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2002/3 Victorville Speedway
Race Results

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Victorville Speedway

San Bernardino County Fairgrounds
14800 Seventh Street
Victorville, California

2002-2003 Winter Series Round 3
Victorville Speedway
January 4, 2003
By: Gary Gomez

2002 Victorviile Speedway

Victorville was the site of Round #3 Winter Series yesterday. The day turned out to be a sunny day with no clouds in site. With 3 rounds down and 1 more to go the Youth competitors have a great battle going for the Winter Series Championship.

Ricky Wells was in Excellent form yesterday capturing all three rides to win round three of the Victorville Winter series. Battling for second was current 2 time National Champion TJ Fowler, Dario Galvin,and Tim Gomez. At the end of three races it was a three way tie for second place that ended up being decided upon the heat races.

Dario Galvin was awarded with second place and current 2 time National Champion TJ Fowler took third.

Second Division 1 place was awarded to Austin Novratil for putting in three strong rides to put himself on the top of the podium. Next to Noratil on the podium in second place was Dale Fachini and rounding off the podium was thrid place Tamara Kripps.


Youth Second Division		1	2	3	T
  8 - Austin Novratil   		1 	3 	3	7
301 - Dale Facchini  		3 	2 	0	5
223 - Tamara Krips 		2 	0 	2	4
  7 - Samantha Ramirez 		0 	0 	0	0 (First time racing

Youth First Division		1	2	3	T
142 - Ricky Wells	(20)    4 	4 	4 	12
145 - Dario Galvin  	(20)    0 	3 	2 	5
  1 - TJ Fowler  	(40)    3 	2 	0 	5
 36 - Tim Gomez 	(40)    2 	0 	3 	5
 27 - Krystal Cramer 	(10)  	1 	1 	1	3
 66 - Jason Ramirez 	(10)    0 	0 	0	0

First Division			1	2	3	T
  3 - Gary Hicks    		3	3	3	9
 24 - Bobby Krips   		3	2	3	8
  8n - Bryan Yarrow  		2	3	2	7   
 27n - Chris Kerr      		3	3	1	7
198 - Justin Boyle   		1	1	3	5
236n - Robert Mellor  		2	1	1	4
293 - Rick Valdez     		0	1	2	3
 44n - Billy Hiles      	1	2	0	3
321 - Billy Lyons     		0	2	0	2
212n - Greg Hooten Jr.       	2	0	0	2  
113n - Rachalle Kerr  		0	0	0	0   

Scratch Main
  3 - Gary Hicks
  8n - Bryan Yarrow
 24 - Bobby Krips
 27n - Chris Kerr
Scores after three rounds

Youth Second Division
    1) Austin Novratil   14  	missed round 1
    2) Dale Facchini      12 	missed round 1
    3) Tamara Krips      9  	missed round 1
    4) Samantha Ramirez   0 	missed round 1,2

Youth First Division     
    1) Dario Galvin  	 33   	Jawa
    2) Tim Gomez  	 32   	Jawa
    3) Ricky Wells  	 24    	Jawa  	missed first round
    4) Jason Ramirez 	 21   	Honda
    5) Krystal Cramer    16   	Honda             
    6) Danny Easley  	 10  	Jawa  	missed round 2,3
    7) Skyler Greyson     6  		missed round 1,3  
    8) TJ Fowler          5    		missed 1,2
    9) JT Mabry           2     	missed round 1,3
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