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2015 California Speedway News Part 2

2015 California Speedway News Part 1

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150cc Mini Speedway Class Standards

2015 Speedway National Championship Series
Letter of Intent

2015 AMA Supplemental Regulations Speedway Series

SpeedwayBikes.com 20th Anniversary

Christmas and Holiday Party at Perris, December 5th 2015

In light of the seasonal time of year, Perris Speedway is turning its next event into a Speedway Christmas celebration.

We will have a Christmas Tree by the starting gate and encourage all to bring an ornament to decorate it.

Part of the event will be “Chris's Crazy Christmas” - We are also thrilled to have partnered with 'Toys For Tots / Toys R Us' in a toy drive for needy kids this year. We invite those in attendance to bring an unwrapped new toy donation to the event. Those who do so will receive a raffle ticket where we will in turn have Christmas gifts that can be won.

So far we have prizes donated by Ascot, Broc Nicol Racing, Team USA Speedway, Pistonbones and Robie Peterson. If anyone would like to donate such a prize for our toy donors to win, please get in touch.

At halftime we will have a short memorial for much loved USA Touring Team staff Andy ' DJ Shag' McCarter who was known by many in American Speedway and passed away Monday. The mic will be open for anyone to give a tribute and speedway's Reverend, Wade Whitcomb, will say a prayer. We will also raise a glass for DJ 5 minutes after the end of the event. We will circulate a remembrance book we will send on to Andy's son, Rhys, who also was very involved with the team.

It may seem odd combining a memorial with a Christmas party, but DJ himself was a man who brought the party to the people in his field of work, so we want to acknowledge and celebrate him in an upbeat way.

So, we want to make this event a great occasion. Decorate your pits with Christmas lights and lets acknowledge the holiday season with our speedway family. Bring a toy for the toy drive and decorate our tree! Santa himself is rumored to be planning to attend and possibly riding a bike!

We hope to see you all on December 5th. Gates open 2pm races 5pm. Bring a gift for the kids if you can.

Steve Evans (November 25, 2015)

Santa Claus

Big Time Speedway Golden State Speedway / Flat Track Series

Dear Riders, Families & Friends,

Firstly, Steve Stasiefski and I would like to thank everyone for participating in our 2015 Golden State Speedway / Flat Track Series. Over 200 different riders came out to Prairie City and gave our cushion DG track a try. Many of you rode the whole series, some only rode once, and some rode several meetings. Due to our unique point system and 5 race series, some of you who participated in the whole series became champions. To win a championship, consistency must be maintained. Finish every heat and every main. Keep the machinery and yourselves in one piece; it’s a lot of work and dedication.

To the rider’s that did not win, you as well all deserve applause and recognition. It takes everyone from the youngest peewee to the division one leaders to make the racing exciting for all to see. Thank you for your contributions. To the two competitors Greg Moore & Luke Becker, who lost their championship by only one point, heartbreaking for sure. Luke, you were beat by the master. Greg, you were beat by mechanical gremlins. Both of you should hold you head up and be proud. You did great. There will be more to follow for you two.

Lastly, we want to thank our staff for all the effort and hard work behind the scenes to keep the events moving. From signing up the racers, to score keeping, flagging, ticket sales, officiating and media, thank you! We know how hard you all worked. See you all on Sunday, December 13th at noon for our Awards presentation ~ get together at Prairie City SVRA-OHV Park

Steve Elstins
Big Time Speedway
Posted by: bigtimespeedway@yahoo.com

2015/2016 Perris Speedway Racing

Our April 2nd date has been moved to April 16th. Team race finale will now be in March.

Revised Dates
21 Nov - Turkey Classic Handicap and Scratch Racing
05 Dec - Team Racing Round 1
16 Jan - Winter Oympique earned Handicap racing
06 Feb - Team Racing Round 2
19 Mar - Team Race Finals
16 Apr - Spring Classic

All races Nov - Mar start 5pm, Apr races 6pm

Steve Evans (November 3, 2015)

2015/2016 Perris Winter Team Racing League Information

Perris Speedway is hosting its annual team racing league on three of its 7 dates this year – Dec 5, Feb 6, April 16 April 30. Once more we will feature four teams (Vikings, Aces, Rebels and Eagles).

We are accepting rider sign ups for the series so that we can draft and equalize the teams. We will try our best to keep riders on the same team they were on last year if they wish. We will also ensure that the weaker teams from last year are strengthened up with new riders coming into the series so that all starts as equal as possible.

Make sure as best as you can you can race the whole series, though if you have to miss an event, let me know ahead, it might not disqualify you if we know ahead we need a one off replacement.

As per last year, each event will have two full team events, each team races each other team one time over the series and the best team over the series is the winner.

Ideally we would like the teams finalized before the Perris opener on Nov 21. (Nov 21 is Old Skool Handicap and Scratch, not teams.) If you haven't signed up for this one, do so too!

At all team events we will as ever have races for 250, 150 and Pee Wee's as well as any surplus of 500cc riders.

Thanks and looking forward to another fun season of team action! You may sign up!

Steve Evans (October 21, 2015)

"King of the Desert" Victorville

Speedway Racing will return to the High Desert on Saturday, November 14 for the "King of the Desert" at Wheel2Wheel Raceway in Victorville. Track promoter John Aden, a former speedway racer himself, as been eager to see speedway bike return to his venue. A practice was held on October 16 with all of the participants leaving with excitement after turning laps on an excellently prepared track. When the prospect of racing was proposed to the racers they pledged their participation. Several First Division racers have already committed to the event as well as Junior 250 competitors and Mini 150 competitors. Competitors in those divisions as well as the Support Division are strongly encouraged to sign up for this event. The amount of support this track receives from speedway racers will certainly determine its future as a speedway venue.

Racers, track workers, and potential sponsors are encouraged to contact Gary Gomez at (951) 741-4931, tmgracing@aol.com, or his Facebook page for information about the "King of the Desert" event as well as more racing events and practices held at the venue in 2016.

Ryan Evans (Oct 21, 2015)

Open Practice in Victorville

There will be an open practice at Wheel2Wheel Raceway in Victorville on Friday, October 16 from 6:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. The practice fee is $40.00 and it is open to speedway racers in all divisions. This is a great opportunity to get track time since there is a dearth of tracks and opportunities to practice. The pit gates will open at 5:00 p.m. Anyone who is interested in practicing or wants more information can contact Gary Gomez​ at (951) 741-6762.

Ryan Evans (Oct 6, 2015)

Perris Winter Series

Due to track availability, our March 5th 2016 date has been moved to March 19th due. All other dates run as per previous schedule.

Opening night is 21 November, old Skool racing, with Team Racing Round 1 on December 5th, both are 5pm starts.

Schedule flyer attached, please feel free to forward to friends or post on social media. FLYER

Perris Raceway is the home of Team USA, present and future.

Steve Evans (October 6, 2015)

Perris 'Turkey Classic'

Attention youth riders and families!

At our Perris 'Turkey Classic' season opener on 21 November, we are looking to stage a NORTH Vs SOUTH Youth Team match for the Nick Varner Trophy. Initial plans would be Four 250 and four 150 riders per team (no mixed division races). We'd obviously need this to be workable for our NorCal riders so hence throwing it out there early!

We also will be running a '333 Challenge' (Last Man Out Format) for 500cc riders, selected by Nicks' mom.

The program for other divisions (500cc and Pee Wees) will run as per previously announced (Division 1 Old Skool Handicap and Scratch)

Steve Evans (September 9, 2015)

West Coast Championships

Ventura - September 19
Vintage / Division 2 / Division 3


The last race at Ventura this year is Saturday 19th September. It will once more be combined with Flat Track races. These extra events in 2015 have given many of our young riders vital big track time, as well as the local and vintage riders.

Our last event (which will also feature the Sidecar points finale) will feature two Championships;

The West Coast Clubman Championship is open to all None Division 1 riders on laydowns and gives a nice season ending title.

All Divisions welcome (inc 250 / 150) but emphasis is for VINTAGE (any upright bike) and SUPPORT who will be competing for WEST COAST CHAMPIONSHIPS!

$35 to race, $25 for pits. Practice, 3 heats per rider + MAINS for all Divisions. Sign ups are open!

The West Coast Vintage Championship is open to all Upright bikes. If enough riders enter, we may split between 2 valve and 4 valve. Ventura is definitely the home for Vintage Speedway and its always a great show! Any riders of any ability with an upright can enter.

We will also run classes for Division 1, 250 Junior and 150 Mini if demand.

Plan is 3 heats per rider plus Mains.

It will be a Mini Commotion and a fun event before the end of the season. $35 to race, $25 mechanics, 330pm practice, 530pm race.

Steve Evans (September 7, 2015)

Fast Eddie Castro Testimonial

Thank you to EVERYONE who supported Fast Eddie Castro Testimonial Meeting at Perris.

The original concept of the event was to primarily celebrate the amazing 35 year career of Fast Eddie. We did this in style with a huge turn out and a fabulous race event worthy of Eddie and all he has given us over the years.

The fund raising side was always going to be a part though it was considered secondary in importance to the show itself. With that in mind, we are utterly astonished that we have exceeded a five figure number in funds raised from this event alone!

So, a massive thank you is due to everyone who came, raced, donated, volunteered their time, bought a t shirt and was part of such a memorable occasion. There are too many to name individually, but Roxanne Faria needs special acknowledgment for going above and beyond the call of duty for this race.

The best part of the whole occasion was the lift and boost given to Eddie by seeing such a massive outpouring of love and support. As he prepares for his next round of treatment we can be assured that this support will be with him all the way.

We also want to wish Shawn McConnell the very best as he continues recovering from his injuries at the event.

Eddie, Romie and Steve

Gail Waller is doing a final print run of the Fast Eddie Shirts for anyone who was not able to attend Perris, Ventura or the Bar B. Info below! Thanks

Last chance to get your Awesome Fast Eddie shirt, will be printing soon, so please get your order to us ASAP (gailwaller27@gmail.com)

Thanks to all the riders and spectators at Ventura and Perris Raceway and @ the BBQ and orders on line have made the shirt sales for Fast Eddie Fantastic!!!"

Golden State Speedway and Flat Track Series Big Time Speedway

Big Time Speedway is thrilled to announce its second annual Golden State Speedway and Flat Track Series.

AMA Racing

Big Time SpeedwayBig Time Speedway

Eddie Castro Testimonial Race - Perris Raceway 1st August

Tomorrows race at Perris Raceway (August 5) will be a special occasion for our sport. This event was conceived earlier this year on the very day it was made known to me that Eddie would be retiring due to health issues, though the full seriousness of his condition was not yet known.

Eddie supported my promotional endeavors from day 1. He came with the Dream Team to England five times and made countless fans in the UK. He won more events at Victorville during my promotional tenure than anyone, including our biggest event, the 25th Anniversary Meeting with a perfect 15 point maximum.

He's always had my back and I've got his. The scale of this event has surpassed what I could have imagined, but looking back, I apologize for thinking too small as the response just shows the regard Eddie is held in.

Tomorrow at Perris will be a show for Eddie. He is fresh out of hospital after surgery and recovery, but plans to be there. Gates open at 3, races from 6 and D1 show from 7.

Gail and Dan Waller are traveling down from the Central Coast with their amazing Fast Eddie T Shirts which will be on sale at the track.

We will celebrate Eddie, raise some $ for him but most of all have an event for the entire speedway family to be proud of.

Below is a list of sponsors, we have more sponsors than heats in the end! You can still join them by donating on the day if you wish.

Thanks to everyone who has helped in any way. Roxanne has been amazing and drummed up more donors than could be imagined.

See you there! Run It!

Team Motorsport Junkies
Shelley Fontaine-Ermolenko
Jamison, Mike and Nancy Dilkey
Ron Dunbar
Colby Kalkin
Dorcey Wingo
Geist Family
Galena Racing
Mike Lupo Family
Aaron Fox Racing
Highway 66 Choppers
Back It In KH
Fast Fridays Speedway
Mike Salyer
Industry Racing
Steve Evans Speedway
Signify Designs
Barry Storage Wars
Costa Mesa Speedway
Faria Family
Pirate Speedway
J R Kurtz
John Haight
Sims Family
Valdez Family
Russ O'Daly
Team Boba Looch
Mike Kelley
Super Shep
Jamin Jimmy Gentile
DanJam Racing
Palmese Family
Danny Hull
Stella's Friends
Speedway Geezers Riders Association
Jessi and Joey
Last of the Mohicans, John and Mike
Ventura Raceway
Jean Fink
Crone Family
Ron Davis and Jackie Stewart
Sir Peter Davenport
Fortner Precision
Cody Jawa
David Jones
Scott and Beverly Sloane
Air Handlers Supplies
Big Time Speedway
McConnell Family
Long Beach Boat Movers
Paul Wilms
Greg and Holly Jones
BRR Racing
John Miles
Karen Hilliard
NorCal Chuck
Blair Family
Frank McConnell
Coast Fabrication


3pm - Gates Open

5:15pm – Entries close. Riders need to be signed in by 515pm (that is signed in to race at office, not just in at the front gate). The program will be amended at 515pm sharp. Anyone who is running late needs to call ahead of 515 or you may lose your spot.

5:20pm - Riders meeting

5:50pm National Anthem & Presentations

6pm Races Start – 2 rounds for Division 2, Division3, 250 Junior, 150 Mini and PeeWee. No hot laps as program is packed.

7pm Approx Division 1 and Sidecar heats start. Mains for other classes will be between rounds.

9:30pm approx – end of event and trophy presentations

PARKING – Rider's vehicles with bikes, Staff, Approved press, Seniors and Disabled only will be allowed to bring vehicles into the pits area. Spectators and mechanics arriving without bikes should park in parking lot adjacent to the main entrance. We expect a very large turn out and track grounds will be very full with the entries we have.

Anyone not covered above needing special access should contact me direct.

$15 admission at the gate, $10 kids. Open pits. No glass containers and alcoholic beverages in spectator area only until races complete. Riders pay additional $25 inside at the race office to ride. Food concessions will be available at the track,


Race sponsors who need to pay their donation should see Roxanne or Chris Ackerman to turn in, checks payable to Eddie direct.

Massive thanks go to;
Crazy Chris
Jean Fink
Perris Raceway
Industry Racing
Costa Mesa Speedway
Jim Naylor and Ventura Raceway
all our sponsors and donors
Waller Family
Davy & Stacy
and anyone else I have no doubt missed!

Track address is 1205 Burton Way, Perris, CA 92570.

'Fast' Eddie Castro Testimonial Race

A date for you diaries and one I ask for your support with is Saturday August 1st at Perris Raceway - the 'Fast' Eddie Castro Testimonial Race.

The race meeting will feature all Divisions;
Division 1 (Handicap and Scratch)
Junior 250 & 150
Pee Wee 50

John and Mike have also pledged to bring back a "Mohican Last Man Out" for this event.

Gates open 3pm for 6pm start time. We will run heats for the non Division 1 classes from 6pm; the Division 1 show should begin at 7pm.

$15 gate fee for all, riders pay an additional $25 once inside. Open Pits.

All event profits go direct to Eddie! We also selling race sponsorships (these funds 100% go direct to Eddie)
Division 1 heats, consi's $100
- Division 1 semis $150 (4)
- Division 1 Mains $250 (2)
- Other division heats $50
- Other division Mains $75

Mark this date down, tell your friends, sign up to race, spread the word. Eddie deserves this event and deserves all that can come out of it.

Spread the word far and wide!

Steve Evans (July 5, 2015)

Eddie Castro Testimonial Race

Ventura July 25th!

Jim Naylor and Cliff Morgan are inviting Speedway Bikes back on July 25th as part of its Flat Track and Speedway show at Ventura Raceway


This is aimed for the youngsters who want big track experience and the Clubman rider, but ALL are welcome.

Trophies for top 3 in each division

$35 to race, $25 pits. $15 for Adults in the stands.

Pro (D1 / Upper D2)
Support (D2 / 3)
250cc Junior
Sidecars (sign ups as per last event)

If 150 Minis have interest we could add a class. They run 50 / 65cc Flat Track classes for any Pee Wees who have interest

Pro Class will pay $200 base + $75 per entry. Main event will split purse 40% / 30% / 20% / 10%. $1000 cap.

Gates open noon for riders, 3 for fans. Practice around 330, races 530.

Please sign up with me (Steve Evans) if you want to have a mini commotion with us in July!

More info at www.venturaraceway.com

Steve Evans (July 2, 2015)

Ventura Speedway Preview! Saturday 27th June!

Grand Prix style speedway comes to America this Saturday, June 27th, with one of the most hotly anticipated and exciting events of the 2015 season – AMA National Championship Series Round 2 at Ventura Raceway. Ventura, or as it is known, 'The Commotion By the Ocean,' is an utterly unique event. Aside from the track being located 100 yards from the beach in a beautiful oceanside town, it is the only event on the American calender that truly is on a European sized Grand Prix track. The track measures 1/5 of a mile and is wide and banked and produces high speed and multi line racing, making it the closest race experience to a Speedway Grand Prix in North America.

Round 1 of the Series was held at Costa Mesa Speedway on May 31st and produced an exciting and thrilling show. Billy Hamill won six of his rides including the Big Final to take the event, though he is tied for the series lead with Aaron Fox, who put on a consistent display of four wins and three second places. Hot on the trail of course are defending AMA Champion Billy Janniro and wonder kids Broc Nicol and Max Ruml, who will be readied for Ventura by their appearances in England and Denmark this month in the Speedway World Cup, on tracks of a similar size to Ventura.

Ventura is the best speedway track in America,” enthused Janniro, who is gunning for three National titles in a row. “The series is growing and getting better all the time and I can't wait to run the big track on Saturday!”

Max Ruml, third in 2014 at Ventura and current Under 21 National Champion, added, “I can't wait to see how all the young guns adapt to a bigger track. It should be a great event and I'm just glad to be apart of it.

“It's definitely a great opportunity to have a race at Ventura and especially for an AMA National round. I love Ventura because it's on a bigger track which we don't get much of here in the States. I favor bigger tracks and am looking forward to the second round of nationals,” said Nicol, who impressed greatly during his practice outings with Team USA in Europe just two weeks ago.

Series leader and former World Champion, Hamill, of course remembers the weekly shows that Ventura ran on Tuesdays up until 1987. He stated, “Ventura Speedway has a rich tradition in Speedway Motorcycle racing. It is cool to see them hold such a prestigious event as the AMA National Championship on one of the fastest speedway tracks in the world.“

Fox, a man in top form after winning the last two events at Costa Mesa, is relishing a big track return having spent 2014 racing in the British League for Edinburgh Monarchs, where he won three championships. He enthused, “The Commotion By The Ocean this weekend is set out to be a fantastic event, I believe. Ventura races come once a year and it makes the event that much more exciting. Being that its a much larger track than what riders are used to, we are able to showcase some speed and use different lines on the track to race on. We have a lot of riders that can make starts and hold the inside on the smaller tracks, though Ventura allows plenty of opportunity to wind it on and make passes, both inside and outside.”

In addition to the riders above, the program also features former National Champions Charlie Venegas and Bart Bast, multi time US Open winner Shawn McConnell, two time Youth National Champion Dillon Ruml, 'Battlin' Buck Blair, 'Mr Entertainment' Tommy Hedden, Bryce Starks, Tyson Talkington and Russell Green. The final two spots will be decided by run offs ahead of the Main Show.

Grand Marshall for the event is none other than 'Fast Eddie Castro.' Eddie, a local rider from Ojai, has been forced into retirement with health issues and is currently batting cancer. Despite this, the local hero will be at the event to greet his fans and serve as Grand Marshall. Also on sale at the event will be 'Fast Eddie' T-shirts to benefit medical bill fund raising. For those making a full weekend out of the event, there is also a fund raising barbecue for him on Sunday at noon at Precision Motorcycle Center in Goleto.

The event is an all day extravaganza, with spectator gates opening at 3pm and practice laps between 330pm and 430pm. At 530 there will be 'Wild Card Race Offs' as well as Heats for Support Divisions, 250cc Juniors, Vintage bikes and Xtreme Sidecars. The National Championship races start at 7pm!

Tickets are $20 Adults, $15 Senior / Military, Juniors, Kids 7-12 $10, 6 and Under FREE. The race track is located at 'Seaside Park', Ventura County Fairgrounds, 10 West Harbor Blvd, Ventura. More information at www.venturaraceway.com.

Steve Evans - AMA Speedway National Championship Series Coordinator

Race Day Schedule

12:30pm – Pits Open
3pm – Spectator Gates Open
3pm – Riders meeting for practice
3:30-430pm – Practice laps (2-3 runs per rider)
5pm – Final Riders Meeting for races
5:25pm – National Anthem
5:30pm – Wild Card Qualifying and Pre Show Heats for Support, 250, Vintage and Sidecars.*
6:30pm – Riders Parade for AMA Series riders
7pm – Heat 1 of AMA National Speedway Championship (Main events for other classes between rounds)
9:30pm approx – Main Event
9:40pm – Trophy Presentation

*Riders seeded into main program who miss 330 practice will be allowed one 4 lap practice run during this window if required, time permitting.

Race Entry $35
Pit Passes $25
Seeded AMA 1-14 do not pay rider entry
All riders need AMA Membership or AMA Day Membership ($49/year or $20/day)

Fuel provided for AMA National Heats and Wild Card run off races only

Entered Riders Wild Card entrants Support
Seeded riders
104 Billy Hamill
46 Aaron Fox
1 Billy Janniro
4 Broc Nicol
5 Max Ruml
87 Bart Bast
111 Dillon Ruml
39 Buck Blair
43 Charlie Venegas
6 Shawn McConnell
40 Tommy Hedden
48 Tyson Talkington
321 Russell Green
45n Bryce Starks
Reserves in order of ranking
(in case of withdrawal in 1-14)
110 Gage Geist
22n Luke Becker
126 Rocco Scopellite
66 Jason Ramirez
(last two spots on program)
15 Charles Ermolenko
22 Luke Becker
66 Jason Ramirez
105 Dan Faria
110 Gage Geist
126 Rocco Scopellite
145n Jamison Dilkey
225 Tyler Warren
273 Dryden Gayle
342 River McDougall
170 Hayley Perrault
122 Nate Siegel

5x Carlin Dunne
122 Nate Siegel
141 Lane
163 Ron Davis
170 Hayley Perrault
224 Bander Alexander
246 Bentley Barrett
275 Lawrence McNutt
558 Watters

16 Jake Isaac
18 Sebastian Palmese
39 James Blair
214 Michael Wells

Sidecars Vintage  
007 Dual Anderson / Vinny Madagan
74 James Kinne / Johnny Glover
31 Robert Curry / David Dent
33 Rick Garcia / Andrea Fraser
2 Bryan Motis / Josh Bennett
1965 Jeff Rowe / Ashley Gibbons
44 Jeff Medberry / Niki Davis
66 Gerard Jackson / Dave German
7x Joe Jones / Tom Summers
101 Kevin Holman / Dana Catone

21 Waller
27 Waller
35 Hill
35x Watters
55 Brankov
63 Thiebaud
47 Walker
171 Hansen
180 Roe
290 Hartke

Industry Friendly Reminder

Industry Racing is very proud to be an A.M.A. sanctioned track, and ALL participants must be current AMA members.

Both riders AND mechanics, including pee wees.

Wednesdays you will have to show your current AMA card to sign in. No exceptions.

You can sign in at the track with Paul Flanders, or click on the link provided below, which you can print a temporary card also.

Thank you! Kelly Inman speedwaykelly@yahoo.com (June 21, 2015)

AMA Racing

2015 AMA Speedway National Championship Series Round 2

Saturday, June 27: Ventura Raceway, Ventura, CA

Draw – to determine starting positions.
Conducted by Ken Saillant, AMA Track Racing Manager and Marcy Day, Racing Dept. Administrative Assistant on June 18, 2015.

1. #111 Dillon Ruml
2. #5 Max Ruml
3. #1 Billy Janniro
4. #4 Broc Nicol
5. #40 Tommy Hedden
6. Wildcard #1
7. #321 Russell Green
8. #104 Billy Hamill
9. #46 Aaron Fox
10. #39 Buck Blair
11. #45n Bryce Starks
12. #48 Tyson Talkington
13. #87 Bart Bast
14. Wildcard #2
15. #43 Charlie Venegas
16. #6 Shawn McConnell

Ventura Sign Ups for June 27th
AMA Speedway National Series Round 2

Sign ups for one of the biggest races of season, Ventura are OPEN!

The program will run similar to the past two years. Gates will open 1pm with an optional practice session at 3:30pm for one hour. 5:30pm will see Wild Card Qualifying Races and heats for other classes. The Main show will start at 7pm with Main events for other classes between the rounds.

The top 14 places from Round 1 are automatically entered in, but these riders should reconfirm their attendance. In the event of a rider from 1-14 not making the show, riders positioned 15-17 in the standings get preference, followed by riders listed in the 1-20 series as per the Supplementary Regulations.

The Divisions planned for Ventura are;

$35 to race, $25 pits. Seeded AMA series riders pay no rider entry.

Please get in touch to sign up so you don't miss out on this stellar event.

Steve Evans - AMA Speedway National Championship Series Coordinator

AMA Speedway Nationals Championship Series
Round 1 Run Off Information

The following riders will be contesting the run offs for the final two spots in the program at Costa Mesa this Saturday. Run offs will commence at 730 as the first four races.

11 Bobby Schwartz
110 Gage Geist
111 Dillon Ruml
126 Rocco Scopellite
130 Braydan Galvin
145n Jamison Dilkey
222 Dalton Leedy
225 Tyler Warren
273 Dryden Gayle
293 Rick Valdez
321 Russell Green
342 River McDougall

122 Nate Siegel

Riders will be drawn in 3 heats.

The winners of each heat plus the fastest 2nd place rider will go into the Run Off Final.
(A time keeper will be recording the race times for the 2nd place riders.)

1st and 2nd go onto the Main Show, 3rd and 4th are reserves.

Steve Evans - AMA Speedway National Championship Series Coordinator

Industry Racing Introduces Connor Penhall Memorial Cup

Connor Penhall Memorial

CITY OF INDUSTRY, Calif. (May 21, 2015) – Industry Racing, Southern California’s premier speedway racing facility and the only covered track in the country, has introduced the inaugural Connor Penhall Memorial Cup, set to take place on Wednesday, May 27, at The Grand Arena. The special event, in remembrance of Connor Penhall, will also serve as the opening night of the 2015 Industry Racing season, raising awareness about the dangers of drunk driving and encouraging added measures of safety for road construction workers. The action kicks off with opening ceremonies at 7:15 p.m.

Connor, son of two-time World Speedway Champion and AMA Motorcycle Hall of Fame member Bruce Penhall, was tragically taken from the world in April 2012 while working construction on Interstate 10. An up-and-coming racer who had won both the Baja 1000 and Baja 500 twice and hoped to follow his father’s successful legacy in two-wheel racing, the Memorial Cup will honor Connor’s enthusiastic spirit and his natural talent on a motorcycle that made him beloved by the entire racing community. Since his heartbreaking loss, the entire Penhall family has valiantly fought in Connor’s memory for increased safety for highway construction workers as well as greater awareness of the dangers and tragedies caused by drinking and driving. Bruce, his wife Laurie, Connor’s brothers Devin and Ryan, and his sister McKenzie will all be in attendance on Wednesday night.

Additionally, longtime Penhall family friend and reigning World Speedway Champion Greg Hancock will serve as the Grand Marshal, flying over from Sweden and the 2015 FIM World Speedway Grand Prix season for one night only to honor Connor and stand alongside his family. Several celebrities from both on and off the track, like Storage Wars’ Barry Weiss as well as CHiP’s stars Larry Wilcox and Robert Pine, in addition to many other notable guests are also scheduled to attend for this great cause.

On the track, the country’s fastest speedway racers will compete for a purse nearing $10,000 in what will be the start of the 12th season of competition at Industry Racing, the only AMA-sanctioned speedway in Southern California. Highlighting the loaded field of competition in the 16-rider First Division are the Billy’s, Janniro and Hamill, who won the bulk of the races at The Grand Arena last year, and Charlie Venegas, who also took multiple victories at Industry Racing. They’ll be joined by veterans Aaron Fox, Buck Blair and more, in addition to a highly talented group of rising stars like the Ruml brothers of Dillon and Max, Gage Geist, Broc Nicol and Kurtis Hamill. The traditional GP format will ultimately crown a winner at the end of the night. He’ll receive a special first-place trophy, a custom-painted helmet from Troy Lee Designs specifically for the Connor Penhall Memorial Cup.

Connor Penhall Memorial

In addition to the unpredictable excitement of the First Division, the Connor Penhall Memorial Cup will also showcase the future of speedway with Junior racing.

Tickets to the Connor Penhall Memorial Cup, opening night of the 2015 season at Industry Racing, cost just $15 for adults (18+) and $10 for both kids (ages 13-17) and seniors (55+). Parking is $5. The first 2,000 fans will receive a commemorative poster.

Connect with Industry Racing through its Social Media Channels
Twitter: @IndustryRacing
Facebook: Facebook.com/IndustryRacing
Instagram: @IndustryRacing

About Industry Racing
Industry Racing is based on the grounds of the Industry Hills Expo Center in the City of Industry, California. Races are hosted inside the property’s Grand Arena, making Industry Racing the only speedway racing facility covered by a roof. Speedway events at Industry Racing are hosted every Wednesday throughout the summer with racing scheduled to start at 7:30 p.m.

Industry Racing has risen to prominence in recent years thanks to the introduction of the Monster Energy World Speedway Invitational and internationally sanctioned AMA/FIM Youth Silver Cup. As of 2014, Industry Racing serves as the only track in Southern California fully sanctioned by the AMA.

2015 California Speedway News Part 1

Speedway News