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2013 Industry Racing
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2013 California Results

Industry Racing
The Grand Industry Hills Expo Center
City of Industry, California

Speedway Motorcycle Racing Season Opener 5.29.13 Industry Hills Expo Center

By Howie Zechner - Howie - RAZ Video - Photos by Howie and Speed Trap Photography

It was a beautiful Wednesday in the San Gabriel valley.  Hot enough for shorts and warm enough not to need a sweater after the sun went down.  For the race fan and competitor.  Perfect...

The track was meticulously prepared.  Fluffy and moist the fans and racers would not be disappointed.  On this night it would serve up some very excellent racing.

;2013 Industry Racing

Colorful sponsor logos lined the crash wall.  Joining them were billboards for our sister tracks Costa Mesa, Pirate, and Big Time Speedway.

Television was back.  Donnie Couch shooting for Speed Scene and Horacio Colmenares a live 3 camera to pay-per-view Internet.  http://www.industryracing.com/live.html

2013 Industry Racing
Donnie Couch shooting for Speed Scene

A full up contingent of over 50 riders were signed up to compete in this first of 15 weekly events that conclude with the California State Championship on August 28th.  Some not on the card came to see if there were any last minute openings.   Pit Stewart Ryan Evans and Race Director Kelly Inman handled the changes.  The 39-race program would go off without a hitch.

2013 Industry Racing

Racers were still squabbling for pit position when the front gate opened at 6pm.  Classic Rock band LP4 belted out the tunes in the main patio area.  The first 250 spectators received an Industry Racing decal and all received a free multi page color race program.

2013 Industry Racing

Sponsors with pop-ups filled the patio and gave away free booty to spectators.  Speedway Maddie manned the Industry Racing booth where those that choose could sign up on the mailing list and enter a free drawing.  Doing so is smart because Operational Manager Carol Perez always has free stuff to give away.

2013 Industry Racing

The tradition for inexpensive good tasting food continued. Hot dogs to popcorn to Mexican it is all there. Two outside patio bars and one inside the arena they also carry a reputation for excellent mixed drinks at a very reasonable price point.

2013 Industry Racing

World Champion Bruce Penhall was there. Signing autographs, giving away T-shirts. His interview with announcer Bruce Flanders was well received and the crowd let him know it with a thunderous applause.

2013 Industry Racing
World Champion Bruce Penhall with Mini 150cc racer Jake Isaac

It was an honor having City of Industry Mayor Jeff Parriott as Grand Marshall.  Growing up both father and grandfather raced and would you believe the mayor was a motorcycle racer in his teens.  Still I’m not sure that those lightweight 500cc alcohol powered machines didn’t take his breath away as they slid into the corners at full speed with no brakes.

2013 Industry Racing
Buck Blair battles Steve Russell –  Speed Trap Photography

The race action stared at 7:30 and it was spectacular.  National Champion Billy “The Bullet” Hamill was perfect winning every heat race, his Semi and the Main event.  Rudy Laurer handsomely won Division Two honors and Chris Jones thrilled the crowed with seven handstands down the front straightaway after winning the Division Three gold.

2013 Industry Racing
National Champion Billy “The Bullet” Hamill –  Speed Trap Photography

Father and son were both on the podium after Kurtis Hamill won the 250cc Junior main.  The 150cc main honors went to Sebastian Palmese and the Pee Wee main went to young Luke Whitecomb.

2013 Industry Racing

The pits were packed after racing concluded at 9:50.  Autographs and tall tales filled the hands and hearts of those that choose to stay.

I look back fondly on the night.  The racing, the people, the entertainment value.  Speedway Motorcycle racing is special.  If you haven’t been you are missing the thrill of a lifetime in one of Americas premier stadiums.  For those of you that went.  See you this Wednesday. http://www.industryracing.com/schedule.html

2013 Industry Racing

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