Placerville Grasstrack El Dorado Fair Grounds Placerville, California
2013 Grass Track Racing
April 28, 2013 - Presented by 'Big Time Speedway'
Information and Photos from Randy Waddill
Well we showed up at the "Big Time Speedway" first ever grass track in United States ready to whoop some ass at our first speedway race and no pee wee's showed up!
Sammy was pissed!!!! Hahahaha! It was pretty cool, they told Sammy since you showed up your going to race!! So the told him to go line up and he did. And out of nowhere comes Billy Janniro and stages up next to him and then an ''old timer'' Alfred Silva stages up on the other side of Sammy.
The announcer yells out "now we have a race!" So they raced two heats and a main. Sammy ''The Bullet'' came to race and that he did!!! They really pushed him hard and it was a close race but Sammy "The Bullet'' Waddill got 1st, Billy ''The Kid'' Janniro got 2nd, and Alfred Silva got 3rd!
Lol all in all everybody had a great time! Also there were no programs. The event was small but fun! 3 speedway bikes, 1 peewee, about 7 junior moto cross, 5 run what you brung, 7 lawn mowers, and about 10 quads.

Sammy Waddill and Billy Janniro
