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2008 Fast Fridays Speedway
Race Results

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Fast Fridays Speedway
Gold Country Fairgrounds
Auburn, California

Fast Fridays, Auburn, California USA - August 1, 2008
By Gary Roberts

A warm evening, a good rider turn out and a large crowd.

Tommy Hedden, Kenny Ingalls and Charlie Venegas got similar starts in the main. Bart Bast, from the outside gate, gated behind them and found an inside line which took him to second place behind Hedden. Venegas tried an outside line in turn 3 which did not work at all, causing him to fall. Bast waited for Hedden’s mistake, which didn’t happen, while Ingalls waited for the same from Bast, again, with no success. The Scratch Consi was a good race for second, with Harmatiuk and Felicio changing places several times.

Greg Hooten had a well deserved win in the Handicap main, followed closely by Ingalls and Bast.

Scratch Main Event
1. Tommy Hedden; 2. Bart Bast; 3. Kenny Ingalls; 4. Charlie Venegas.

Scratch Consolation Event
1. Ricky Wells; 2. Shaun Harmatiuk; 3. Chad Felicio; 4. Bryan Yarrow.

Handicap Main Event
1. Greg Hooten; 2. Kenny Ingalls; 3. Bart Bast; 4. Bryan Yarrow; 5. Ricky Wells.

Handicap Consolation Event
1. Bryce Starks; 2. Shawn Eldridge; 3. Alex Marcucci; 4.Ben Essary; 5. Devin DeFreece.

Division 2 Main Event
1. David Fonts; 2. Danny Turner; 3. Steve Lewotsky; 4. Charlie Haines; 5. Sean Billenstein.

Division 2 Consolation Event
1. Rob Christian; 2. Mike Achilles; 3. Brian Leventon; 4. Les Veale; 5. Matt Drury.

Division 3 Main Event
1. Richard Fehrman; 2. Doug Geist; 3. Billy Vaughn; 4. Kjell Lovlien; 5. Shawn Loessberg.

Division 3 Consolation Event
1. Dustin Berdollt; 2. Greg Lovlien; 3. Lenny Bourassa; 4. Rich Mignano; 5. John Randolf.

Youth Division 1
1. Amber Felicio; 2. Thomas Reich; 3. Tyler Warren; 4. Tanner Kane.

Youth Division 2 & 3
1. Kendra Warren; 2. Jamison Dilkey; 3. Joe Dingle; 4. Desi Fehrman; 5. Gage Geist

A sad note to the evening was that Cody Ciciarelli was hurt in the division 1 youth main. Get well Cody.

There was a spectacular display of 2 young gents on MX bikes jumping off one ramp and landing on another. They clearly demonstrated outstanding skills of riding a motorcycle. If only someone could convince them to take up Speedway .

Next week it’s the annual abuse your motor night, also known as the 25 lap race.

Gary Roberts - gary_rob@ix.netcom.com

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