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2013 Costa Mesa Speedway
Race Results

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2013 California Results

Costa Mesa Speedway
Orange County Fairgrounds
Costa Mesa, California

45th Season Opener
May 11, 2013 - Costa Mesa
By: Ryan Evans Photos by Paul Flanders

Facebook Album Photos from Mark Williams - Xtreme Speedway Action

Facebook Album Photos from Speed Trap Photography

Facebook Album Photos from Jim Wolf

2013 Costa Mesa Speedway 2013 Costa Mesa Speedway 2013 Costa Mesa Speedway
Kurtis Hamill took third place in the 250cc main while dad Billy won the first division main. Joe Donaldson was there to take the support class win when Rudy Laurer bobbled on the final lap. Dillon Osborne backs up his previous night's win at Pirate Speedway by winning the support B class. 
2013 Costa Mesa Speedway 2013 Costa Mesa Speedway 2013 Costa Mesa Speedway
Broc Nicol takes home the 250cc junior class win while Doug prepares the bike to head for home after the race. Sebastian Palmese, with dad Jason, proudly displays the 150cc class trophy.  Shawn McConnell made it directly into the main.
2013 Costa Mesa Speedway 2013 Costa Mesa Speedway 2013 Costa Mesa Speedway
McConnell's new wheel lights made the fan favorite a stand-out on the track. Eddie Castro's wife Romie won a Captain American style helmet in a drawing from Troy Lee Designs. The "Fast One" will soon be wearing a new skid lid. Someday soon perhaps this kid will have a two digit number. Then a single digit number to follow.
2013 Costa Mesa Speedway 2013 Costa Mesa Speedway 2013 Costa Mesa Speedway
Gary Hicks (Sr.) a fixture in the SoCal speedway scene forever! Hayley Perrault in front as the kids prepare for the riders parade. River McDougall was back in action at Costa Mesa.

45th Season Opener - May 11 - Costa Mesa, CA, USA

When Costa Mesa Speedway was officially born at the Orange County Fairgrounds on June 13, 1969 little did Harry Oxley and Jack Milne know that their vision would thrill tens of thousands of fans, produce several world champions and iconic racers, and live on to the second decade of a new century. It is fitting of the legacy of International Speedway Inc. that the 45th season at the world famous bullring oval officially opened in front of a large crowd and former World Champion Billy "The Bullet" Hamill, who grew up racing at the facility, finishing a perfect night by winning the main event.

Billy Hamill had first choice of starting position for the main event and chose gate one. Former National Champion Billy "The Kid" Janniro had second choice and picked gate three and stated that he did so because he didn't want to bang bars with Billy Hamill going in to turn one. Former World Pairs Champion Bobby "Boogaloo" Schwartz quickly selected gate two. Shawn "Mad Dog" McConnell took gate four which left Northern California's Bryan Yarrow with gate five.

Controversy erupted on the first attempt as Janniro was first off the starting line but the red light came on immediately. The referee ordered the Northern California native to the penalty line for an unsatisfactory start but Janniro vehemently argued his case. When he realized that he wasn't going to change the referee's mind he rode through the tapes on his way back to the pits. The second attempt had far less drama as Billy Hamill made the best start with Schwartz following him through the first turn. Billy Hamill steadily increased his lead throughout the four laps and cruised to victory. Schwartz maintained second, Yarrow was third, McConnell finished fourth, and Janniro was credited with fifth.

The evening kicked off with a great battle between teenagers Austin Novratil and Max Ruml. Novratil led for three laps before Max Ruml passed him for the win. Hamill opened his evening with a win over former Junior National Champion Jason Ramirez. Former World Finalist Josh Larsen defeated Yarrow in the third heat. Schwartz beat former National Champion "Flyin" Mike Faria in the next heat. "Battling" Buck Blair beat Tim Gomez in event five. Janniro finished the first round by defeating McConnell.

Schwartz beat Max Ruml, who is 40 years his junior, to start the second round. Hamill beat Janniro for his second straight win. Larsen made it to straight wins by holding off Faria. Yarrow slipped past Tyson Burmeister to take the win in event 16. Blair held off Russell Green to win the next event. McConnell ended round two by beating Novratil.

Schwartz began round three with a win over "Nasty" Nate Perkins for his third straight win. Hamill remained perfect by defeating Novratil. Larsen matched Schwartz and Hamill's perfect scores by beating Gomez. Burmeister handed Janniro his second defeat in event 25. Faria held off Yarrow to win the next heat. Michael Raines beat McConnell in the final heat.

Janniro made a great start from gate four to win the first semi with Schwartz grabbing second to join him in the main event. Hamill and McConnell finished one-two in the second semi and transferred to the main.

Larsen made the best start in the Last Chance but Yarrow blasted by for the win and the final spot in the main event. Novratil finished second, Larsen was third, and Blair finished fourth.

Rudy Laurer won both of his heats and appeared to have the Support Main Event wrapped up but he went very wide in the final corner. Joe Donaldson pounced on Laurer's mistake and charged by him to steal the victory at the finish line. "Rattlesnake" Steve Bowen finished third and Brad "Ironman" Moreau was fourth.

Dillon Osborne put together four smooth laps and captured the Support B Main Event. Craig Sprecher finished second, Tom Bryant was third, and Phill Santolucito was fourth.

Hagon Shocks teammates Broc Nicol and Kurtis Hamill raced handlebar-to-handlebar into turn one of the Junior 250 Main Event. Nicol emerged on the back straight with the lead while Kurtis Hamill chased after him. Nicol opened up ground while Kurtis Hamill had to contend with Dillon Ruml. Nicol, the defending Junior National Champion, ran away with the victory and Dillon Ruml's pressure paid off when he passed Kurtis Hamill and held on to second. Kurtis Hamill had to settle for third, River McDougall finished fourth, Hayley Perrault was fifth, and Dalton Leedy finished sixth.

Sebastian Palmese led all four laps en route to victory in the Mini 150 Main Event. Courtney Crone finished second, Jake Isaac was third, Tristan Britt finished fourth, and Slater Lightcap was fifth.


Mini 150cc Main Event
18 - Sebastian Palmese
4 - Courtney Crone
16 - Jake Isaac
11 - Tristan Britt
28 - Slater Lightcap

Junior 250cc Main Event
1 - Broc Nicol
111 - Dillon Ruml
104 - Kurtis Hamill
5 - River McDougall
0 - Hayley Perrault
222 - Dalton Leedy

Support B Main Event
164 - Dillon Osborne
199 - Craig Sprecher
220 - Tom Bryant
200 - Phill Santolucito (fell)

Support Main Event
37 - Joe Donaldson
182 - Rudy Laurer
177 - Steve Bowen
153 - Brad Moreau

First Division Heat Scoring123T
2 – Josh Larsen 3339
6 – Shawn McConnell 2327
7 – Michael Raines F134
8 – Bryan Yarrow 2327
9 – Mike Faria 2237
11 – Bobby Schwartz 3339
13 – Nate Perkins 0022
14 – Eddie Castro 1113
14n – Billy Janniro 3227
18 – Justin Boyle 0011
21 – Brad Sauer 1001
23 – Steve Russell 1102
26 – Tyson Burmeister 1236
27 – Austin Novratil 2226
30 – Tim Gomez 2024
38 – Ryan Tovatt 0000
39 – Buck Blair 3317
40 – Tommy Hedden 1113
48 – Tyson Talkington 0112
66 – Jason Ramirez 2114
104 – Billy Hamill 3339
178 – Eloy Medellin 0000
308 – Max Ruml 3205
321 – Russell Green 1203

Race Results
1: Ruml, Novratil, Burmeister, Raines (fell)
2: Hamill, Ramirez, Green, Talkington
3: Larsen, Yarrow (tape penalty), Sauer, Perkins
4: Schwartz, Faria, Castro, Boyle
5: Blair, Gomez, Russell, Tovatt
6: Janniro, McConnell, Hedden, Medellin
13: Schwartz, Ruml, Hedden, Gomez
14: Hamill, Janniro, Castro, Tovatt
15: Larsen, Faria, Ramirez, Medellin
16: Yarrow, Burmeister, Talkington, Boyle
17: (restarted) Blair, Green, Raines (penalty line), Perkins
18: McConnell, Novratil, Russell, Sauer
22: Schwartz, Perkins, Boyle, Russell (retired)
23: Hamill, Novratil, Hedden, Green (tape penalty)
24: Larsen, Gomez, Castro, Sauer
25: Burmeister, Janniro, Ramirez, Ruml
26: Faria, Yarrow, Blair, Tovatt
27: (restarted) Raines, McConnell, Talkington, Medellin
Semi #1: (restarted) Janniro, Schwartz, Larsen, Novratil, Faria (fell)
Semi #2: Hamill, McConnell, Yarrow, Blair, Burmeister

First Division Last Chance
8 - Bryan Yarrow
27 - Austin Novratil
2 - Josh Larsen
39 - Buck Blair

First Division Main Event
104 - Billy Hamill
11 - Bobby Schwartz
8 - Bryan Yarrow
6 - Shawn McConnell (fell, remounted)
14n - Billy Janniro (tape exclusion)

Ryan Evans

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