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2012 Howie
Howie Zechner

Museum 41 Gallery

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Museum 41

They called it Museum 41
Bill Cody bike and race gear

I love when a plan comes together. When months of preparation yield a result that exceeds your wildest aspirations. Such a day was Sunday, April 22, 2018 when one of the rarest exhibitions of vintage Speedway bikes ever to be displayed in America took place.

They called it Museum 41

Gary Hick's Sr., Russ the Plummer and myself had learned about it from Bobby Cody during a visit a few months back. For you that don't know there has been a changing of the guard at Cody Racing. Its founder Bill Cody is retiring and has turned the day-to-day operation over to his son. Glad to catch Bill there the hours passed in conversation.

They called it Museum 41
National Number 41 "Wild Bill Cody"

I'll have a Speedway bike exhibition Bobby Cody mentioned during our visit. I can fix the shop up and between my dads collection and the many people we know I'm sure I can get a quite a few machines he explained. Between you and me Bill wasn't that nuts about the exhibition plan. But it was no longer his call. And how could he say no to an event named "Museum 41" after Cody's AMA national racing number.

They called it Museum 41
Bobby Cody

It would take work. Speedway bikes are small and the shop area is well utilized. Spare space is at a premium. Then there are parking and neighbor issues. But it was hard not to embrace Bobby’s vision. His use of social media had already proven valuable as Cody Racing posting's were yielding results in work, sales and name recognition. The wheels were set in motion, an event would be held.

They called it Museum 41
Shawn "Mad Dog" McConnell and Bills wife Fran Cody

A date was set and calls were made. Hey would you come and display your machine? Yes was the answer from everyone. Now don't let Bobby know I told you but the bike response was so overwhelming it became a challenge. Every bit of space would need to be utilized.

They called it Museum 41
This 2 Valve JAWA was one of many on display.

I offered to help but he wouldn't let me Bill relayed. When Bobby started moving my high dollar vintage machines I had hiding on the very top of the storage area I thought I was going to have an anxiety attack. The best decision was for me to get out of his way and I did. Now that I see the results I'm very proud of what my boy has put together a smiling Bill Cody told me.

They called it Museum 41
Number 121 Dangerous Dubb is ready for the tapes to go up

The day came and Bobby had thought of everything. Parking was plentiful. The entrance, a walk down the driveway to the back lot. Nicely laid out there were several popup's with tables and chairs underneath them. The wall area had rows of Speedway machines. The majority of bikes had identification posters that said what they were and sometimes gave a brief history.

They called it Museum 41

There was a food truck and Monster Energy had its own popup. It was a warm day so the free drinks were a blessing as well as and energy booster.

They called it Museum 41
Costa Mesa track announcer Terry Clanton, World Champion Billy Hamill and Bill Cody talk.
World Team Cup, Best Pairs & National Champion Bobby Schwartz in front

Many had contributed. The Hicks family also had their own Popup and brought six bikes for display. I was partial to Dubb Ferrell's Neil Street conversion and the long spike Ice racer under the Justice Brothers pop up.

They called it Museum 41

The inside of the shop was just as well laid out. A television played older speedway races and interviews. On one side there was a bench that displayed only motors and on the other side a long table held vintage programs and magazines. Jean Fink had brought US National Speedway programs from the last 46 years and a few of those limited edition not for public consumption programs that were only handed out to friends. I'm partial to the September 21, 1983 IMS program with Rosie on the cover. Jean Fink has been printing Costa Mesa Speedway program for the last 50 years

They called it Museum 41
Jean Fink has been printing Costa Mesa Speedway program for the last 50 years

Featuring a wide variety of vintage events and business an area was set aside for T-shirt sales. All for a good cause as the entire $1815. in sales was donated in Tom White’s name to the High Hopes Head Injury Program.

They called it Museum 41
Trailblazer Board Member Judy Whitson with Sidecar Susie Ellsworth

So who was there? Well it might be shorter list if you ask who was not. Lots of yesterdays and today's riders and champions as well as fans and supporters. Can't give a complete list but do have to mention that RC Jones came in from Arizona and Billy Hamill was one of many who came down from up north.

They called it Museum 41
Four time World Speedway Champion Barry Briggs - #9 Flyin Mike Faria - Howie Zechner

Ed Justice Jr., World Champion Barry Briggs, Brad Oxley, Kelly Inman, Ryan Evans, Rob Morrison, Fast Eddie, Bobby Schwartz, Sonny Nutter, and the list goes on. Relaxed surroundings, good company, it was an afternoon well spent.

They called it Museum 41
Costa Mesa promoter Brad Oxley

They called it Museum 41
Ed Justice Jr with racing dynamo Courtney Crone

Congratulations Bobby Cody. The event was fantastic and your plan to showcase Cody Racing was a complete success. Everyone and I do mean everyone who attended raved about the machines on display and your commitment to the Speedway community.

They called it Museum 41
City of Industry promoter Kelly Inman talks racing with rider Johnny Walker

More information on Cody Racing at: Cody Racing Products

See all 350 pictures at: Facebook Speedwayzar

Thanks for Listening
Howie Zechner


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