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Ken Maely's Ranch

8580 Bedford Motorway
Corona, California 91719

Ken Maely
Phone: 909-277-8989
Fax: 909-277-0410
Open Saturdays and Sundays - Now Closed (2004)

Ken Maely's Ranch

Ken Maely's RanchKen Maely's RanchKen Maely's Ranch

1999 Photos by Gary Roberts include Ryan Fisher (top)

Maely Track Closes

(April 30, 2004) from Trish Wells
It is unfortunate that we have to advise everyone that Maely's Ranch has been closed down as of today's date. We are very sorry for any inconvenience this closure will cause anyone, but we received notice today from Barbara Maely (Ken's sister) that due to liability risks there will be no motorcycles allowed at the track. Bryan Galvin went to the ranch this evening and was given the news. While we all knew that the track was not going to stay open indefinitely, we thought we would have received more notice, which we would have passed on to riders. The Galvin and Wells' families would like to extend a big thank you to all the riders and families that came out and supported the track for the past 7 months since we have been running it. We especially are grateful that we were able to accommodate Jay Gianetti's benefit race, the Gumball Rally and the Winter Series. It has been enjoyable to say the least to be a part of these great events, and I know Ken would have been happy that the track remained open as long as it did.
If anyone has any questions, please feel free to contact Bryan Galvin at (909) 454-5410.M

We're happy to announce that Maely's Track will be open for practice effective Sunday, November 9, 2003. The track will be open from 9am to 5pm weekends. Admission to the track is $25 per rider. The track will be closed, however, November 23 for the Under 21 Championships Race at Victorville. The Winter League Series is still on. We will be racing as scheduled, Saturday, November 15 and Saturday, November 29. All riders must show proof of Medical Insurance to ride the track. NO EXCEPTIONS!!!!!!
For questions regarding track practices and events, call Bryan Galvin at (909)454-5410.

March 20

By the Riders for the Riders
Division 1 30 yard riders and below
And Junior Speedway Racing (250cc allowed)
Pee Wee 50cc Class

2003-2004 SCHEDULE
October 4
November 15
November 29
December 7
December 28
January 11
January 25
February 8
February 28-29 Gumball Rally
March 7

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