USA Speedway  



Larry McBride Videos

Please note that the information on this page is from the past and has not been updated. Most video is seen on YouTUBE now and this page will not be updated with current information. Thanks, RC Jones Editor. August 20, 2012

Larry McBride has produced a large selection of speedway videos covering many years.
Larry has been involved in speedway for many years, all over the USA with sons Lenny and Tuff McBride.

"I have dozens of tapes that I have filmed starting in 1984 from tracks in Florida, Syracuse, Owego, Lake George, Greene, Flat Tracks, Mud and snow scrambles etc. I just recently decided to that I should catagorize them by track location and date."

The tapes from New Champion Speedway in Owego for the 1997 and 1998 seasons are available now for $20 US. Including shipping.

Larry McBride
411 Bevier St
Binghamton, NY. 13904-2628
E-mail: mcbride70@juno.com Phone: 1 (607) 723-2387

For samples see: North America Speedway Video Clips


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