Dorcey Wingo Photos |
Big Bike Main #1 |
Big Bike Main #2 |
Big Bike Main #3 |
Big Bike winner Chris Wiggins |
Indians a pair |
Indian and Cutie |
Harley action |
Harley action, McConnell and that other guy |
Harley action in turn one |
Sportster Main Event |
Event 1 action in turn one |
Event 5 action |
Event 8 action |
Event 8 action, Osborne & Gibbons on the inside |
Event 11 Curry & Curry vs Joe Jones and Dave German |
Event 12 action |
Sidecar B Main, winner goes to the Main Event |
Sidecar action |
Sidecar action, G. Jackson and A. Jackson in action |
Sidecar action #66 Jackson & Jackson going after #74 Smiley Kinne & Dana Catone |
The 2016 Sidecar National Champions Dave German poses with NorCal Chuck and Joe Jones |
#007 Dual Anderson and Johnny Bach came in 2nd in the Nation. |
#2 Bryan Motis needs a push to exit track |
#2 Bryan Motis and Cody Brant |
#1 in the Nation - Joe Jones, Dave German and Tom Summers |
#911 Stuart Glass and Jack Straw |
#51 Sam Stafford and Sheridan Bryan |
#7 Dan Jones and Dryden Gayle are #3 in the Nation |