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2012 Champion Speedway
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Champion Speedway
East River Drive
Owego, New York

Kelly Moran Memorial
Champion Speedway, Owego NY
August 4, 2012
by Kelvin Herrala and Duncan Luke

The weather was hot for the Kelly Moran Memorial race and the action on the track would prove to be even hotter. We saw the return of Corey Brookes for the first time in 2012 as well as a host of regular riders. The format was Handicap and scratch racing with the handicap side of the program blasting off first. In the first set of handicap heats we had Brandon Sturzenegger, Ron Walker, Jesse Diem, Dave Clark and Mike Buman.

When the tapes flew up it was Diem from the 30 yard line making an early move on the two short yardage riders and going to the point and the end of the first lap. It took a little while longer for 50 yard riders Dave Clark and Casey Donholt to work their way past Walker and Sturzenegger. It was Diem keeping command of the race crossing the line in first followed by Clark and Donholt. Those three were on their way to the semi.

Next round saw Warren Diem ( father of Jesse ) up against the likes of Tuff McBride who's record of State Championships and race wins speaks for itself. Jeff Garlinghouse, Bailey and Chuck Podany. Diem starting from the 50 yard line along side McBride used his speedway intuition to weave his way through traffic and taking over the lead. McBride used all six laps to overtake Garlinghouse at the line for second.

The third heat Adam Mittl preparing to show his stuff against the likes of Lee Bailey, Don Wheeland, Todd Hunter and Russ Cornell. Wheeland who has been steadily improving this season used his short yardage starting point to his advantage and held on to the lead for four laps. Then Bailey showed him a front wheel going into turn one on the fifth lap and the door opened up allowing Bailey and Mittl to get by.

Wheeland made his way back to the pipe and held on to go to his first handicap semi final. Round four Mike Buman, Corey Brookes, Jeremy Parsons, Keith Hawkins and Zack Peters take to the track to stake their claim and move on to the semi finals.

As the tapes go up it is Corey Brookes using the tightest line I have witnessed all year to go past Peters. It brought back memories from the past when there was a host of riders really crossing it up riding the groove. Brookes made it look easy to the delight of all his supporters as he took the win over the likes of Buman and Parsons.

Semi final 1 Buman, Jesse Diem, Donholt, Clark, Warren Diem, Bailey. J. Diem is hungry, memories of the Jellyman in his head wants to take home the title knows he has to stay in the top three to move on. Tapes go up with Jesse being the closest to the starting tapes on the 30 yard line with a whole host of riders immediately breathing down his neck. For six laps these warriors battle it out for a chance to win the main in Kelly's Honor. Buman crossed the line first followed by Jesse Diem, Donholt, Clark, Warren Diem and Bailey.

Semi number two had Brookes on the 20 yard line Garlinghouse and Wheeland starting from the tapes with Mittl and McBride at the 50 yard Brookes again showed the regulars how to ride a tight line fast. He handled everything Mittl and Parsons could dish out and won semi number two leaving McBride in a non transfer position which doesn't happen often.

Handicap main event Brookes 20 yard, J. Diem 30 yard, Buman, Donholt, Parsons and Mittl all on the 50 yard line. Brookes went to the lead as expected followed by Diem but it was Buman who made his mark first and pushed Diem out of his way in turn three and then setting his sights on Brookes. It was six laps of pure adrenaline pumping action and when it was over Buman on top of the podium. He was not done there as he was the man of the hour and went on to win the final in the scratch side of the program as well.

Handicap Main
1.) Mike Buman
2.) Corey Brookes
3.) Casey Donholt
4.) Adam Mittl
5.) Jesse Diem
6.) Jeremy Parsons

Scratch Main
1.) Mike Buman
2.)Casey Donholt
3.) Dave Clark
4.) Adam Mittl
5.) Jeremy Parsons

Zach Peters

Below Scores from Duncan Luke

Race 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th    Comments
1 Support Peters Walker Bailey Hunter ?
2 Support Podany Wheeland Sturzenegger   (Sturzenegger fell rem'd)
3 Handicap J Diem Clark Donholt Walker Sturzenegger   (Sturzenegger fell rem'd)
4 Handicap W Diem McBride Garlinghouse Bailey
5 Handicap Bailey Mittl Wheeland Cornell Hunter (?)
6 Handicap Buman Brookes Parsons Hawkins Peters
7 Support Peters Sturzenegger Wheeland Portararo ?  
8 Support Bailey Podany Walker  -   (Hunter ? fell)
9 Handicap Buman J Diem Donholt - -   (Clark & W Diem dnf)
10 Handicap Brookes Mittl Parsons McBride Garlinghouse Wheeland
11 Scratch Buman Clark Parsons J Diem
12 Scratch Donholt Bailey McBride  Brookes
13 Scratch Mittl W Diem Hawkins Cornell
14 Support Hunter (?) Wheeland Sturzenegger - (Sturzenegger fell rem'd - Portararo ? dnf) 
15 Scratch qual Parsons McBride Bailey
16 Scratch semi Parsons Mittl Clark Bailey
17 Scratch semi Donholt Buman W Diem -   (McBride e/t)
18 Sc last chance Clark W Diem Bailey -   (McBride e/t)
19 Scratch  Main Buman Donholt Clark Mittl Parsons
20 Support Main Peters Podany Walker  Bailey   (Bailey fell rem"d)
21 Handicap Main Buman Brookes Donholt Mittl J Diem -   (Parsons dnf)
  Handicap Yardage
  Casey Donholt 55
Jeremy Parsons 50
Mike Buman 50
Adam Mittl 50
Dave Clarke 50
Tuff McBride 50
Warren Diem 50
Keith Hawkins 40
Lee Bailey 30
Jesse Diem 30
Corey Brookes 20
Jeff Garlinghouse 20
Russ Cornell 20
Ron Walker   10
Zach Peters 0
Don Wheeland 0
Brian Bailey 0
Brandon Sturzenegger 0
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