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2011 USA U21 Team News

USA U21 Team
2011 U21 Team Photo by Trish Wells
Gary Gomez, Brad Pappalardo, Gabe Price, Austin Novratil, Joey Holt,
Joey St. Louis, Jason Ramirez, Rocco Scopellite, Ricky Felicio, Bryce Starks,
Brandon Leedy, Ricky Wells, Gino Manzares, Ryan Evans, Richard Child
U21 Main Page - Photos 1 - Photos 2

USA U21 Speedway International Team - Rivne, Ukrine

The USA U21 Speedway International Team is in Rivne, Ukrine. The majority of the team and the supporting members arrived in Rivne yesterday after the long trek across Europe. Ricky Wells landed in Kiev today after an impressive paid 10 point performance last night. Wells will be joining his teammates soon.

The five young patriots who will be representing that United States in the FIM World Under 21 Team Qualifier are Wells, Bryce Starks, Austin Novratil, Mike Buman, and Ricky Felicio.

Team Captain Ricky Wells has accomplished a lot for a racer who is just 19 years of age. His accolades include being the youngest racer to win the United States National Championship, two-time United States Under 21 National Champion, and two-time United States Youth National Champion. In addition, he won the 2009 California State Championship and has won many other championships as a youth racer and professional racer. He is currently racing for the Wolverhampton Wolves of the British Elite League.

Nineteen year old Bryce Starks resides in Auburn, California and began his career in the youth division in 2004. He is the current United States Under 21 National Champion and joined Wells as the only racers to win that title twice. Starks has also been a member of the United States team in the annual U.S. versus The World meeting. He will also be representing the United States in the World Under 21 Individual Qualifier in Germany in two weeks.

Austin Novratil is the youngest member of the squad having turned 16 years old on March 1. Novratil has won the United States Youth National Championship the past two years. He also won the prestigious Gumball Rally as a youth racer. Novratil, who lives in Huntington Beach, California, is a second generation speedway racer who has already qualified for several main events in First Division and was victorious at Perris Raceway earlier this month. Several teams in Britain have expressed interest in him already.

Nineteen year old Mike Buman from Binghamton, New York adds some East Coast flavor to the USA squad. Buman is another second generation speedway racer and began racing in the youth division in 2000. Buman has competed in speedway and ice events throughout East Coast and in Canada and has won the Champion Speedway Track Championship. He is one of only a handful of East Coast racers to have ever competed in the United States National Championship.

Ricky Felicio of Orangevale, California is twenty years old, making him the senior member of the squad. Felicio won the 2006 United States Youth National Championship and has also competed in the United States Under 21 National Championship. Felicio is excited about his first opportunity to compete in Europe. Felicio is also a second generation speedway racer as both his father and uncle have raced in First Division.

Joining the racers on their long journey are Gary Gomez, Ian Hewlett, Colin Wakelam, Lloyd Starks, Mike Novratil, and Chad Felicio.
The USA U21 Team will have practice is on Sunday at 5:00 p.m. local time, which is 7:00 a.m. Pacific time. The FIM World Under 21 Team Qualifier, originally scheduled for May 1, will begin at 5:00 p.m. local time, 7:00 a.m. Pacific time, on Monday, May 2. The other teams competing in the event are Finland, Slovenia, and the host nation Ukraine.

The teams finishing first and second in the Qualifying Round will then compete in the Semi-Final Rounds in Rawicz, Poland or Diedenbergen, Germany on Saturday, May 28. The top teams for the Semi-Finals progress to the Final which will be held in Balakavo, Russia on Saturday, September 3.

USA U21 Speedway would like to thank all of our sponsors, fans, and supporters in the United States and Europe for their monetary, product, and moral support. We are very grateful for everyone's help and for everything that people have done to support American speedway.

Ryan Evans (April 30, 2011)

USA U21 Speedway Traveling Caravan

The USA U21 Speedway International Team and supporting members have been traversing Europe en route to Ukraine for over 24 hours. The caravan departed England yesterday and their last update placed them in Poland and nearing Ukraine.

The group of travelers includes USA U21 Team Members Bryce Starks, Austin Novratil, Mike Buman, and Ricky Felicio. Joining the racers on their long journey are Gary Gomez, Ian Hewlett, Colin Wakelam, Lloyd Starks, Mike Novratil, and Chad Felicio. Team Member Ricky Wells is competing as a guest rider for the Lakeside Hammers on Friday and will be flying to Ukraine on Saturday to join his teammates.

Upon arriving in Rivne, the USA U21 Team will have plenty of time to recover from their long journey before getting down to business. The practice is scheduled for Sunday, May 1 at 5:00 p.m. local time, which is 7:00 a.m. Pacific time. The FIM World Under 21 Team Qualifier, originally scheduled for May 1, will begin at 5:00 p.m. local time, 7:00 a.m. Pacific time, on Monday, May 2. The other teams competing in the event are Finland, Slovenia, and the host nation Ukraine.

The teams finishing first and second in the Qualifying Round will then compete in the Semi-Final Rounds in Rawicz, Poland or Diedenbergen, Germany on Saturday, May 28. The top teams for the Semi-Finals progress to the Final which will be held in Balakavo, Russia on Saturday, September 3.

USA U21 Speedway would like to thank all of our sponsors, fans, and supporters in the United States and Europe for their monetary, product, and moral support. We are very grateful for everyone's help and for everything that people have done to support American speedway.

Despite receiving a lot of support, this project has still required a tremendous amount of out-of-pocket costs for the riders and members of USA U21 Speedway. We would like to take this opportunity to inform our fans that we will still accept financial support to help offset some of the costs involved with making our participation in this event a reality. Our fans can help by providing by becoming members of The Sixth Man Club, by purchasing Team Gear, or by providing direct financial support. Fans and companies who provide support will have their name and/or company logo and internet link placed on the USA U21 Speedway website.

The Sixth Man is a special group of speedway fans that support USA U21 Speedway by providing financial backing for their team. The name and concept is a blend of ideas from speedway and other sports. A speedway team at the World Championship level has five active team members just as a basketball team puts five players on the floor at a time. Basketball fans are often referred to as the "sixth man" because they are considered the sixth "team member". USA U21 Speedway applied this same concept when deciding on a name for our special team supporters. The passion of European speedway teams' fans inspires better team results by their financial and emotional support. A Sixth Man Club member would be taking their support to a higher and more intense level. The goal of the Sixth Man Program is similar to the goal of international speedway fans -- to provide the best possible equipment for the team and increase the opportunity to compete at the highest level.

USA U21 Speedway is still offering different levels of support ranging from $100 to $1,000. Sixth Man Club members will receive USA U21 Speedway Team Gear that will feature the special USA U21 Speedway Sixth Man Club logo that will distinguish the members. Sixth Man Club supporters will also receive other benefits including recognition on the official USA U21 Speedway website. Interested supporters are encouraged to contact Richard Child (richard@usau21.com.

The USA U21 Speedway Facebook page has been filling up with fans and supporters posting words of encouragement for our Team Members. One particular message came from former World Under 21 Champion Ron Preston. We encourage everyone to post messages of support for our team on our Facebook page. If you haven't joined, the page is at http://www.facebook.com/groups/usau21speedway.

Thanks again to everyone who has helped USA U21 Speedway in our first year of many years to come in international competition.

Ryan Evans (April 29, 2011)

USA U21 Team Practice and IMS Winter Series

USA U21 Speedway had a very busy and productive weekend with the Team Practice on Saturday and Inland Motorcycle Speedway's Winter Series event on Sunday. We would also like to thank everyone who was involved and that helped us with these two events.

Saturday morning the USA U21 Speedway Team Members had their Team Practice with Greg Hancock. Most of the Team Members were present, including Russell Green who was unable to attend the previous practice and Austin Novratil who was taking his first laps since being injured last month. Philip Harmatiuk, who was seriously injured at Costa Mesa last season, attended the practice as a spectator and was presented with his USA U21 Team Member shirt.

Just like the previous practice, every Team Member who participated showed the benefits of Hancock's instruction by showing visible improvement. Once again, Hancock was very excited to work with the Team Members and to also be able to get some track time with them as well. That was reciprocated by several members who were thrilled to spin laps with a World Champion. USA U21 Speedway and its Team Members would like to thank Hancock for helping our racers and for all of his overall support of our endeavor. We would also like to thank Freddie Edwards and the Southern California Flat Track Association as well as Carrie Hancock from Carrie Hancock Speedway Promotions for helping to make Saturday occur.

The IMS Winter Series event was on-track success for USA U21 Team Members as Ricky Wells had a perfect day including a victory in the main event. Jason Ramirez also made the main while Brad Pappalardo finished third in the Last Chance and Joey Holt won the Consolation. We would like to thank Jason Bonsignore, Shawn McConnell, and Robynn McConnell for allowing us to sell our Team Gear at the event and to announcer Scott "The Torch" Read for plugging us throughout the day.

We would like to give a very special thanks to Sherry Child for loyally handling the Team Gear merchandise table throughout both days.

We would like to remind everyone that Carrie Hancock Speedway Promotions has an event this Saturday at Perris Raceway. Gates open at 9:30 a.m., practice is 10:30 to 11:30 a.m., and the first race is at noon. USA U21 Speedway Team Gear as well as Team Hancock merchandise will be on sale at the event.

USA Under 21 Speedway appreciates any and all support from our fans at this event as well as other events and fund raisers that we plan on having in the very near future. Any racers or supporters who have questions are encouraged to contact Richard Child, Gary Gomez, or Ryan Evans.

Ryan Evans (February 14, 2011)

USA U21 Team and Hagon Shocks

USA U21 Speedway is pleased to announce that Hagon Shocks has come on board with us and will be providing support in our endeavor. They are a tremendous asset to speedway and we appreciate that we share the same vision regarding the future of American speedway.

Hagon Shocks is a very strong and visible supporter of international speedway racers including Australian National Champion and Speedway Grand Prix competitor Chris Holder, and British international racers Edward Kennett and Lee Richardson. Last year, they expanded their speedway support to include the American youth speedway program which has benefited tremendously their efforts. 1996 World Champion Billy Hamill is in charge of their youth support program and he has conducted several academies to provide opportunities and instruction to future American speedway stars. USA U21 Speedway is proud to be associated with such an esteemed company and to join such a tremendous stable of talent.

Hagon Products was founded by 11-time British Grasstrack Champion Alf Hagon in 1958 and the Hagon Shocks brand was eventually created in 1985. The business is now run by his son, Martin, himself a former racer as well. Hagon Shocks has nearly 1,000 shock applications and their products are sold worldwide. They opened a U.S. distributorship in San Marcos, California in 2010 that is headed by 1996 World Speedway Champion Billy Hamill. You can visit the Hagon Shocks websites at www.hagonshocksusa.com.

USA U21 Speedway completely supports the efforts of the Hagon Family and Hamill via the Hagon Shocks/Billy Hamill Speedway Academy. USA U21 Speedway, particularly Gary Gomez, has been present at every Academy held at Inland Motorsport Speedway in San Bernardino and we will continue to help their effort in the future as well. Their marquee event, The Gumball Rally, will be held at IMS the weekend of March 5-6. Saturday will begin with an Academy for adults, followed by open practice, and concluding with the Big Kids' Gumball Rally (First, Second, and Third Division). Sunday will open with an Academy for youth riders in the morning and then the prestigious Gumball Rally will begin at 1:00. Sign ups are open for the event and information can be obtained by calling (760) 308-8124 or via e-mail at gumballrally2011@yahoo.com. We strongly encourage fans to support and attend this event.

USA U21 Speedway would like to thank Martin Hagon, Billy Hamill, and Hagon Shocks for their support and we look forward to have a long and bright future with them. We are grateful for their help and for the opportunity to represent a company that has such a positive impact on speedway in Europe and in the United States.

Ryan Evans (February 5, 2011)

USA U21 Speedway Team Next Practice

Following the success of last Saturday's exclusive practice with Greg Hancock, USA U21 Speedway has reserved Perris Raceway for another practice with the former World Champion on Saturday, February 12. However, after the private practice session, the track will be made available to all speedway racers who would like to practice.

The gates will open at 8:00 a.m. and the track will only be available to USA U21 Speedway Team Members and Hancock from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. so the Team Members can maximize their time on the race track while also having minimal distractions during their instruction from Hancock. The open practice session will begin at 12:00 p.m and end at 5:00 p.m. and is available to Team Members and all other speedway racers. We must emphasize that there will be no flat track bikes on the track, but Pee Wees will be allowed to practice.

USA U21 Speedway Team Members will pay $50 and two adults will be allowed free with each paying Team Member. That is definitely a bargain considering the rider will have exclusive track access and receive instruction from an eight-time National Champion. All other speedway racers will pay $40 each, the normal track practice fee, but all other adults (13 years and older) will be $10 each. Juniors and Pee Wees will be allowed one free adult with each paid practice fee. All children under 13 will be admitted free. USA U21 Speedway Sixth Man Club Members will also be admitted free as well.

All of the USA U21 Team Members and their supporters expressed their satisfaction with the last session with Hancock and immediately asked if there would chance opportunity. The Team Members will certainly be excited about having another exclusive opportunity on the track and to also work with Hancock as well. Hancock echoed their excitement and impressed upon the USA U21 Speedway management that the sooner another session could be scheduled the better. He was clear that he enjoyed teaching the Team Members as much as they enjoyed learning from him. Hancock has been very supportive of USA Under 21 Speedway and is looking forward another "hands-on" chance to work with our racers.

USA U21 Speedway would like to thank Freddie Edwards and the Southern California Flat Track Association as well as Carrie Hancock and Carrie Hancock Speedway Promotions for their expediency in coordinating this practice.

USA Under 21 Speedway will be selling USA U21 Speedway Team Gear at the practice session as well. We greatly appreciate any and all support from our fans at this event as well as other events and fundraisers that we plan on having in the very near future. USA U21 Speedway will be posting more details regarding the practice in the coming days. Any races or supporters who have questions are encouraged to contact Richard Child, Gary Gomez, or Ryan Evans. (February 2, 2011)

USA U21 Speedway Team Practice

If success is measured in marked improvement and overwhelmingly positive reviews, then the USA U21 Speedway Team Practice at Perris Raceway on Saturday, January 29, 2011 can be viewed as a smashing success.

Nine USA U21 Team Members from Southern California and three Team Members from Northern California spent five hours on the race track receiving instruction and tips about their racing technique, bike setup, and making better starts from former World Champion Greg Hancock. In addition to on-track instruction, Hancock also gave them advice about racing and life in Europe. The group was also joined by two injured Team Members who still saw the value in learning from watching and listening to Hancock give instructions to others as well as his advice about competing in Europe.

Team Members who attended the event were Ricky Wells, Jason Ramirez, Gino Manzares, Bryce Starks, Ricky Felicio, Brad Pappalardo, Joey Holt, Dylan Black, Gabe Price, Brandon Leedy, Fred Cook, Joey St. Louis, and injured racers Austin Novratil and Rocco Scopellite.

The day began with the racers getting reacquainted with the Team Members that they already knew and meeting those that they hadn't known prior to the afternoon. The team gathered together for a roll call, introductory session, and a brief preview of the day from Hancock. The team members then posed on the track for a team photo shoot decked out in their USA U21 Speedway Team Member shirts, including Honorary Team Member Hancock.

The racers took to the track in groups of three under the watchful eyes of Professor Hancock. Whenever Hancock saw something that could be improved he would stop the racer and give him one-to-one direct instruction either verbally or by physically showing the racer how their technique could be improved. He also gave suggestions about gearing and bike setup as well. During the first track preparation Hancock talked to the riders collectively before they hit the track again for more direct instruction.

During the second track preparation Hancock shared some of his experiences from his 22 seasons that he has spent racing in Europe. He also gave advice about lifestyle and attitude.

The racers listened intently and it was obvious that they were soaking up every word that was spoken. They truly appreciated getting advice about speedway life in Europe from a true expert who has actually experienced the life that they hope to someday have for themselves.

The racers took to the track for another session of their racing technique and it this point in the afternoon it was obvious to even the untrained eye that every racer had improved in just a couple hours. Satisfied looks from racers, parents, and supporters throughout the pits.

Then the eight-time National Champion spent the final teaching session improving the toughest aspect of speedway – starts. The racers came to the tapes in pairs and after each start they would receive direct instruction from one of the World's best gater. Every racer was faster to turn one after their lesson than they were before it.

Hancock was so focused on teaching the racers and helping them get better that he eschewed getting practice laps for himself until the final 30 minutes of the day. The racers and spectators stopped everything they were doing to watch the master at work and to learn even more.

As if the racers weren't busy enough riding and learning throughout the day, they were also conducting interviews for Speedwaywebcast.com. Their five-man crew was busy running all over the facility filming interviews, practice action, one-to-one instruction, and also casual conversations that took place.

A couple of group photos have already been posted on the USA U21 Speedway Facebook Page (http://www.facebook.com/groups/usau21speedway) for our fans to view and other pictures will be added shortly. If you have not joined our Facebook page, please click on the link and join.

The rave reviews and positive feedback led to suggestions of another practice session being conducted as soon as possible. We received some suggestions for different practice formats. The February speedway schedule in Southern California means there are a limited number of available weekend dates, but USA U21 Speedway will attempt to have a public announcement soon.

USA U21 Speedway and all of its Team Members would like to thank Greg Hancock for spending his afternoon to help 14 young men become better racers. His instruction will help them become better racers and will also make the racing in America that much better as well.

USA U21 Speedway thanks all of the racers who took advantage of this incredible opportunity and for their parents and supporters who brought them to the track. All of the racers were extremely positive and professional throughout the day while also maintaining their youthful exuberance.

USA U21 Speedway would also like to thank Freddie Edwards and the Southern California Flat Track Association for providing a wonderfully prepared race track; Carrie Hancock and Carrie Hancock Speedway Promotions for coordinating this practice and for diligently working at the front gate; the Speedwaywebcast.com crew of Mike Salyer, Phil Hakopian, Darin Purcell, John Rudow, and Jeff Clair for all their hard work and their vision of the future; Tom Fox for volunteering to work in the infield and the starting gate; and Sherry Child for running the USA U21 Team Gear merchandise stand.

USA Under 21 Speedway greatly appreciates all support at this event as well as other events and fundraisers that we plan on having in the very near future. USA U21 Speedway will be posting more details regarding these in the coming days.

The USA will begin their quest at the Qualifying Round on Sunday, May 1, 2011 in Rivne , Ukraine . The other teams in the meeting will be Finland , Slovenia , and the host nation, Ukraine . The American team will travel to Britain and compete in several matches there before going to the FIM Qualifier meeting. The entire trip would take approximately two to three weeks.

The teams finishing first and second in the Qualifying Round will then compete in the Semi-Final Rounds in Rawicz, Poland or Diedenbergen, Germany on Saturday, May 28. The top teams for the Semi-Finals progress to the Final which will be held in Balakavo , Russia on Saturday, September 3.

USA Under 21 Speedway, LLC is a not-for-profit organization founded by Richard Child, Gary Gomez, and Ryan Evans to further develop young American speedway racers to improve their skills individually and to return the United States to a prominent level in international speedway.

Ryan Evans (January 29, 2011)

USA U21 Speedway Sixth Man Program

USA U21 Speedway is offering a very special opportunity for fans to provide direct support to USA U21 Speedway through our Sixth Man Program.

The Sixth Man is a special group of speedway fans that support USA U21 Speedway by providing financial backing for their team. The name and concept is a blend of ideas from speedway and other sports. A speedway team at the World Championship level has five active team members just as a basketball team puts five players on the floor at a time. Basketball fans are often referred to as the "sixth man" because they are considered the sixth "team member." USA U21 Speedway applied this same concept when deciding on a name for our special team supporters. The passion of European speedway teams' fans inspires better team results by their financial and emotional support. A Sixth Man Club member would be taking their support to a higher and more intense level. The goal of the Sixth Man Program is similar to the goal of international speedway fans -- to provide the best possible equipment for the team and increase the opportunity to compete at the highest level.

USA U21 Speedway is offering different levels of support ranging from $100 to $1,000. Sixth Man Club members will receive USA U21 Speedway Team Gear that will feature the special USA U21 Speedway Sixth Man Club logo that will distinguish the members. Sixth Man Club supporters will also receive other benefits including recognition on the official USA U21 Speedway website (http://www.usau21.com). Interested supporters are encouraged to contact Richard Child (richard@usau21.com) to have the Sixth Man Club sponsorship forms sent promptly. We also have a corporate sponsorship package available to interested companies as well.

Information about the Sixth Man Club was distributed at the speedway events held at Perris Raceway on January 8 and at IMS on January 16. We are pleased to announce that Southern California speedway racer Paul Thornton jumped on board as well as two others who wished to have their donations be anonymous so as not to take focus away from the purpose of USA U21 Speedway. Mr. Thornton and our two anonymous supporters are recognized on the USA U21 Speedway website and we would like to thank them for their support here as well.

USA Under 21 Speedway greatly appreciates any and all support from our fans in this venture as well as other events and fund raisers that we plan on having in the very near future.

The USA will begin their quest at the Qualifying Round on Sunday, May 1, 2011 in Rivne , Ukraine . The other teams in the meeting will be Finland , Slovenia , and the host nation, Ukraine . The American team will travel to Britain and compete in several matches there before going to the FIM Qualifier meeting. The entire trip would take approximately two to three weeks.

The teams finishing first and second in the Qualifying Round will then compete in the Semi-Final Rounds in Rawicz, Poland or Diedenbergen, Germany on Saturday, May 28. The top teams for the Semi-Finals progress to the Final which will be held in Balakavo , Russia on Saturday, September 3.

USA Under 21 Speedway, LLC is a not-for-profit organization founded by Richard Child, Gary Gomez, and Ryan Evans to further develop young American speedway racers to improve.

Ryan Evans

USA U21 Speedway Update

USA U21 Speedway will be staging an exclusive practice for all Under 21-eligible racers at Perris Raceway on Saturday, January 29. The practice will be limited to racers who fit the eligibility criteria (born between January 1, 1990 and April 30, 1995) and will also include former World Champion Greg Hancock. Hancock will be there to practice as well as provide instruction and advice to the racers in attendance.

The gates will open at 10:00 a.m. and the track will be available for practice from 12:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. All eligible racers are encouraged to contact Ryan Evans, Gary Gomez, or Richard Child for specific information and to confirm their attendance. We received confirmation from several racers at the IMS Winter event yesterday and all of them were excited at the opportunity to have such an exclusive opportunity on the track and to also work with Hancock as well. Hancock has been very supportive of USA Under 21 Speedway and is looking forward to the "hands-on" chance to work with our racers.

Access to the track will be exclusive to Under 21 racers. However, there is a reason for the public announcement. After debating about whether or not to allow the public to view the practice, the USA U21 Speedway staff decided to allow any spectators interested in attending to watch the practice. Spectators aged 13 years or older will be $15.00 each and spectators under the age of 13 will be admitted free. The USA U21 staff wasn't sure how the public would respond to paying to attend a practice, so we decided that ALL PAYING spectators will be given a $15.00 gift card to spend on USA U21 Team Gear either at the track or via mail order. Therefore, the cost of attending will be completely defrayed by the gift card. Spectators will have a chance to watch our future American stars and America's best racer honing their skills and also support USA U21 Speedway at the same time.

USA U21 Speedway would like to thank Freddie Edwards and the Southern California Flat Track Association as well as Carrie Hancock and Carrie Hancock Speedway Promotions for their diligence in coordinating this practice.

USA Under 21 Speedway greatly appreciates any and all support from our fans at this event as well as other events and fund raisers that we plan on having in the very near future. USA U21 Speedway will be posting more details regarding the practice in the coming days.

The USA will begin their quest at the Qualifying Round on Sunday, May 1, 2011 in Rivne, Ukraine. The other teams in the meeting will be Finland, Slovenia, and the host nation, Ukraine. The American team will travel to Britain and compete in several matches there before going to the FIM Qualifier meeting. The entire trip would take approximately two to three weeks.

The teams finishing first and second in the Qualifying Round will then compete in the Semi-Final Rounds in Rawicz, Poland or Diedenbergen, Germany on Saturday, May 28. The top teams for the Semi-Finals progress to the Final which will be held in Balakavo, Russia on Saturday, September 3.

USA Under 21 Speedway, LLC is a not-for-profit organization founded by Richard Child, Gary Gomez, and Ryan Evans to further develop young American speedway racers to improve their skills individually and to return the United States to a prominent level in international speedway.

Please watch for future information about our website, rider selection, and other information about USA Under 21 Speedway.

Ryan Evans

USA U21 Speedway New Items and Perris Raceway Reminder

USA U21 Speedway, LLC has added two new items to our list of merchandise that we are offering for sale. USA U21 Speedway hats and USA U21 Speedway wristbands are now available for our supporters to purchase. The hats feature the USA U21 Speedway logo and are $15.00 each. The red, white, and blue wristbands are similar to the popular Livestrong wristbands and are selling for just $3.00 each or 2 for $5.00.

USA U21 Speedway would like to encourage everyone in Southern California to attend the Carrie Hancock Speedway Promotions event at Perris Raceway tomorrow afternoon. Headlining the event will be none other than former World Champion and 8-time National Champion Greg Hancock. This will be Hancock's first stateside appearance since winning the Main Event at Perris Raceway in March 2011. This will also be an opportunity for chance USA U21-eligible racers Jason Ramirez, Gino Manzares, Russell Green, and Brad Pappalardo to measure themselves against America's only current Speedway Grand Prix competitor. Practice starts at 10:30 and the races begin at noon.

Carrie Hancock has once again been gracious enough to allow USA U21 Speedway to sell our merchandise at her event. Fans can purchase the two newest items as well as USA U21 Speedway T-shirts, hoodies, and stickers at the event. Sales were very strong at the last month's event and we're hoping that tomorrow's event will be the same.

The T-shirts and hoodies both have the 2011 USA U21 Speedway logo on the front and the back. The T-shirts are available in white and black and the sweatshirt's are available in black. Prices for the T-shirts are $12.50 for youth sizes, $15.00 for adult sizes through XL, with the XXLs priced at $17.00. The hoodies are $30.00 for youth sizes, $35.00 for adult sizes through XL, and $40.00 for XXL.

For those who are unable to attend the items will be available on the soon-to-be-launched USA U21 website. The prices are the same as above and shipping will be $3.95 within the continental USA. Checks will be accepted, however, we recommend that customers pay via PayPal to expedite their orders. International customers need to use the contact information to confirm their shipping price.

The USA will begin their quest at the Qualifying Round on Sunday, May 1, 2011 in Rivne, Ukraine. The other teams in the meeting will be Finland, Slovenia, and the host nation, Ukraine. The American team will travel to Britain and compete in several matches there before going to the FIM Qualifier meeting. The entire trip would take approximately two to three weeks.

The teams finishing first and second in the Qualifying Round will then compete in the Semi-Final Rounds in Rawicz, Poland or Diedenbergen, Germany on Saturday, May 28. The top teams for the Semi-Finals progress to the Final which will be held in Balakavo, Russia on Saturday, September 3.
USA Under 21 Speedway, LLC was founded by Richard Child, Gary Gomez, and Ryan Evans to further develop young American speedway racers to improve their skills individually and to return the United States to a prominent level in international speedway.

USA Under 21 Speedway greatly appreciates any and all support from our fans on this fund raiser as well as the others that we plan on having in the very near future. Please watch for future information about the website, rider selection, and other information about USA Under 21 Speedway.

Ryan Evans


USA Under 21 Speedway, LLC has added more items to our list of merchandise. Due to the high demand, we are now offering the 2011 USA U21 Speedway shirts in black and we are also offering two types of stickers as well. Many supporters expressed their desire to purchase our T-shirts in black and USA U21 Speedway was determined to fulfill the overwhelming demand. Many fans also inquired about stickers after seeing former Under 21 World Finalist Ryan Fisher proudly displaying a prototype on his bike at Perris Raceway. There is a white sticker with the standard USA U21 Speedway logo and a black sticker with the 2011 USA U21 Speedway event logo.

These items have been made available just in time for fans who are seeking to complete their last-minute Christmas shopping. Our supporters can order these new items as well as all the merchandise that has been for sale throughout the month. The black T-shirts will be the same price as the white T-shirts and the stickers are just $2.00 each.

The T-shirts and hooded sweatshirt's both have the 2011 USA U21 Speedway logo on the front and the back. The T-shirts are available in white or black and the sweatshirt's are available in black. Prices for the T-shirts are $12.50 for youth sizes, $15.00 for adult sizes through XL, with the XXLs priced at $17.00. The hoodies are $30.00 for youth sizes, $35.00 for adult sizes through XL, and $40.00 for XXL. Shipping will be $3.95 within the continental USA. Checks will be accepted, however, supporters of USA U21 Speedway are strongly encouraged to place their orders and pay via PayPal no later than Tuesday, December 21 so their orders can be delivered to them in time for Christmas. The items will be available on the soon-to-be-launched USA U21 website. International customers need to use the contact information to confirm their shipping price.

We’re happy to report that sales have been very brisk via mail order as well as at the December 11 event atPerris Raceway. We would like to thank all the USA U21 Speedway supporters for their purchases as well as their invaluable feedback regarding our merchandise. Many of our supporters wasted no time in putting on their just-purchased USA U21 Speedway Team Gear and wearing it at the event.

USA U21 Speedway owes Carrie Hancock a very big “Thank You” for allowing us to sell our items during her big event. We would also like to thank the crew from speedwaywebcast.com for interviewing Ryan Evans and giving him the opportunity to share and explain the purpose USA U21 Speedway to a worldwide audience.

The USA will begin their quest at the Qualifying Round on Sunday, May 1, 2011 in Rivne, Ukraine. The other teams in the meeting will be Finland, Slovenia, and the host nation, Ukraine. The American team will travel to Britain and compete in several matches there before going to the FIM Qualifier meeting. The entire trip would take approximately two to three weeks.

The teams finishing first and second in the Qualifying Round will then compete in the Semi-Final Rounds in Rawicz, Poland or Diedenbergen, Germany on Saturday, May 28. The top teams for the Semi-Finals progress to the Final which will be held in Balakavo, Russia on Saturday, September 3.

USA Under 21 Speedway, LLC was founded by Richard Child, Gary Gomez, and Ryan Evans to further develop young American speedway racers to improve their skills individually and to return the United States to a prominent level in international speedway.

USA Under 21 Speedway greatly appreciates any and all support from our fans on this fund raiser as well as the others that we plan on having in the very near future. Please watch for future information about the website, rider selection, and other information about USA Under 21 Speedway.

Speedway News