American Speedway  

2008 Fast Fridays Speedway
Race Results

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Fast Fridays Speedway
Gold Country Fairgrounds
Auburn, California

Fast Fridays, Auburn, California USA - June 27, 2008
By Gary Roberts

May be it was the hot weather, maybe it was the horrendous smoke in the air from the hundreds of wild fires in Northern California, making folks want to stay home inside, but the crowd at Fast Fridays seemed a bit lighter than usual.

Edinburgh Monarchs heat leader Ryan Fisher made a surprise visit and put on a great show. He won the handicap main and came in second in the scratch main behind Bart Bast. This was Bast’s fifth scratch main win this season.

Scratch Main Event
1. Bart Bast; 2.Ryan Fisher; 3. Bryan Yarrow; 4. Tommy Hedden.

Scratch Consolation Event
1. Charlie Venegas; 2. Greg Hooten; 3. JT Mabry; 4. Chad Felicio.

Handicap Main Event
1. Ryan Fisher; 2. Tommy Hedden; 3. Bart Bast; 4. Chad Felicio; 5. Jim Lewis.

Handicap Consolation Event
1. Ricky Felicio; 2. JT Mabry; 3. Bryan Yarrow; 4. Charlie Venegas.

Division 2 Main Event
1. Sean Billenstein; 2. Danny Turner; 3. Jay Ricketts; 4. Tom Fehrman; 5. Bryce Starks.

Division 2 Consolation Event
1. Charlie Haines; 2. Danny Faria; 3. Steve Rowett; 4. Tyler Hansen; 5. Mike Achilles.

Division 3 Main Event
1. Mark Legara; 2. Shane Loessburg; 3. Richard Fehrman; 4. Adrian Contrares; 5. Glenn Scott.

Division 3 Consolation Event
1. Dustin Bedollt; 2. Lenny Bourassa; 3. Greg Lovlien; 4. Jeff Irwin; 5.Tor Lovlien.

Youth Division 1
1. Cody Ciciarelli; 2. Tanner Kane: 3. Kendra Warren.

Youth Division 2/3
1. PJ Byrne; 2. Tyler Warren; 3. Joe Dingle; 4. Kevin Black; 5. Desi Fehrman.

Next week is the July 4 and the racing starts an hour early and is followed by a firework display.

Gary Roberts - gary_rob@ix.netcom.com

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