American Speedway  

1997 IMI Motorsports Speedway
Race Results

All Speedway Race Results

1997 Race Results

US Speedway History

IMI Motorsports Complex
Erie, Colorado

September 13, 1997 - IMI Motorsports Complex
From: Jennifer Susich, fainche@earthlink.net

Costa Mesa was lots of fun. But I'll tell ya, I like our riders much better. They have a much more helpful spirit. They want everyone to do well, as the better the competition is the better you can become. It isn't as "cutthroat" as California seemed.

Congratulations to King Kenny Pieper, #11, and his new wife, Michelle, our beloved race director, on their marriage yesterday, September 12. Everyone at the track wishes you incredible happiness.

Welcome back to #12 Mike Jaudon and #2 David Staver!! And good luck to Bucky Blair as he heads of to Australia to race. Hope you do well and come home safely.

Almost were rained out tonight as a downpour came moments before the riders meeting. But it didn't last long and provided a nice, wet track and took the dust away from the pits. Turned into a nice, cool evening, perfect for racing.

Division 1 Main
Cowboy Pieper had the pole but "Naptime" Blair got the gate and never looked back. He stole this race cleanly and showboated across the line doin' a wheelie. "Rocket" Ball did incredible in the qualifiers. You could tell from his stance on the line that he was hungry and would take it. Great racing, guys!

1st 39 Bucky "Naptime" Blair
2nd 9 Scott "Scotty O" Ormiston (WL)
3rd 45 "Thumbs Up" Chuck Johansen (GM)
4th 3 David "Colorado Cowboy" Pieper (WL)
5th 17 Rob "The Rocket" Ball

Division 1 Consi Kamikaze Kern got the gate but almost lost it and fell into 4th place. Jammin' Cam Brooks had the pole but was quickly overcome by Jaudon who took a huge lead over the pack.

1st 12 Mike Jaudon
2nd 10 Jammin' Cam Brooks (GM)
3rd 21 Conn "The Con Man" Harris (WL)
4th 74 Kamikaze Kid Tom Kern (Godden)

Division 1 Consi X-Man Williams had the pole but Dancin' Machine Petz got the gate and led the race.

1st 57 Gene "The Dancin' Machine" Petz
2nd 14 Jay "Do or Die" Gruetzmacher
3rd X Allen "X-Man" Williams (GM)

Division 2 Main Ron Grace got the gate but went down in lap 1, turn 3. Chad Mann took advantage slipped inside to pass Mike Rohr.

1st 2 David Staver
2nd 39 Chad Mann (WL)
3rd 27 Mike Rohr (JAWA)

Hanicap-Dash for Cash

Not only was this a great race like always, but the Litts, the Blairs, and one of Bucky Blair's sponsers, Fuzzy, donated cash to make a purse of $135.

The line-up had Rohr on the 0, Mann on the 10, Staver on the 20, Jaudon on the 30, Brooks and Johansen on the 40 and Pieper, Ball and Blair on the 50. The fist lap was led by Rohr, followed by Mann, Jaudon, Johansen, Ball, Blair and Pieper. Jaudon scooted inside to grab the lead and Johansen was hot on his tail. Mann wnet down and Blair crept to third. Ball and Pieper advanced past Rohr. Jaudon took the checkered.

1st 12 Jaudon
2nd 45 Johansen
3rd 39 Blair
4th 17 Ball
5th 3 Pieper
6th 27 Rohr
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