2013 Speedway Long Track National Championship Series
Speedway Long Track National Championship
July 19, 2013 Wauseon, Ohio by Michael DeChamplain
On Friday July 19, 2013, before an SRO crowd, the 7th annual Classic Flat Track Half Mile Races were held. This event just seems to get better and better every year, just like a circa vintage aged ole' wine – cheers. I wouldn't miss it for the world, and if you've never had the opportunity to show up, mark you calendar date down for the 3rd weekend of July 2014, NOW!! Believe me, you won't regret it! Well, enough grandstanding, here is the report and results.
Blessed with a beautiful Fry-day, bow howdy it sure was a scorcher (mid 90's) and muggsville. Thank God we were lucky to have a consistent steady breeze goin' that alone saved all our hinnies. What, me worry – let alone complain – heck no, it was calling for severe t-storms. For some reason that storm hit everywhere except Wauseon, karma baby Parma. The whole event from start to finish went on without a hitch, with only a couple of mild get off's. Thanks to the professional crew, family, friends and volunteers of the Scotty & Staci Brown's well oiled promotion machine aka the Bike Days M-C Club. These guys and gals got this show down to an art form. As usual, the limestone cushion half mile was in fine form, "This is not a fluke!" The Brown crew works it from Tuesday (16th) on. The only "un-flat" area is a slight hump between turns 1 and 2. This is unavoidable since trucks and horses roll out of the two gates between these turns on a daily basis, but most racers use this to their advantage, rollin' with the punches – track personality I call it.
Gallant speedway motorcycle racers showed up to rumble at the Fulton County Fairgrounds oval, from the Ohio State surrounding area (Michigan, Indiana and Illinois), including Ohio. After getting the hot laps out of the way, it was time to start up the heat races.
The Speedway Long Track National Championship consisted of 1 practice, 4 heats and 1 LCQ – plenty of rides (thank you Scotty!). Then on with the mains, which are the B Main and the A Main. To me, B main means before the A Main, which it is. Dan Weicht #1, Indiana, and John Debats #41x did not have to enter the LCQ, they had the points gathered from the heats to get right to the A Main baby.
Now for the "Big Shoe" (I mean show) – the A Main. Dan Weicht #1 Indiana, defending his 2nd year in a row (2011 and 2012) Speedway Long Track National #1 plate always shows up to complete, unfortunately so do a lot of other guys. When you're holding down a #1 plate, you always get the wolves trying to knock down your door. This Main was no exception. John Debats (JD #41x Michigan), Alan Rush (#119 Indiana), and Chris Hathaway (#82 Indiana) were the afford mentioned. A horrible break for Chris Hathaway (#82 Indiana) B.S.A. (Bike Stopped Again) carb problems shot down his chances to dethrone the champ. DNF, he graciously bowed out, a true sportsman. This left JD and Alan Rush a 3 man Main. Locked into position, the green start took off and I mean took off! This race from start to finish was a cookin' battle between Danny and JD. It reminded me of last year's 2012 race between Jack Warren (# 82 Michigan) in his 70's (sorry Jack). Jack put it to the two young whippersnappers, Chad Rall (#52x Ohio) and George Roeder II (#66 Ohio). John Debats got the holeshot not like the previous year (2012) when his two speed tranny went south. John Debats held the lead into turn 1 but momentarily lost it coming out of turn 2. This was the beginning of a knock down drag out winner take all romp between Danny and John. In four short furious traditional speedway laps, the lead position rocked back and forth three separate times between Danny and John. It was like the devil himself was trying to pitchfork their rear tires. Man it was exciting, as many times that I've witnessed action like this, nothing beats a great speedway race, no offense to the other classes, but Speedway "wicks it on" – all the way through – even in the corners. Alan Rush (#119 Indiana) did his best to stay close, but these guys were on another level. In the end, Dan Weicht (#1 Indiana) held John Debats off right to the finish line. Third time's the charm. An Indiana hat trick, three years straight National Long Track Champion. Congratulations Dan Weicht (#1 Indiana) thanks to John Debats (#41 Michigan) and Alan Rush (#119 Indiana) for contributing to a great memorable day at the races! Don't worry guys, there's always next year.
The B Main action began with a clean start, as Michael DeChamplain (#63 Michigan) yours truly got the holeshot. Being the B Main, the pack was pretty even going into Turn 1. This is where Steve Brinker (#32 Indiana) took over and never looked back. The two Michigan boys, Mark Engel (#3 Michigan) and Mike Callen (#33e Michigan) had a little brew ha ha raging for 2nd and 3rd spots, but Steven Brinker (#32 Indiana) took all the marbles, while Mark Engle on a newly built long track machine overtook Mike Callen (#33e Michigan) at the finish line for a close half a bike length lead finish. Thomas (I did bring my carb this year) Keene (#151 Ohio) and Michael DeChamplain (#63 Michigan) brought up the rear and finished 4th and 5th respectively. My hats off to Steven Brinker (#32 Indiana). Putting a practice track in the yard really does wonders to improve your riding ability. He's flying out there, won't be long before he'll get to the A Main.
Well, that's it kiddies – 7 straight years of racing bliss and I hope it continues for many more to come with the "Brown Team" at the helm, I'm sure it will! Oh, and don't forget the racers, and we'll see "YOU" next year.
*That's all folks – the end"
Speedway Long Track National Championship - Wauseon Ohio - July 19, 2013
Speedway Heat #1 Results
1) John Debats #41x
2) Stephan Brinker #32
3) Michael Callen #33e
4) Mark Engel #3
5) Michael DeChamplain #63
Speedway Heat #2 Results
1) Daniel Weicht #1
2) Alan Rush #119
3) Chris Hathaway #82
4) Thomas Keene #151
Speedway Heat #3 Results
1) Michael Callen #33e
2) Mark Engel #3
3) Thomas Keene #151
4) Michael DeChamplain #63
Speedway Heat #4 Results
1) Daniel Weicht #1
2) John Debats #41x
3) Chris Hathaway #82
4) Stephan Brinker #32
5) Alan Rush #119
Speedway LCQ Results
1) Alan Rush #119
2) Chris Hathaway #82
3) Michael Callen #33e
4) Mark Engel #3
5) Thomas Keene #151
6) Michael DeChamplain #63
Speedway "B" Main Final
1) Stephan Brinker #32 Plainfield, Illinois
2) Mark Engel #3 Clinton Township, Michigan
3) Michael Callen #33e Galesburg, Michigan
4) Thomas Keene #151 Centerville, Ohio
5) Michael DeChamplain #63 Detroit, Michigan
Speedway "A" Main Final
1) Daniel Weicht #1 North Webster, Indiana
2) John Debats #41x Kawkawlin, Michigan
3) Alan Rush #119 Speedway, Indiana
4) Chris Hathaway #82

The Speedway Long Track National Championship
Wauseon, OhioFriday - July 19, 2013
National Championship Motorcycle Races are taking place on the limestone half mile dirt track at the Fulton County Fairgrounds during the 31st annual AMCA Wauseon National meet. There is a huge swap meet with over 500 vendors for bikes and parts over 35 years old and the theme of this years meet is the Knucklehead Motorcycle.
Friday night's 7th annual racing program will feature the Speedway Long Track National Championship and Classic Flat Track National Championship. The program includes classes of bikes that span the era of motorcycle racing starting with the origins of the sport: Board Track bikes (teens thru 1928), Handshift bikes (1936 thru 1951), Lightweight bikes (1948 thru 1966), Brakeless Foot Shift bikes (thru 1967), 1970's Single Cylinder bikes, 1980's Single Cylinder bikes, and Vintage Twins (thru 1983)

Dan Weicht is the 2011 & 2012 Speedway Long Track National Champion.
Can he three-peat in 2013?
Photo courtesy of David Moore.

#41x John Debats of Kawkawlin, Michigan placed second last year.
Photo courtesy Kerrgraphix.com.

#52x Chad Rall of Mansfield, Ohio placed third in 2012.
Photo courtesy Kerrgraphix.com.

#77 Jon Massie of Wooster, Ohio had a great start in the heat race and finished 5th in the main.
Photo courtesy of David Moore.

#32 Steve Brinker of Plainfield, Illinois placed fourth last year.
Photo courtesy Kerrgraphix.com.

#119 Alan Rush of Speedway, Indiana finished 6th in 2012.
Photo courtesy Kerrgraphix.com.

The Speedway Long Track National Championship - Racers are registered from
Indiana, Michigan and Ohio in pursuit of the #1 Plate representing the National Championship.
The motorcycles used for speedway are not remotely like any machine you will ever see on the roads. They have acceleration equal to a Formula One racing car, but rather surprisingly have NO BRAKES, rear suspension or gears. For the technically minded, the engines are 500cc single cylinder four valve, four strokes with air cooling. Methanol is used instead of gasoline to enable them to run at very high compression ratios.
The Classic Flat Track National Championship Series - The CFTNC series takes in four rounds of racing in Cambridge (Illinois), Elkhorn (Wisconsin), Wauseon (Ohio) and Davenport (Iowa),
The CFTNC Series features four select vintage classes: the 250/360cc thru 1981,70's Singles thru 1980, 80's Singles thru 1989 and the Twins thru 1983.

#27 Brad Cramblit from Iowa on a Harley Davidson XR750 in the Twins Class.
Photo courtesy of David Moore.
The Tradition Continues as #66 George Roeder II will be riding the Kelly George prepared 1941 Indian Chief and #52 Chad Rall will be riding the Bernie Breece prepared 1966 Harley Davidson KR in a 4 lap match race. Their fathers, George Roeder and Ronnie Rall, both inducted to the Motorcycle Hall of Fame, had competed for the win many times throughout the sixties, and match raced at major events in the eighties.
This is the third year of the Roeder vs Rall match race with Roeder winning in 2011 and Rall taking the win in 2012. Who will it be in 2013?

The Tradition Continues as George Roeder II and Chad Rall will match race at intermission.
Photo courtesy of JGPhotowerx.com
Board Track racing is highlighted at this year's race with a "Salute to Board Tracks". The Board Track theme of yesterday and today is featured in the Souvenir Race Progam, official Race Poster and popular Wauseon Race T-shirts. Board Track racing was a type of motorsport popular in the United States between the second and third decades of the 20th century. Competition was conducted on oval race courses with surfaces composed of wooden planks. Many of the board track bikes competing Friday night are taken out of museum displays for the spectators to witness a rare look at motorcycle racing history. The Board Track class is sponsored by the Lake Erie Chapter of the AMCA and Rocky's Antique Parts.

The Board Track class (teens thru 1928) will take to the track at the Wauseon National on Friday, July 19th.
Photo courtesy of David Moore.

#22 Matt Walksler battles with #21x Michael Lange on 100 year old machines in the Board Track class.
Photo courtesy Kerrgraphix.com.
AMCA's 31st Annual Wauseon National Meet Shop all day Friday, Saturday and until noon on Sunday at the huge swap meet organized by the Ohio Valley Chapter, Lake Erie Chapter, River Valley Chapter, and Maumee Valley Chapter. Gates open to the public each day at 8 am. Saturday offers an Antique Road Ride, Motorcycle Field Games and an evening BBQ banquet with free live music for everyone. The AMCA motorcycle judging takes place Sunday. For general information call (419) 929-0291 or go to www.wauseonnationalmeet.org

Wauseon National - Fulton County Fairgrounds - AMCA 31st annual meet
Photo Bike Days file
Friday's race schedule - the pit gate opens at 10 am, Hot Laps at 2:15 pm, Heat races 4:30 pm and Opening Ceremonies at 6:30 pm. The opening ceremonies will include a parade lap with the Motor Maids, the Pansters Vintage Motorcycle Club and Unlce Millie. The National Anthem will be sung by local rider #52g Paul Bailey and the Invocation by Bill Goebel and Adam Phillips of the Classic Flat Track Ministries. Race track announcers are Donnie Bargmann who calls the action at the Lima GNC, and Davenport CFT race, along with Bob Sigler, of Ohio Outlaw Motorsports.

Paul Bailey will sing the National Anthem
Photo courtesy of David Moore
Sponsors of the race - Barnett, Engraver's Gallery, PJ's Fabricating and Wiseco.
Enjoy this local family friendly event at affordable prices. General grandstand admission is $20 for adults, kids ages 6-12 $5 and 5 and under are Free. Souvenir t-shirts, posters and programs will be available at the grandstands. General admission tickets go on sale at the Grandstands at noon on Friday .

The Motor Maids carry the flags for Opening Ceremonies.
Photo courtesy of David Moore
Event Location: (Ohio Turnpike Exit 34)
Fulton County Fairgrounds
8514 SR 108
Wauseon, OH 43567
YouTube video of Wauseon 2012 by "Chew & Mia" of Flattrack.com
Scotty Brown (330) 837-5694
Race rain date: Saturday - July 20 at noon
July 19, 2013 Wauseon, Ohio