American Speedway  

1999 ICE Indoor
Speedway Racing

ICE Racing Index

Indoor ICE Speedway Racing

1999 WSRA ICE Speedway World Championship

Moline, Illinois

Round Ten of the Sixteen Round Series

Brought to you by
Hardee's presents: Bi-Lo ICE Campionships

James Birkinshaw (Bikes
Louis Smith (Quads)

The Mark of the Quad Cities
Thursday and Friday February 4-5, 1999 The Mark of the Quad Cities
1201 River Drive
Moline, Illinois

James Birkinshaw (Bikes)
Louis Smith (Quads)

Unofficial results by Kim Gregory

Another fun packed weekend with a few extras. Dale Jones, Davy Cimron and a couple of other local Flat Track riders, put on a good couple of races, and took some speedway riders out onto their lake on Friday. A radio controlled car race with local disk jockeys fizzled out in the intermission. Matt King took James Birkinshaw into the wall in the second corner turn of heat two. Pat Hurley repeated this move in heat eight, taking Bobby Richards out. Some good passing in the final races, and a good battle with the 'Rooster' on his Harley Quad, and Mandy. Rooster tried to bump Mandy out down the straight, but Mandy held her line, and the Harley spun into the infield.


                     | 1  2  3  7  8  9     lc final points
# 2 James Birkinshaw |    2        1    =15 ->  1   15+45=60
# 5 Anthony Barlow   | 3        1       =13 T   2   13+40=53
# 6 Stuart Robson    | 1              2 =15 ->  3   15+35=50
# 7 Matt King        |    1           3 =13 T   4   13+30=43
# 9 David Meldrum    |       1        1 =20 ->  6   20+20=40
# 4 John Grant       |       4  2       = 6 T   5    6+25=31
#11 Nick Fafard      | 2        3       = 8 3        8+ 3=11
#16 Bob Richards     |       3     3    = 6 3        6+ 3= 9
#17 Brendan Fennessy | 4           2    = 6 3        6+ 3= 9
#10 Adrian Newman    |       2     0    = 5                5
#15 Kim Gregory      |    3     4       = 4                4
#14 Joe Gawith       |    4           4 = 2                2
# 8 Shawn Hurley     |             4    = 1                1

Heat points are awarded 1st=10, 2nd=5, 3rd = 3, 4th = 1 point
The 'Last Chance' race pays 3 points to the riders that 
do not transfer to the final race


            riders     heat points       lc  final  points
#17 Louis Smith              |  10+ 5=15   ->  1     15+40=55
# 6 Josh Starrett            |  10+ 5=15   ->  2     15+35=50
# 4 John Grant               |  10+10=20   ->  3     20+30=50
# 2 Mandy "Wild Child" Brodil|   5+ 3= 8   T   4      8+25=33
# 3 Chuck Moores             |   1+10=11   T   5     11+20=31
# 5 Michael Goodrich         |   3+10=13   ->  6     13+15=28
# 7 Brent Densford           |   3+ 1= 4   3
# 8 Jeremy Wahl              |   5+ 3= 8   T   7      8+10=18
#11 Terry Dan Reed          |   5+ 1= 6   3
#10 Dennis S                 |   1+ 5= 6
#18 Ryan                     |   3+ 1= 4
#19 Joe Thomas               |   1+ 3= 4   3

See The riders page for the current Point standings in the Series

Photos from the Quad-City Times, click on picture section for full view.
Black + White bike photo is James Birkinshaw left, Nick Fafard down. Top color insert is #3 Chuck Moores (center), John Grant up on two wheels, and # 2 Mandy "Wild Child" Brodil left. Lower color insert is # 8 Jeremy Wahl leading, # 6 Josh Starrett close behind.

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