American Speedway  

United States Speedway
Motorcycle Racing

2021 Championship Schedule

Fast Fridays Rider Points

AMA Racing Rulebook

2021 American Final Poster - Perris

Decembter 18, 2021 - Bakersfield

Oct 2, 2021 - Bakersfield

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Video By Allison Trana

Video By Mark Williams

Video By Allison Trana

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2021 California Speedway News


AMA National Championship Speedway Motorcycle Racing is coming to ‘The Dirt Track at Kern County Raceway’ in Bakersfield, CA on February 19th, 2022, sanctioned by the American Motorcyclist Association.

The event will feature the very best American riders who will be competing as two-man teams for the AMA National Speedway Pairs Championship. Riders will enter the event with a teammate, competing against other duos for the coveted #1 AMA plates, with the champions crowned at the end of the night.

KCRP Speedway and Flat Track Race Director Steve Evans enthused, “This is probably the most exciting event on the American Speedway schedule in 2022. Aside from the usual thrilling edge of your seat Speedway racing we have come to expect at Kern County Raceway, we have a couple of added twists. The very best racers in the country will be racing for a National Championship. Also, with the ‘Pairs’ racing format, it isn’t just about winning races for yourself, but it’s about on track strategies to get your team mate to the front with you. That means more blocking of opponents and choosing race lines to get your teammate to the front with you.”

The National Championship event format on February 19th will be 22 races, each race featuring the top two teams in points qualifying for a one-off sudden death grand finale championship.

“It all comes down to one race at the end of the night with only two of the teams surviving what will be tough and brutal heats. The winning team from that one final race will be the 2022 AMA National Champions.” said Evans.

“We have all the top American Speedway riders competing at KCRP on February 19th, Broc Nicol, brothers Dillon and Max Ruml, Luke Becker, Blake Borello and more,” stated KCRP General Manger, Larry Collins. “These guys travel the world racing Speedway, and they will be right here at Kern County Raceway on February 19th, if you’ve never seen speedway at KCRP, you have to make this event.”

This National Championship event will also feature a full supporting cast of motorcycle racing divisions. Racing starts at 5pm.

The 2022 Bakersfield Speedway season will get underway on January 22nd at ‘The Dirt Track at KCRP’ with the second annual ‘King of Kern’ event (2pm), and Central California Flat Track Series Round 1 (5pm). Then it’s the AMA National Speedway Pairs Championship on February 19th. There is a full year of monthly Speedway and Flat Track races at KCRP in 2022, details at www.kernraceway.com

Steve Evans Dream Team Speedway January 5th, 2022

2021 AMA/FIM North America Speedway Final

2021 American Final Supplemental Regulations in PDF

2021 American Final Program in PDF

2021 American Final Program

2021 AMA U21 Draw



2021 AMA U21 Draw


2021 Perris and Bakersfield

2022 Perris Raceway Schedule.

Jan 15
Feb 26
March 19
April 2
May 14
June 18
Oct 22
Nov 19
Dec 10

2022 Kern County Raceway, Bakersfield, Schedule. See the Track page.

Jan 22
Feb 19 - International Speedway Race (In the planning stages!)
March 26
April 16
May 21 - Flat Track race
June 25
Sept (TBD) – Flat Track race
Oct 15
Nov 5
Dec 3 or 17

(Dates are subject to change as we will work with other local tracks to coordinate.)

Steve Evans dreamteamspeedway@sbcglobal.net - October 30, 2021

2021 AMA Speedway Championship

AMA Speedway National Championship Series Supplemental Regulations - Round 1 and 2 (Revised Aug 30, 2021)
AMA Speedway National Championship Series Draw Round 1
AMA Speedway National Championship Series Draw - Round 2
September 4, 2021 - Action Park East, Greene, NY - 2021 AMA Speedway National Championship Series 1
September 5, 2021 - Champion Speedway, Owego, NY - 2021 AMA Speedway National Championship Series 2

Results are found on the 2021 Results Page.

The starting list of AMA Speedway National Championship Series Grand Final [Auburn, United States, 25th of September, 20.00 (local time)].
1. Russell Green
2. Gino Manzares
3. Dave Oakden
4. Max Ruml
5. Spencer Portararo
6. Brian Hollenbeck
7. Billy Janniro
8. Louie Mersaroli
9. Johnny Oakden
10. Charlie Venegas
11. Bart Bast
12. Blake Borello
13. Austin Novratil
14. Redmond Bohannon
15. Aaron Fox
16. Daniel Faria
17. Tyler Warren
18. Anthony Dion

Santa Maria Raceway

Shocking to read this less than 48 hours after a stellar event. Local Government gone mad including a homeowners association from recently built houses next to a race track. Madness and insanity. I am absolutely gutted for Nick Duggan, David Castaneda and the entire staff and community. If there is anything we can do we have your back. Steve Evans (August 2021

Santa Maria Raceway
It is with deep regret that we are forced to announce the indefinite suspension of operations at Stadium805 and the Santa Maria Raceway. The ongoing efforts of the County of San Luis Obispo and the Costa Pacifica Estates Homeowners Association to shut down our facility, and the legal fees defending the actions, has made it financially impossible to continue operating this facility in the way it has operated for decades. This is extremely frustrating as from the beginning we have made every effort to operate under the direct guidance from the County of San Luis Obispo.

Before purchasing the racetrack in 2018, and again before investing a significant amount of private capital in improvements, we invited a contingent of County officials and our 4 th District Supervisor to the facility to confirm the approved uses of the facility and to inquire as to what improvements could be made without affecting the approved uses of the Santa Maria Raceway. It was confirmed by County staff as well as our District Supervisor that the Santa Maria Raceway use permit allowed many forms of entertainment, including concerts, color runs, festivals, and other non-racing events without the need to pull additional permits for each event. This was also confirmed publicly by our elected official at the South County Advisory meeting in November 2019. This was an extremely important feature of the property and was a major factor in the decision to purchase the property, and the subsequent investment in the facility. All previous promoters of the facility had operated under that same guidance and have held numerous non-racing events, including live music, for decades, and with the full knowledge of the County of San Luis Obispo and local law enforcement. These non-racing events have been vital in keeping the facility financially viable. At no time was there any indication that there was any additional steps we needed to take to continue all of the historical activities at the raceway, including live music.

After getting assurances from the County on the kinds of improvements we could make without jeopardizing our approved uses, we proceeded with capital projects to improve the overall experience to our fans of all activities, including live music and racing. These improvements included new grandstand and terrace seating, new bathrooms, improved safety fencing, and many other infrastructure projects that were badly needed. The County encouraged the investment and were aware of our business plans. Based on the County’s endorsement of our plans, we entered into a multi-year agreement with an outside promoter to provide live entertainment.

After the renovations were completed, we received positive reviews of the improvements from the County and other entities interested in holding events at the racetrack. This included the decision of the World of Outlaws Sprint Car Series to return to Santa Maria Raceway after an over twenty- year absence. And we began to book events consistent with our operating permit. We then began to get complaints from some new residents of the Costa Pacifica Estates (a new development behind our facility) about noise from the facility. This was despite the homeowners signing a document in their CC & R’s acknowledging the existence of the racetrack and the noise generated by our activities. The residents then complained to the County about the live music events and contended that live music was a new project and was not an approved use of the facility.

The County of San Luis Obispo then, remarkably, rescinded their previous guidance and informed us in a letter dated 2.7.2020 that they made a mistake in allowing us to have non-racing events, and we would need to file for a 6.56 Entertainment License to put on live music events. This was in direct conflict with the guidance we were given before investing in the property and the completed improvements. Some of the improvements were specifically designed to enhance the experience of concert attendees. But we were assured by the County this new Entertainment licensing process would be fair and swift. We then proceeded with applying for the said license and went through the additional expense of the studies required to complete the license application. After overwhelming support of the local public at an open and public hearing of the County Board of Supervisors, and supportive staff reports from various County departments, including a positive staff report from the SLO County Sheriff’s office, we were granted the Entertainment License on a 4-0 vote of the County Supervisors in February of 2021. This license included new restrictions and limitations on our operation, some directly from the residents of the Costa Pacifica Estates, that we agreed to as to facilitate the process.

However, the Costa Pacifica Homeowners Association then filed a lawsuit under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) contending that the county had improperly granted us an exemption from conducting an Environmental Impact Report (EIR). CEQA has several provisions that exempt us from having to conduct an expensive EIR. One requires us to be an existing facility and not a new project which the County properly applied. Another requires the activities permitted to have been conducted for three or more years. Despite meeting both exemptions, the lawsuit held up the license and required extensive legal fees. The licensing process exempts the County of all legal liability so all legal fees must be paid by us, even if it is the County being sued.

In addition, the license was approved as we were still dealing with shutdowns due to the outbreak of COVID-19 and the business being shutdown with no revenue to fight the lawsuit and the COVID restrictions prevented us from using our new license. The license was rescinded until the State of California and the County of San Luis Obispo removed the attendance and mitigation efforts in place for COVID. In June of 2021 both the state and the county relaxed restrictions and allowed us to be back at 100% capacity for live events. We requested a reinstatement of the previously approved Entertainment License to resume normal operations. But the County is now saying we must start this expensive process all over again.

We now find ourselves in a no-win situation. We can follow the ever-changing guidance of the County of San Luis Obispo and risk being in violation of our contract with the promoters or we can fulfill our contractual obligation and be fined by the County at each event for violations that have no basis in specific County codes. County fines between June and August will have reached over $37k and must be paid up front. Adding to over $150k of lawyers/consultants fees and studies,This has drained us of all remaining operating funds. This is now affecting the quality and safety of our shows.

This makes it impossible to continue to operate this venue without direct intervention of the County to resolve the problems they caused by luring us into an investment and then abandoning a local family operating a local business. A small group of homeowners complained about a facility they knew existed before they bought their homes. We did not build a racetrack in their backyards. They built their backyards next to our racetrack.

In addition to investing over $2m locally, Stadium805 employs or contracts with 40+ individuals and has welcomed over 50,000 visitors to our region annually.

Unfortunately as a local family operation we no longer have the means to continue the fight to keep this iconic facility open. The effect this had on our personal health and mental well-being due to the constant legal battles and uncertainty of the future has led us to this distressing decision.

As of today we are officially closing down the operations of Stadium805 and Santa Maria raceway to stop the financial bleeding. Apart from one or two remaining contractual arrangements through August 2021 all other events will be canceled. All outstanding invoices and staff arrangements will be paid in full from personal funds.

We sincerely and unreservedly apologize to our community of devoted fans and racers.

Yours sincerely
Nick Duggan

Santa Maria

Speedway on August 7 at Santa Maria!

August 7 - Santa Maria Poster


The Ventura Long Track Speedway Championship will be on August 21 at Ventura Raceway!

August 21 - Ventura Poster

Fast Fridays 2021 Schedule

2021 Fast Fridays Schedule


Wow! Due to rider demand it’s a 10 on 10 team match tomorrow! (April 24) Team race will consist of 3 rounds of heats with the top 8 going to individual semis and final like a normal night! Here are your line ups.

Bakersfield Bandits Perris Pirates
1 Max Ruml
2 Chris Kerr
3 Austin Novratil
4 Blake Borello
5 Michael Wells
6 Robbie Sauer
7 Rheten Todd
8 Brad Sauer
9 Mark Fillebrown
10 Derik Denzin
1 Gino Manzares
2 Billy Janniro
3 Russell Green
4 Sebastian Palmese
5 Eddie Castro
6 Daniel Faria
7 Rees Todd
8 Wilbur Hancock
9 Louie Mersaroli
10 Gregory Moore

That’s a 15 heat team match plus semis and finals! And all points character was the Triple Crown series where the top for riders will race for $1000 for the win in the series race off after the Main in May 8th!

Steve Evans Dream Team Speedway (April 23, 2021)

“Hot Shoe” Hall of Fame Grand Opening

LAS VEGAS, Nev. (April 19, 2021) – With the inaugural “Hot Shoe” Hall of Fame Grand Opening set for May 1 at Fremont Street in Las Vegas, the motorcycle group has named its Lifetime Achievement Award after the legendary steel show maker and racing advisor, the late Ken Maely.

The “Maely Award” will be presented annually to a person in recognition for their outstanding contributions to the motorcycle industry. The first “Maely Award” for lifetime achievement was awarded 2020 to Maely’s widow, Judy, and the 2021 recipient will be presented the award on Saturday, May 1, at the Notoriety Theatre in the “Hot Shoe” Hall of Fame Grand Opening event set at the Notoriety Theatre in the Neonopolis, part of the Las Vegas Fremont Street Experience (450 E. Fremont St., 3rd Floor) beginning at 6 p.m. PDT.

For further information on the Hot Shoe Hall of Fame and the May 1 Grand Opening, visit the website at www.hotshoehof.com or on Facebook at Hot Shoe Hall of Fame. For hotel rooms at the May 1 event, please contact the Downtown Grand, just 100 feet from the event. Ask for the Hot Shoe Hall of Fame rate at 855-384-7263.

Tom Blattler, TB Communications


Team race at Kern 24 April - clarification:

Just to clarify, the team race we are staging at KCRP on the 24th is not part of the Perris series. The Bakersfield event will feature two teams of Division 1 riders. Naturally with the heritage of the Bandits we are keen to showcase and promote them as we build our new fan base.

The Bakersfield Bandits will take on the Perris Pirates and naturally riders who race for these two teams in the Perris series will most likely stay on these teams for April 24. Riders who race for one of the other two teams or do not race in the series will be allocated to one of these teams for the night.

Note the team event will be the division one portion of the program. All of the divisions will race a normal individual program. There will also likely be an overflow Division 1 ‘Future Stars’ class if division one sign ups exceed the available team places.

It is our hope that moving forward team racing in America will evolve to a proper league with a minimum of four tracks participating, each with a home team staging matches. One of the existing three other California promotions has expressed keen interest in being involved in such.

The final round of team racing at Perris is 22nd of May.

Steve Evans Dream Team Speedway (April 14, 2021)

Team race at Kern 24 April

Fast Fridays

This Saturday, April 17th, come on out to Fast Fridays Motorcycle Speedway and get in some practice.

Gates open at 2
Practice starts at 4 - 8 p

Youth Speedway Training Academy:

Give Speedway a try! It’s fun. It helps with motocross and Enduro. Bikes, steel shoes, etc. will be provided. Former World Champion Billy Hamill provides training and bikes. Fast Fridays is a great track. Come on out! DM me to Sign Up or email: jhohlbein@mac.com.

Nick Hohlbein Racing March 31, 2021

Fast Fridays Practice April 17, 20212021 Youth Speedway Training Academy


$1500 Bonus Dash for Cash for the top 4 Division 1 riders at the Spring Triple Crown Series at Bakersfield!
   April 10
   April 24
   May 8

Billy Janniro
Record-breaking 10-time and current AMA National Speedway Champion Billy Janniro

Billy Janniro has an astonishing record and has been the dominant force in American Speedway for the past decade. He was a competitor at the opening event in Bakersfield on February 20, scoring third place in the main event but is vowing to come back to claim the top spot.

He will line up with a host of the superstars of the American Speedway Motorcycle scene with the races beginning at 7 PM under the lights. Spectators are welcome to attend the event. Grandstand passes are $20 for adults, $10 for kids 12 and under with five and under free. VIP infield passes that include all event pit access price at $25. Princeton tickets will be available from 5:30 PM on the day of the event.

The race is round one of the KCRP ‘Spring Triple Crown’ series with the other events scheduled for April 24 and May 8 during a five week bonanza period. The top four riders from the series in division one will get to race off in a $1500 Dash for cash on May 8th. The Triple Crown series will involve three events with three different unique racing formats. April 24 will involve British style teams Speedway with May 8 featuring handicap racing with the fastest right is starting with a yardage penalty. Points accumulated in all three rounds will determine the four Raiders that will race off in the Dash for Cash.

KCRP Speedway promoter Steve Evans can be contacted at (310) 309-9418. March 31, 2021


Coming soon, April 3rd, Round 2 of the 2021 Team Racing Series. British Style Team Racing returns to Perris Speedway! Round 1 had the Huntington Beach Heathens over the Perris Pirates 28 - 25 and the Bakersfield Bandits over Team SOS Wolves 33 - 26. Round 2 will see the Pirates meeting the Heathens, and The Bandits meeting the Wolves. You can watch it all on XSRA.tv on your phone, tablet, TV anywhere in the world.
Ken McKinney


Last Saturday nights race from Bakersfield will be restaged on April 10. It will form part of a three round Spring Triple Crown Series as we include the already scheduled dates of April 24 and May 8.

There will be a point series and much more exciting things over the three events!

Steve Evans Dream Team Speedway (March 21, 2021)

Fast Fridays

Saturday March 27th, come on out to Fast Fridays Motorcycle Speedway and get in some practice.
Gates open at 2 - Practice starts at 4 - 8 pm
Cost: $40 per rider - $10 per mechanic/pit pass
Come out and spin some laps on the tricky dirt oval!

Dave Joiner March 19, 2021

Costa Mesa

Rad Brad Oxley just called!...

Kinda sounds like hell, but his spirits and his drive is bigger than ever!

He said to make sure everyone that has reached out to him knows that he is so, so thankful, and its given him a fierce spark to get the world famous Costa Mesa Speedway racing again, with spectators asap!

"I will be back!" and with a vengeance! Still plenty of recovery and rehab to do, Brad has big plans...

While still working stuff out final details with the fair board, Brad is looking at running races in August, September and October on their usual Saturday nights!
Sure was a good chat with Brad and Jaleen...and even better to hear their plans. "We are not done...and I ain't goin nowhere"
Such great news from Brad himself...

They will keep everyone posted through social media and the website as plans come to fruition...

Paul Flanders March 16, 2021


I just want to take a moment and mention that former Speedway rider Bryan "Bumblebee" Buffington has been hosting speedway racing videos, blogs and Live interviews, on his YouTube channel. Follow the link and subscribe to his page! Bryan Bee Speedway YouTube Channel

Editor March 12, 2021

Lake Elsinore

Had a long one with Kelly Inman. Always good catching up with a what’s new in your world conversation.

Kelly told how the virus and no Industry Racing had derailed his Speedway at “The Grand” plans. Still positive about a reopening Kelly thinks “The Thunderdome” might get to racing in the 2nd half of this year. Depends on the Governor, Industry will be racing as soon as he gives his OK

Asking about his involvement at the Lake Elsinore Motocross Track, that Lucas Oil use to run Kelly tells me he will promote Flattrack and Speedway there on three separate race tracks. One is a 7 degree banked ¼ mile, the other Perris size of approximately 230 meters and the third Costa Mesa size. All three tracks will be open for practice.

Kelly plans to bring some hotshoes out to Lake Elsinore in the next two weeks to test race the track. If that all goes well and not to many changes need to be addressed racing will start sometime in April. Currently the tracks have no lighting so races will be daylight events.

Kelly will also promote a race at the 35 acres Loretta Lynn Ranch in Tennessee on May 20th. Harley Davidson has stepped up with some sponsorship so he will fly out there on May 1st with plans to build a small oval the size of Costa Mesa. The chief planner/promoter on all these tracks and projects are only as strong as Kelly’s team that puts it all together. I’ve been doing this awhile and have a lot of good people so I delegates a lot of these responsibility’s Kelly proudly stated. Also I’m on the AMA Commission and strongly support the organization so I would like all my events to be AMA sanctioned Kelly continued when asked.
Good on Ya, Kelly Inman. Speedway and racing salute you.

Howie Zechner - March 11, 2021

News out of Facebook has Kelly Inman building a track at the Lake Elsinore Motorsports Park. Plans include Speedway and Flat Track maybe more. Biggest benefit will be having a practice track open any day the park is open, which is much more affordable to ride at, and then of course private days. 2 tracks sizes 1/4 mile and one smaller. Kelly wants to do a smaller one to that will help the kids, and beginners.

Editor February 22, 2021

Santa Maria

And there’s more!

Flat track and limited speedway classes will run at Santa Maria on 10 July and 7 August!

More info to follow

Santa Maria Raceway Schedule

Steve Evans Dream Team Speedway (January 30, 2021)

Speedway at Kern County Raceway

Bakersfield Feb 20, 2021

Note to Bakersfield is a race next Saturday on the 20th. Speedway starts at 4 PM and will run for about two hours followed by flat track. 

After another successful practice session yesterday at Kern County raceway in Bakersfield, Track manager Larry Collins and myself I have decided that pending final track improvements we want to go racing in the next month!

We want to get to work right away on building the speedway crash wall and adding in DG to the track surface. If that can be completed within the next 10 days we will do a final test session on 7 February.

The first race will feature a two hour speedway program late afternoon followed immediately by a flat track race event in the evening.

Places on both programs will be limited for the first event and will be signed up as pre-pay online. We will Have the sign-up link live in the next 7 to 10 days.

In the event we do not have the necessary improvements done in time we will instead run a practice session on February 20 and the start date for racing will be March 20.

Steve Evans Dream Team Speedway (January, 2021)

Hot Shoe Hall of Fame Grand Opening

Hot Shoe Hall of Fame Grand Opening and 50th Anniversary Celebration of “On Any Sunday” Event Postponed

Our new event date is May 1, 2021

We are sorry to announce that we are moving our inaugural event date to May 1, 2021, due to the extended restrictions recently announced by the State of Nevada and the city of Las Vegas concerning live events. Our new event timing will be set to begin the last day of the Annual 2021 Mecum Motorcycle Auction, now moved to April 28 - May 1, 20121, at the Las Vegas Convention Center. The Convention Center is just minutes from the HOT SHOE Hall of Fame, located at 4th and Fremont, as part of the Famous Fremont Experience. Our Grand Opening and Celebration of the 50th Anniversary Celebration of the iconic motorcycle movie On Any Sunday as originally planned, just now on May 1, 2021, versus our original date.

More Details to follow. We are sorry for any inconvenience this may cause. Our response to the event has been tremendous, and with our new date in place, we will be moving forward with additional event detail and activities.

Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas! From the HOT SHOE Hall of Fame team

Gene Woods

Speedway at Kern County Raceway

The icing on the cake for a great speedway weekend at Perris!

Coming in 2021 Speedway and Flat Track at Kern County Raceway in Bakersfield.

Practice January 3rd. Numbers will be limited to 20 as we are still developing the track to get it race ready. Race surface and crashwall are under development.
A handful of riders conducted a private test last week and we are ready to move to the next stage. We hope to be racing by March. Practicing testing sessions meantime! Perris is still the priority but we will be taking the Perris blueprint to new pastures with year round racing.

Sign up information for the practice session coming very soon.

Steve Evans Dream Team Speedway (December 14, 2020)



Speedway News