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2007 Fast Fridays Speedway
Race Results

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2007 Fast Fridays Speedway
Gold Country Fairgrounds
Auburn, California

Fast Fridays, Auburn, California USA - October 5, 2007
By Gary Roberts

A small cold determined crowd were rewarded on Friday night with some good racing on a very nice racetrack. It was probably the smallest crowd I have witnessed in 11 years at Fast Fridays. Many spectators from Sacramento turned up in shorts, only to find the temperature 20 degrees lower, a thousand feet up the hill.

A few top names were missing from the program, but this gave some of the youngsters a chance to shine. Ricky Wells, Kenny Ingalls, Greg Hooten and JT Mabry have all ridden well this season and they grabbed the opportunity for some easier than normal prize money, qualifying through the program in both scratch and handicap events.

Scratch Main
1. Tommy Hedden; 2. Bart Bast; 3. JT Mabry: 4. Kenny Ingalls.

Tommy Hedden got a great gate in the scratch main, while Kenny Ingalls and Bart Bast fought for second place. Having successfully found enough traction to get around Bast on the outside, Ingalls fell while trying to do the same to Hedden.

Scratch Consi
1. Ricky Wells: 2. Greg Hooten: 3.Jon Stasiefski: 4. Charlie Venegas (qualified, but non-starter).
Wells all the way with Hooten on his tail.

Handicap Main
1. Greg Hooten; 2. Ricky Wells; 3. Bart Bast; 4. Kenny Ingalls; 5. Tommy Hedden.
Hooten all the way, with Wells on his tail.

Handicap Consi
1, JT Mabry: 2. Shawn Eldridge: 3. Jon Stasiefski: 4. JJ Martynse: 5. Charlie Venegas (qualified but non-starter).
Venegas missed his rides in both consi events following a spectacular fall in his scratch semi-final. It looked worse then it was.

Division 2 Main
1. Beau Judge; 2. Danny Turner; 3. Steve Lewotsky; 4. Danny Poli; 5. Glen Scott.
Judge staked his claim for future in division one with a win in both the trophy dash event and the div 2 main. He had an outstanding season for a rider who started riding speedway less than a year ago, at the age of 30.

Division 2 Consi
1. Rob Christian; 2. Les Veale; 3. Johnny Frank; 4. Steve Rowett; 5. Brian Leventon.

Division 3 Main
1. Shane Loessberg; 2. Matt Drury; 3. Richard Fehrman; 4. John Randolf; 5. Daniel Faria..

Division 3 Consi
1. Billy Parino: 2. Billy Vaughn; 3. Michelle Fehrman: 4. Rich Mignano: 5. Clark Caravella.

Youths Division 1
1. Bryce Starks; 2. Thomas Reich; 3. Tyler Warren; 4.Tanner Kane.

Youths Division 2
1. Kendra Warren; 2. Desi Fehrman; 3. Jameson Dilkey; 4. Joe Dingle.

October 26 is Fast Fridays next night of speedway and it should be a good one. The provisional list of names for the world team is: Jason Crump, Matej Zagar, David Howe, Lubos Tomicek, Armando Castagna and Brian Karger. The US team will comprise Mike Faria, Bart Bast, Tommy Hedden, Charlie Venegas, Ryan Fisher and Bryan Yarrow, assuming his injuries are behind him.

Gary Roberts - gary_rob@ix.netcom.com

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