August 23rd (Vs Victorville), October 4th (Vs Ridgecrest)
Victorville - July 18th (Vs Ridgecrest), September 26th (Vs Perris)
Ridgecrest - Aug 1st (Vs Perris), September 11th (Vs Victorville)

Sign up sheets will be circulated as from the nextVictorville event on May 2nd. Riders will be invited to choose their preferred home track.

We expect to 'raise the bar' on quality of racing and show from previous team championships. Team racing is after all the backbone of World Speedway and is something unique that we have over other forms of motor sports.

Note: Riders who wish to be considered for the Dream Team tour this fall need to race in this series as team riding experience is vital preparation.

Victorville Sign Ups are open for 18th April race - its the last chance for the younger riders (and indeed the older ones!) to get some laps in before the Gumball & Vet Masters races at Perris the following week.

Sign ups are open early as I will be away from 10-14 April.

As well as the regular show we have our annual 'Holeshot' contest. Its the fastest, most brutal last man out race as the race ends at the exit of turn 2! Last year perennial slow gater Fast Eddie Castro stunned the field and won!This year, ALL D1 riders will get a chance to qualify for this unique race.

Enjoy this coming weekend as we have racing every weekend in SoCal from 18 April with the next weekend off being 10th October!

Do your river / Vegas trip now as Speedway has your plans mapped out into the Fall!

Steve Evans dreamteamspeedway@sbcglobal.net

The next Perris Speedway event after the Gumball is confirmed for March 8th at 1pm. The format will be as last time with all divisions present.

The Victorville opener is the following saturday at 6pm. Steve Evans dreamteamspeedway@sbcglobal.net

Gumball Rally

Just to let everyone know the info again:
Gumball Rally Feb 14-15th

*open practice Sat the 14th - 9-3pm
*Vet masters race - 6pm
*Awards and BBQ - 8pm
*Bubblegum blowing contest prelims during BBQ
*Gumball Rally Sunday the 15th - 1pm
*Bubblegum blowing championships during intermission

RV Parking Saturday and Sunday night (no hookups)

$10 per day spectator passes
$10 per day RV Parking
$20 to practice
$20 to race
$10 additional to race a 2nd class

*Races are available for sponsoring @ $50 per race
*Product sponsorships are also avail as all kids will get a gift bag

Race sponsorship $ can be brought to the track, or mailed to me at:
Kelly Inman
2222 Pacific Ave #A
Costa Mesa, Ca. 92627
Gumball Rally

Thank you in advance!
Kelly, Billy and Gene

Ventura Flat Track Schedule
Posted by: "Malcolm Roe" malcolmroe@wildblue.net
Date: Mon Jan 19, 2009 8:34 am (PST)

The Ventura schedule is out. It's way late and of course clashes with already scheduled races.

New Years Classic at Perris - 25 January 1pm

The annual New Years Classic race is ON! We will hold this event at Perris Raceway on January 25th at 1pm, the early start time is there so we can do it in relatively good weather. All Divisions are invited, including Sidecars, Juniors, PWs and Powder Puffs if the girls want to get some laps in pre-Gumball Rally. As far as a Division One Purse, this is completely dependent on the event itself covering its overhead. If the target overhead is covered, the excess, up to $1,000, will be thrown in as a purse. Riders signing up however do need to understand that this is an out of season event, purely being done by myself to answer the demand of riders who want a competitive skid. Only three of the five races at Perris in 2008 covered their overhead and the June race only did thanks to the 50 British tourists who came to be spectators; Perris as a venue is a great race track and it is especially good for the younger crowd as its the closest in size to a British track, but it also is a basic facility and is not a Professional Speedway facility. So, D1 riders, if you want a skid, sign up. If you need to make purse money, I understand but cannot promise it, but you folks know me by now, if I can, I will. So, get those entries in! We need 40 entries who show up to break even. It seems longer than the 8 weeks it has been since the last Victorville! So email or call to get on the show. I will be at the USA Speedway Awards Banquet on the 11th so you can see me in person. I would also appreciate if you could spread the word to your own contacts, friends, families and sponsors.

Steve Evans dreamteamspeedway@sbcglobal.net

Victorville Opener Date Change

This event has been brought forward 1 week to March 14th so that the American Speedway Community does not have to miss any action if they choose to fly to England for the Billy Hamill Farewell race on March 22.
Start time will most likely be 6pm.


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