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Mecum Las Vegas - The Worlds Largest Motorcycle Auction

Mecum Motorcycle Auction by Howie Zechner

Mecum Motorcycle Auction by Howie Zechner

Its to expensive, its to far away, are the most common excuses I hear when the uninformed talk about attending the Las Vegas Mecum motorcycle auction. Do those naysayers have a point? Well, I believe they are mixing expense and value. Here are the facts according to Howie so you be the judge.

Mecum Motorcycle Auction by Howie Zechner

Mecum Motorcycle Auction by Howie Zechner
Mecum Las Vegas featured 1,750 motorcycles 

Expense: This is what you pay for a product or service. At the Las Vegas Mecum motorcycle auction daily spectator admission cost was $20. advance booking or $30. at the door.  Parking is free as is literature on the bikes for sale. Bidder  advance registration cost was $100, or $200 once the auction had started. That fee includes admission for two for each auction day. Mecum also charges a fee for each sale from both the seller and buyer. There are additional charges for worldwide shipping, insurance, banking and DMV services if one wishes to use these services.

Mecum Motorcycle Auction by Howie Zechner

Mecum Motorcycle Auction by Howie Zechner
Road Art and specialty items are also available at all Mecum Auctions

Value: This represents a proven record of procedure, presentation, prudence, and product that often has no relationship to the expenses incurred. Teamwork Value. Dedicated professionals that know their craft and skill-set this family owned business has a proven record of supplying a large selection of old, rare, race, custom and one of a kind motorcycle offerings. Well, documented and respected in 2018 this event produced a phenomenal $13-million-plus in sales and 92-percent sell-through rate. The January 22 thru 26, 2019 Mecum Las Vegas auction broke that record and featured 1,750 motorcycles. 

Mecum Motorcycle Auction by Howie Zechner

Mecum Motorcycle Auction by Howie Zechner
  Multiple manufactures unpacked new in the crate motorcycles were available

Mecum Motorcycle Auction by Howie Zechner
                        Still plentiful Honda CBX 6 Cylinder bikes are very desirable 

Who goes to these Motorcycle auctions? People like you and me from here and everywhere world wide. Some are regular Joe’s who grew up riding or racing

these two wheel machines or looky loos looking to capture the past. Then there are industry people who worked or sold them, collectors who hide them in garages or display them in living-rooms, man-caves or museums and of course the capitalist that sees an investment that is secure and will give a better return than most any other purchase. 

Mecum Motorcycle Auction by Howie Zechner

Mecum Motorcycle Auction by Howie Zechner

Motorcycle superstars mingle among the bikes and patrons making “What Happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas”, the perfect social meeting location. Relaxing in plush seats that fill the auction arena the mood is relaxed and all give gladly of their time and experience. Talking about the one they had or soon will they relieve yesterday and make deals for tomorrow. Portions of the event are broadcast on NBC Sports Network, and the entire auction is on a live stream at Mecum.com. It is without a doubt a happening.

Mecum Motorcycle Auction by Howie Zechner

Mecum Motorcycle Auction by Howie Zechner
1969 AMA Grand National Champion and Hall of Fame recipient Mert Lawwill with writer Harald Zechner 

Now there is no question that the Mecum, Vegas auction has some serious high-dollar sales. On this 2019 event a restored 1930 Crocker “Big Tank” Twin sold for $704,000. and a 1930 “Small Tank” Crocker brought $423,500. On the other end last year former racer Gene Woods bought JAP racer ridden by Ivan Mauger for $1500. at this auction and a nice 1952 JAP speedway bike fetched $5,500. this year.

Mecum Motorcycle Auction by Howie Zechner
1930 Crocker “Big Tank” Twin sold for $704,000

Mecum Motorcycle Auction by Howie Zechner
1952 JAP speedway bike sold for $5,500

Adding the Worlds Largest Motorcycle Auction to you bucket list for 2020 is worth consideration. After all you don’t have to be a millionaire to enjoy life like one. So enjoy cause a couple of days in “Sin City” can make a new man or women out of you.

Mecum Motorcycle Auction by Howie Zechner

More information on this and all of Mecum’s auctions at: Mecum Auctions

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Thanks for listening
Harald “Howie” Zechner
Motor Press Journalist - Trailblazer


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