American Speedway  

2004 Chowchilla Speedway
Race Results

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2004 California Results Page

Sliding Sideways Speedway
Chowchilla, California

2003 / 2004 Chowchilla  Results
May 29, 2004 - Chowchilla
By: Robert Mellor

Karen Gould racing photographer has a Chowchilla page on her website.
Checkered Flag Photos

Chowchilla, CA - November 1, 2003

Randy Martin Wins First Main Event

Preliminary Heats
#322 Dave Fonts       3 3 1  7
#155 Vince Bertolucci 2 2 2  6
#333 Shawn Eldridge   1 2 0  3
#190 Steve Lewotski   0 1 2  3
#375 Clark Caravella  1 0 1  2
#180 Randy Martin     3 1 3  7
#12 Greg Hooten Jr.   2 3 3  8

Last Chance
Steve Lewotsky
Shawn Eldridge
Clark Caravella
Vince Bertolucci (Fell)

Main Event
Randy Martin
David Fonts
Steve Lewotsky
Greg Hooten Jr. (Fell)

Chowchilla, CA - November 8, 2003

Matt Browne Wins Main Event

Preliminary Heats
155 Vince Bertolucci  1 1 1  3
29  Matt Browne       3 3 3  9
190 Steve Lewotsky    2 3 1  6
12  Greg Hooten Jr.   3 1 3  7
X   Greg Hooten Sr.   1 0 0  1
93  J.T. Mabry        0 2 2  4
236 Robert Mellor     0 2 2  4
363 Kell Kerrigan     2 0 0  2

Last Chance
Robert Mellor
Vince Bertolucci
Greg Hooten Sr.
Kell Kerrigan

Main Event  (Restarted)
Matt Browne
J.T. Mabry
Robert Mellor
Steve Lewotsky
Greg Hooten Jr. (Penalty Line, Fell)

Chowchilla, CA - November 15, 2003

Brian Yarrow Wins Main Event

Preliminary Heats
8   Brian Yarrow      3 3 3  9
29  Matt Brown        3 3 3  9
322 David Fonts       1 2 2  5
236 Robert Mellor     2 1 1  4
12  Greg Hooten Jr.   2 0 2  4
155 Vince Bertolucci  0 2 1  3
31  Jon Curry         1 1 0  2
112 Devon Defreeze    0 0 0  0

Main Event
Brian Yarrow
Matt Brown
David Fonts
Robert Mellor
Greg Hooten Jr.

Devon Defreeze
Jon Curry
Vince Bertolucci

Support Main Event
Greg Hooten Sr.
Kell Kerrigan
Brian Daland
Greg Lovlien
Clark Caravella

Chowchilla, CA - December 6, 2003

Brian Yarrow Wins Main Event Again!

Preliminary Heats
21 Brad Sauer      3 1 2  6
12 Greg Hooten Jr. 2 2 3  7
190 Steve Lewotsky 1 0 1  2
X Greg Hooten Sr.  0 1 1  2
8 Brian Yarrow     3 3 3  9
236 Robert Mellor  2 2 2  6
17 Robbie Sauer    0 3 0  3
123 Mark Thomas    1 0 0  1
93 J.T. Mabry      0 0 0  0

Last Chance
(restarted twice)
Robbie Sauer
Steve Lewotsky
Greg Hooten Sr.
Mark Thomas (fell)

Main Event
Brian Yarrow
Robbie Sauer
Robert Mellor
Brad Sauer
Greg Hooten Jr. (fell)

Support Main Event
Brian Daland
Clark Caravella
Greg Lovlien
Kjell Lovlien
Kevin Harrison
Jeff Irwin


(916) 771 4629

Effective January 10th racing will begin at 4:30p.m. Practice will begin at 3:00. The days at chowchilla had become rather long  running with both carts and flat track classes. The new schedule will have NO CARTS.
This will eliminate 20 races and considerably speed up the program.

Anybody who hasn't had the chance to make it out you are missing out on some great racing. Many thanks to all of those who have came out to support this new track. If there are any riders wishing to race please give me a call. Come once and I know you will come back. We have know run 5 rounds and the racing just keeps getting better. This week we will welcome Chris "The Tiger" Kerr and his teammate Billy "Haybail" Hiles.
Hopefully we can talk Rachelle into riding as well. We have had many great riders out and are expecting many more.

Robert Mellor (916) 771 4629

Chowchilla, CA - January 10, 2004

Chowchilla has been running Speedway since October, with a small number of Speedway riders, but last night was the first time there was a large turn out. Its a covered facility, so is unaffected by weather conditions. The price to pay for this is the noise.

The program interleaved Speedway into what was primarily a flat track meeting, and the Speedway riders were quite an attraction. Compared to the flat track the races were much shorter, and in my opinion much more interesting. I hope this generated more interest for Northern California and Southern California riders to support this facility.

Unofficial results

Division 1
Bryan Yarrow
Chris Kerr
JT Mabry
Greg Searle
Vance Felicio
Bryan and Chris had a good race out front, JT and Vance Felicio diced for third place until Vance fell, and the race was called. It was good to see Robbie Sauer and Billy Hiles riding earlier in the day, but neither competed in the main event. Robbie, who comes from Bakersfield made it up to Chowchilla in less than two hours.

Division 2
Teddy Taylor
Guy Jessop
Brian Leland
Kjell Lovlien
Steve Rowett
It was good to see Teddy Taylor back on a Speedway bike, thanks to the loan of Greg Howell’s bike. The reason was an early practice in preparation for competing in a couple of ice racing rounds. Teddy was a top flat track racer in the nineties, including a third place in the Sacramento mile in 1993, riding as a privateer, again America’s top factory riders.

Division 2 Consolation
Teddy Taylor
Clerk Caravella
Rich Mignano
Greg Lovlien
Rick Gutzke
Winner, Teddy Taylor transferred to the main.
Another Great day of racing in Chowchilla.

Division 3
Dave Joiner
Dave Quick
Michelle Searle
Kevin Harrison
A good win for Fast Fridays Speedway promoter, Dave Joiner. Dave has been having fun practicing and occasionally benchmarks his skills on the
race track.

Alex Marcucci
Paul Johnson
Mitchell Johnson
Trevor Searle
Tori Hubbert

Heat Scores
Division 2 (scoring 4,3,2,1,0)
Brian Daland      4 4 1 9
Kjell Lovlien     2 3 3 8
Rich Mignano      1 1 1 3
Clark Caravella   2 2 3 7
Steve Rowett      3 1 4 8
Greg Lovlien      3 3 2 8
Rick Gutzkee      0 2 0 2
Guy Jessop        4 4 0 8
Ted Taylor        1 2 4 7

Division 1(scoring 3,2,1,0)
J.T. Mabry         1 2 3 6
Robert Mellor     2 3 1 6
Robbie Saurer     0 0 0 0
Brian Yarrow      3 2 3 8
Vance Felicio     2 1 1 4
Chris Kerr        3 3 2 8
Richard Christian 0 0   0
Greg Searle       1 1 2 4
Steve Lewotsky Injured During Practice
Billy Hiles Withdrew After Practice

2003 National Youth Champion, Alex Marcucci, showed why he is National Champion, with a good win, in the Youth Class. Paul Johnson took a tumble on the first lap first time out and came back from the handicap line to quickly capture second place.

This is an excellent winter practice facility. It is an hour and a half south of Sacramento on highway 99. The organizers are very Speedway friendly.

Every rider got several practice rides, 3 heat races and a main.
It is under cover, so is protected from weather conditions. There is every reason for all Speedway riders who need practice, to support this place.

Chowchilla, CA - February 28, 2004

Matt Browne wins Main Event

John Houston makes his speedway return at chowchilla finishing first in his first heat race beating myself and Steve Lewotsky. Finished second to Matt Browne in his second heat then took a spectacular fall in his third heat with multiple cartwheels down the front straight. Spent a while inside the ambulance but then left in his own car. I have not received an update on his condition but will post it as soon as I hear.

Main Event (restarted)
Matt Browne
J.T. Mabry
Robert Mellor( penalty line)
Steve Lewotsky
Mike Browne (dns)

Brian Daland continues to dominate the support class and has nearly locked up the points title for Chowchilla Winter series. Clark Caravella is close but would need Brian to miss races in order to catch up. Kjell Lovlien is third.

Support Class
Brian Daland
Kjell Lovlien
Clark Caravella
Greg Lovlien

Chowchilla, CA - March 6, 2004

Greg Hooten Jr. Wins Main

Chris Kerr was unbeatable in the heats and looked to be running away with the main when he missed the line going in to turn one on lap 4 and slid out. J.R. came from the back passing Brown, Bertolucci, and then Kerr to take his first main at Chowchilla. The race was restarted twice.
First for Hooten who got taken wide and into a hay bail and experienced a nasty get off and once for Brown going down in turn four on the first lap of the restart. Track was tricky and looked to change with each heat.

Lewotsky took the win in Division 2 and the battle continued in Division 3 with Brian Daland taking the win over Clark Caravella. Big Vinnie rolled out
his new short stroke and pulled double duty competing in both d-1 and d-2 winning 3 D-2 heats And taking second in the D-1 Main.

Only 3 weeks left.

Robert Mellor

A slight adjustment in Chowchilla results the 2nd Div 2 Heat Greg Hooten Sr. seemed to be a sure winner in the heat when suddenly his motor seized.  Leaving the door open for Vince Bertolucci to steal a heat which for sure Greg Hooten would have won.

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