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Bob Nichols - Celebration of Life


Robert “Bob” White Nichols Jr.
September 14, 1921 – October 31, 2018

by Howie Zechner

Bob Nichols

It was celebration Bob would have enjoyed. Family and friends gathered together and telling stories about him, Robert “Bob” White Nichols Jr. His beloved Indian motorcycles there on display along with hundreds of pictures that covered Bob’s life from the beginning to end. Numerous tables filled with trophies, awards, plaques, medals, programs, newspaper and magazine stories lined the walls for all to see and for many to remember the when and where of how they came to be. “I was there when this picture was taken” or “I remember when Bob got this award” were common quotes as many shared the real life experiences they had with their lost comrade.

Bob Nichols
Trailblazers Susie Ellsworth and Ernie Aragon

Susie Ellsworth and Ernie Aragon

Bob Nichols Celebration of Life was held at the Mile Square Park Banquet Center near his home in Orange County. A large complex next to a golf course it was freeway close with lots of parking. The hall where Bob’s memorial was could easily hold two hundred people and it was full. In the front a large video screen and podium. Four rows of tables that seated twelve at each worked their way to the rear where the motorcycle and display area was set up. Two food tables filled with cheeses, meats, salad and fruit made for a delicious and filling buffet lunch.

Bobby Schwartz
Speedway Racer Bobby Schwartz holding the Celebration of Life program

Bob Nichols

Funny how birds of a feather flock together and this gathering was no different. Racers sat in their own area, as did friends and family. Guess that’s just how life is. All knew a different part of Bob Nichols but few had the cross connection of knowing each other. Still all appreciated the mix and realized they were a different spoke in the Nichols wheel of life.

Dubb Farrell
“Dangerous” Dubb Farrell raced for Bob Nichols

Eddie Castro
“Fast” Eddie Castro loved racing Bob’s bikes.

After lunch the Memorial Service started with a Military Recognition as an Honor Guard played tapes. Then a folded American flag was presented to Bob’s daughter Debra Summers. Because Bob never shared stories about his World War II enlistment many of us were not aware of his Honorable service in the US Army, Corps of Engineers.

Bob Nichols

Debra Summers
Bob Nichols daughter Debra Summers

Bob Nichols

Family members spent the next hour plus with a program that included Bob’s niece Alita Salazar singing "There You’ll Be" by Faith Hill, “Acknowledgments and Thank You” by his other niece Nancy Flathers, “Dad’s Gift” by daughter Debra Summers, and “Sharing Memories” by son-in-law Leonard Miller, grandson Ryan Nichols, and daughter Belinda Nichols. All moving and sometimes very personal they painted a picture of Bob Nichols many in the racing community were not aware existed.

Alita Salazar
Alita Salazar singing "There You’ll Be"

Robyn Marquardt
Robyn Marquardt

Adam Wayde
Adam Wayde

Friends of Bob’s from the motorcycle community followed. Each shared stories of racing his Indians or working to keep them in proper competition trim. Scheduled speakers, Dubb Ferrell, Dave DuVarney, Eddie Castro, and Jim Ottele each took a turn to relay the joy and issues they experienced in racing Bob’s Indians.

Jim Ottele
Racer Jim Ottele tells of the many 1st place victories he won on Bob’s Indians

The floor was then opened to anyone who wanted to give a tribute and the line of speakers was a long one. For over an hour they told of this or that experience and how they had learned and benefited from it. The audience laughed as more than one told how when at the track Bob would “test drive” the Indians before the competition started only to see him crash before they got to race it.

Racers and Friends
A long line of racers and friends paid tribute to their friend Bob Nichols

Bob Nichols

“Still plays with motorcycles” sums up the 97 year young Bob Nichols to a tee. To illustrate the point I’ll share one last story about this legend of a man.

Bob Nichols

Bob loved his Indians and the motorcycling community. It was his passion, the thing that keep him going. A few years back Bob wanted to attend the Trailblazers Banquet. An avid member and Hall of Fame recipient Bob loved the annual gathering. This particular year Bob was in the Hospital and had to get permission to go from his doctor. To old, to sick, no way he was told. Bob hatched a plan and several phone calls later the great escape was in motion. Bring me a change of clothes and don’t forget my signature red and white shirt that says “Bob Nichols Unauthorized Tuner.” Then park the Suburban in the hospital parking lot before you sneak in and wheelchair me out he relayed to his homeboy posse. A slight diversion to distract the nurses and Bob was gone.

Howie Zechner and Bob Nichols
Trailblazers Howie Zechner and Bob Nichols

The first phone call came in about 20 minutes later. Where are you Bob the nurse asked? I’m on my way to the Trailblazers banquet Bob politely replied before hanging up the phone. Upon arrival at the banquet an unnamed Trailblazers board member said “Bob, your doctors on the phone and wants to speak with you.” Long story longer, Bob told the doctor he would not leave till the banquet was finished and the only way they could get him to go was to arrest him. Needless to say none wanted that so Bob stayed and enjoyed.

Bob Nichols
Bob Nichols favorite place – His workshop

Bob Nichols you were a man’s man. You did it all and you did it your way. We will miss you buddy. You’re stories, your knowledge, your personality, your smile. Just do yourself a favor and when you get to heaven don’t start telling Saint Peter about how you can shave a few pounds off the pearly gate by machining holes in the frame or lightening the bars that hold it together.

Bob Nichols
Bob Nichols at home with family

See all 428 photos from the exhibition on Facebook at: Facebook Speedwayzar

For those of you who were unable to attend Bob Nichols celebration of life, here is the you tube link of the whole event: Howie YouTube

Thanks for Listening
Harald “Howie” Zechner


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