American Speedway  

1999 Montana Ice
Race Results

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US Speedway History

Montana Ice Races
Seeley Lake, Montana USA

1999 Ice Racing
January 10, 1999 - Flat Track and Speedway - Seeley Lake , Montana
From: Brendan Fennessy E-mail: arl4368@montana.com

Located 30 miles west of Kalispell on U.S.-2
signup---9am to 11am
practice-- 11-12
races start at 12
race info----MT H-D---1-406-721-2154
MT hotshoes--1-406-549-0750
Accommodations at Wapati resort--1-800-867-5678

Brendan Fennessy, Missoula, Montana

The day started out with heavy snow making visibility nill during the first heats. We had 6 riders lining up for the 1st div. Joe Havonic and Chris Deckard came over from Oregon. Shane McAfee and Trevor Reynolds showed up from Idaho. Rounding out the field was Brendan Fennessy and veteran rider Jim Castor from Montana. Trevor Reynolds took the lead from the start and never looked back. Brendan Fennessy pulled in behind followed by Shane McAfee and then Chris Deckard. Jim Castor and Joe Havonic dropped out with mechanical problems.

For the second heat the snow turned to rain improving visibility. The second heat had Shane McAfee taking the pole starting position followed by Joe Havonic, Brendan Fennessy, and Trevor Reynolds. Trevor Reynolds again takes the start with Brendan Fennessy trying up the inside in turns one and two to no avail. Brendan finally sneaks by in turn 3 on the second lap. The rest of the race consisted of Brendan, Trevor and Joe nose to tail until the finish line.

Heat One
1. Trevor Reynolds
2. Brendon Fennessy
3. Shane McAfee
4. Chris Deckard
5. 'SMOKIN' Joe Hovanic--dnf
6. Jim Castor---dnf

Heat Two
1. Brendon Fennessy
2. Trevor Reynolds
3. 'SMOKIN' Joe Hovanic
4. Shane McAfee
5. Chris Deckard---dns
6. Jim Castor---dns

1. Brendon Fennessy
2. Trevor Reynolds
3. Shane McAfee
5. 'SMOKIN' Joe Hovanic
5. Chris Deckard
6. Jim Castor

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