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2011 California Speedway News

2012 Ice Racing

Charlie "The Edge" Venegas goes after the Ice Racing crown for the 12th time in January 2012. The 11 time Ice Racing Champion will be in the Awards Arena, St. Louis on Jan 28 to start the Ice Racing season. The next two races after that will be Feb. 2 in Dodge City, Kansas then a week later in Elmira, New York. XIIR.COM will have the complete schedule shortly.

RC Jones Email (November 30, 2011)

Big Time Speedway Update

Greetings Everyone! Wanted to answer a few questions that have been asked of us and wanted to answer them here so all readers get correct information straight from us.

First question was: If the first event was invitation only, who gets invited to the next one? Answer: The next race will be the same type - 16 man format race with, $5,000 min. purse with the top 8 guys from the 2011 Invitational already seeded. They would be Billy Janniro, Bart Bast, Charlie Venegas, Chris Kerr, Greg Hooten, Bryan Yarrow, Dukie Ermolenko and Tommy Hedden. Then the other riders that participated along with the others that originally received invitations names will go into a hat and we will draw for the next 7 spots, with the 8th one being a promoters wild card.

Second question was: Will we be running a weekly type program in 2012 as well? Answer: No, are plans are to only be hosting 5 to 6 Big events next year at Prairie City SRVA-OHV Park. There is still talk of hosting a Big Time Speedway Event at another locations, but that might have to wait till 2013? Prairie City's schedule is still being finalized, but will look something like this. 1st Event as described above, late March - early April. 2nd Event* on May 18th - AMA NATIONAL. 3rd & 4th Events late July, PRO-AM. Top 16 Pro's on Saturday and regulator program type event on Sunday for all other riders, divisions. (Ride where the Pro's ride!).

5th Event mid Sept. and 6th Event being sometime in October. This is a tentative schedule at the moment other than the *NATIONAL. It will be on the same weekend as the "HANGTOWN MX CLASSIC" outdoor National!! Attend 2 NATIONAL Races on the same weekend!!

Just returning from the AMA Motorcycle Hall of Fame Introduction Ceremonies in Las Vegas last weekend, stay tuned as we get closer to that date for a list of Hall of Fame riders from all aspects of the motorcycle world that will be our guests and attending our Speedway National Event! We thank everyone for there support and attendance - see you soon at the RACES! Have a Happy Thanksgiving to all. Big Time Speedway - DOING IT RIGHT!

BIGTIMESPEEDWAY bigtimespeedway@aol.com (November 23, 2011)

IMS on Saturday December 3rd

I will be organizing a race at IMS on Saturday December 3rd - starts 1pm.

There will be 3 team races on the day plus races for Pee Wees. Whilst I have run team races before it has somehow been hard to follow as we would have a team heat, then juniors, then team heat, then sidecars, etc. This event will run exactly like a British Meeting. Here's how it will play out;

1pm - 15 heat British Style Team Match - this will be for any D1 riders who want to ride down to middle level D2 riders. 7 man teams.

2:30pm - Junior Team Speedway - Two four man team, 6 heat match using the British Midland league format. Two 250's and two 200's per team.

3:00pm - Division Three (also lower D2) Team Race - Two four man teams, 6 heat match.

There will be a Pee Wee race before each match. This makes 30 races on the program.

It will be $35 to ride, $25 to mechanic and $10 spectators, 5 for kids.

Back Gate will open at 10:30 am and close at 12:30 - all riders need to be signed in by 12:30 even if your match isn't until 3pm.

At this stage its just planned as a fun event - not planning on seeking sponsors to pay a purse as Perris are working on that for their big race. The plan is to cover our bases though if the event is a huge success, as I have done before, I'll happily pay something on the day to the D1 guys but as of now, an amateur event.

I am looking for volunteers to man the back gate, flaggers and track staff.

Thanks to Shawn for renting us the track for the day.

This is a great chance for riders to do something new with the team event. Just like a British Meeting each match runs as its own from start to finish, uninterrupted by other races. I think the fans will appreciate team speedway more after such an event.

If you want to ride in this meeting please RSVP asap - e-mail, call or text -we need all spots taken to make the event viable. As its a team race please only sign up if you 100% intend to come as riders scratching completely ruins the program.

Steve Evans dreamteamspeedway@sbcglobal.net (November 16, 2011)

Oh what a night. The US Masters!

Leaving Pasadena I had my doubts. It had rained the previous night and a little moisture was still hitting the windshield. Victorville can be mean when the weather doesn't cooperate. Halfway up the hill that all changed. The sky went from gray to blue. The High Desert had no wind and the temperature went to 60 degrees. It was darn right livable.

We got to the track at 3:30 and the place was buzzing. Lots of riders doing their rider thing. The promoter going crazy answering questions and putting out fires. It was great. Everybody had a smile on their face. A couple of the "stars" were MIA but most made the call. It would be a strong field.

During the riders meeting Steve Evans explained the program. High point rider would win the Championship.

The racetrack was muddy but luckily there were five Speedway Sprint car heats before the US Masters started and that blew the wet dirt off. The moist bank track produced some memorable Speedway racing.

It was over before I knew it. No big delays. No serious injuries. Billy J. smoked them and the Wells - Fishback 2nd place runoff was scary fast but I personally give the rider of the night award to Mike Faria. His 12 point score does not tell the whole story. He rode well. Real well.

Steve Evans, you did good boy. The Victorville franchise is alive and well. Anyone who missed it missed it. You riders put on a great show.

Ed and I did shoot and RAZ will post the 1st division show on YouTube soon. It will include interviews with every winner of every 1st division heat and others so cut me some slack in editing it.

Howie howie@razvideo.com (November 14, 2011)

Reminder ~ Sign-ups still open for Perris - 11/19/11 (Saturday Night)!

Hey all... just a reminder - sign-ups are open still for Perris Speedway!

I've got quite a few entries already and had a few tonight as well from IMS...

All Divisions, Juniors & Pee-Wees.

December 17th will be all D1 and juniors only - for a repeat from last years big night and a few surprises!?

We will release January and February dates soon as well - stay tuned.

Thanks everyone!

Carrie951.454.1126Text, call or e-mail..

Carrie chancockspeedwaypromotions@gmail.com (November 11, 2011)

Las Vegas Fall Season Canceled!!

Las Vegas Attention everyone! Due to bad weather coming in we've decided to cancel the race this weekend and the rest of the Carter powersports series. However, we will resume the series in the spring time! Look for other motorsports events such as quarter midgets and flat track racing to fill these winter months on our website sincityspeedway.com

Facebook is Sin-City-Speedway/223771087641634 (November 8, 2011)

IMS Rained Out Race - RESCHEDULED for THUR, NOV. 10th!!

Unfortunately, due to rainy weather at race start time this Sunday, the track became unsafe to ride. Shawn has rescheduled Sunday's D2, D3, & Junior Championship race for this Thursday, Nov.. 10th @ 7:30pm!

Important Things To Know:

WHAT: D2, D3, & Junior Championship - PWs welcome!
WHEN: Thursday, Nov. 10th
TIME: 7:30 PM
WHERE: IMS, San Bernardino

PLEASE let me know ASAP, preferably by text, (951) 310-2216 if you wish to be included in this event. If you don't text, call me. If you don't do either, e-mail me at missjessilee@sbcglobal.net. You may sign up even if you were not signed up for Sunday's race!

Shawn asks that you bring generators and lights for the pits.

Thank you and hope to see you all Thursday night! :) Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.

*~! Jessi Lee !~*

Jessi DuBois missjessilee@sbcglobal.net (November 7, 2011)

Las Vegas12th November - Canceled!

Nate wanted me to pass on that this weekends race 12th November has been canceled - the weather forecast he has at this point for Vegas is very bad so it was decided to make the call early especially with the drive that riders would have to get there and plans on everyone's time.

Steve Evans dreamteamspeedway@sbcglobal.net (November 7, 2011)

John Grant

News & Views

So tell me how you really feel

It's sad when a promoter or promotion doesn't work out. I believe we all desperately want every Speedway venue and promotion to succeed. Especially when the promoter works hard and is a good guy. But having been there and done that I can attest to the fact that sometimes it just doesn't work out. Is it the promoters fault? Is the facilities fault? Do we as riders, supporters, spectators and advertisers share some of the blame? In the end it a moot point. It is what it is. All we can do is move forward.

Industry Hills Expo Center is a wonderful facility. They love and have supported Speedway for years but unfortunately after several different promoters the Wednesday night racing program has not been able to generate the rider or spectator support that is required to make The Grand profitable.

Now instead of throwing in the towel the Expo Center is going to double down and run the Wednesday night Speedway promotion themselves. How? What's the plan? Well I don't have all the answers. I'm just a small fish in this endeavor but here is what I see.

The Expo Center has what every promoter needs. Conference rooms and offices. A receptionist who answers the phone. Secretaries, gardeners, maintenance people and a host of other employees including salespeople. Mailers going out on a regular basis. They deal with the press and sponsors daily. They own and operated their own heavy equipment and water truck.

Owning the facility, concessions and parking is a good thing. The Grand Arena will lower the cost of spectator admission and parking. Box seats, increased lighting and PA are just a few of the items currently being upgraded. Replacing the metal benches with individual seats that have backs on them has been approved.

So what's in it for you the riders and mechanics? A larger purse for a start. Continuation of the point fund. A free spectator admission pass every time a rider signs in to race. New pit lighting, 75 tons of fresh DG, new crash walls and staring gate. Do you deserve more? Positively. Will you get more? Positively. Hold on the first race isn't till May 30th and we're just getting stated.

Carol Perez is putting together a team to guide this promotion. A team with much larger credentials in the world of Speedway and business than myself. Those details and much more will be released soon. Till then have a little faith. A Speedway promoter with deep pockets and a good revenue stream that's not afraid to operate at negative cash flow to build their business is in my opinion a dream come true for our sport.

Lets join together and make this work.

Thanks for listening.

Howie - razamataz91107@yahoo.com (November 2, 2011)

IMS Tentative Winter Series Schedule

IMS, San Bernardino is planning a 5 race Winter Series due to the success of last years Winter races. The tentative dates are Dec 18, Jan 15, Jan 29, Feb 12 and Feb 26. Stay tuned for some really exciting announcements about the possible Dec 18th event, including a comeback by a former Grand Prix winner and some cool Junior Speedway news, amongst more! The start to the new season is tentatively set for The Spring Classic on March 11which will likely be a 2pm Sunday afternoon event like the old days of IMS. We are working with Billy Hamill to come up with dates for the Hagon Shocks/Joker Machine Speedway schools soon. I am sure Shawn will announce more practice dates for IMS soon as well. Good luck to everyone with their events this weekend.

eastcoastspeedway@hotmail.com (November 1, 2011)

News & Views

New Speedway Promoter at Industry Hills Expo Center

After weeks of speculation and rumors Carol Perez, Operations Manager at the Expo Center confirms they have taken over promotion of Speedway Motorcycle Racing at The Grand Arena.

All Speedway Divisions, Sidecars, Pee Wee, Junior and Youth events will be invited to compete in a thirteen week program starting May 30th and continuing though August 29th (no racing July 4th).

Other changes to the 2012 Wednesday night program include - lower $10.00 spectator admission (students & seniors $5.00) - lower parking fee $3.00 (motorcycles free) - 75 tons of new DG - a larger rider purse – new pit lighting - free spectator guest pass for riders at sign up (weekly) - new crash wall - new starting gate - major arena upgrades.

A official press release dated today November 1st will be available for viewing at the new www.industryracing.com website when it becomes activated later today.

This could be a really big deal for our sport.

Howie - razamataz91107@yahoo.com (November 1, 2011)


Well by this time next week it will be all over and in the history books! He's the rider list and draw for Saturday's 2011 AMA Pro Invitational @ California State Parks - Prairie City OHV Park in Beautiful Rancho Cordova, CA. Here we go. Standard 16 rider, 20 heat format. Heat #1 sponsored by Tillmans German Car - riders #1 Tuff McBride #2 Alex Marcucci #3 Billy Janniro #4 Ricky Wells. Heat #2 sponsored by ACE Custom Graphics - riders #5 Charlie Venegas #6 Michael Raines #7 Dukie Ermolenko #8 Tommy Hedden. Heat #3 sponsored by VP Racing Fuels - riders #9 Greg Hooten #10 Billy Hamill #11 Bobby Hedden #12 Bryan Yarrow. Heat #4 sponsored by Harvey Imports - riders #13 Mike Faria #14 Aaron Fox #15 Bart Bast #16 Bryce Starks. Other Heat SPONSORS - #5 Legends & Heros #6 VBO Virtual Box Office #7 BADCO Screen Printing(Brad Lackey) #8 ARAI Helmets #9 Cycle Gear #10 Vincent Magazine #11 Smokehouse 10 BBQ #12 FRYE Site Designs #13 JB Services #14 ACME Auto Sales #15 Mane Gallery Hair Salon #16 Joker Machine #17 MMA-World Fighting Coalition #18 Maico Meister #19 Hagon Shocks #20 BAD Reputation. Dash for Cash - O'REILLY Auto Parts, Semi - Main #1 REDLINE OIL, Semi - Main #2 MOTION PRO, LCQ - Westbury Motorcycles and Main Event sponsored by WEST COAST MUFFLER. Thank you to our Grand Marshall Mike Bast, all the riders, sponsors, and our partners - AMA, McAllister Moto Sports / Supermoto USA, Dirt Diggers North Motorcycle Club, California State Parks SVRA / OHV. With out you this couldn't happen.
Come watch these PRO riders compete for there share of the $6,000.00 purse Hope to see everyone on Saturday! Big Time Speedway.

BIG TIME SPEEDWAY bigtimespeedway@yahoo.com (October 31, 2011)

Question About Big Time Speedway

Greetings! I will make an official post later today which will also include how the draw came out for heats and starting positions. Here is the line up - all these guys have signed an agreement to be there.

Billy Hamill, Billy Janniro, Charlie Venegas, Bart Bast, Tuff McBride, Mike Faria, Ricky Wells, Aaron Fox, Michael Raines, Bobby Hedden, Alex Marcucci, Dukie Ermolenko, Greg Hooten, Bryan Yarrow, Bryce Starks, Tommy Hedden.

Yes if you put in 13300 White Rock Rd. Rancho Cordova, CA. 95742 It will get you right there. There will be signs - Speedway entrance will be the main gate to the park.

Our partners - Dirt Diggers North are hosting there 47th annual Lillipution Hare Scrambles Race the same day and there entrance will be the first gate you come to, 8th's of a mile past that will be the main gate and entrance to Big Time Speedway Event. They already have 600+ entry's to there race, so we are expecting some new fans - spectators to Speedway Racing for the first time.

Don't forget to get there early to help us Honor 7 time National Champion Mike Bast our Grand Marshall! Mike will be starting the first race, this is a first for him. Stay tuned for more info. Hope to see you at the event!

Steves bigtimespeedway@yahoo.com (October 31, 2011)

Perris Speedway Dates!

November 19th! We're finally on the calendar ALL Divisions - Saturday night racing is back at Perris Raceway!!!!!

December 17th - originally scheduled for the week before, we've moved it to the 17th... stay tuned for updates and details - Can't wait for this one!

Call text or e-mail for sign ups.

Carrie chancockspeedwaypromotions@gmail.com (October 26, 2011)

Victorville Speedway Masters Sponsor / Sweepstakes Info

November 12th at 4:30pm, with your help, we want to stage the biggest Speedway race at Victorville in the modern era. There are 20 heats to be sold and with some help we can take the 'grass roots' venue into the big leagues for one night only.

Heats are being for sold for $100 each - more than before for this event but at the going rate other tracks sell for. Every penny of proceeds goes to riders purse, which ,if all heats are sold, will exceed $3,000.

To make things different each heat sponsor gets a ticket in a grand prize draw. So far there are two prizes I have but more will likely follow. The prizes are;

1. Ryan Fisher's race used bib from the American Touring Team tour - Ryan has signed this and it was used at both the Redcar and Sheffield meetings - to keep it authentic there is still some Sheffield dirt on it.

2. $250 of 'store credit' for Victorville 2012 Season. This can be used for spectator tickets, pit passes, race entries, towards sponsorship or even to pay for your favorite riders race entries - your credit, your choice.

A draw will be made at the event to see who wins what. Each sponsor will also get 4 free passes to the race and a program signed by all the riders.

So far we have 10 riders confirmed in the past day including 7 of the top 10 in points. They are;

Billy Hamill
Eddie Castro (defending champion)
Austin Novratil (runner up in 2010)
Michael Raines (2nd in points)
Gino Manzares (3rd in points)
Rocco Scopellite
Jason Ramirez
Russell Green
Mattie Bates (Newport Hornets, UK)
Richard Andrews (Newport Hornets, UK)

Both Mattie and Richard raced at the very well received American Style Speedway meeting at Leicester on October 16th and both made the Scratch Main. They are looking to rent bikes for this race and Vegas on the 19th - please get in touch if you have equipment to rent.

There are a number of very big names being spoken to about joining this line up - the more sponsors we get the more stars we will attract. There are three wild-card spots still available - that number could increase by Saturday depending on if the other three top 10 points riders accept their invites.

Thanks to all who have supported us this year.

Steve & John - Steve Evans dreamteamspeedway@sbcglobal.net (October 26, 2011)

Victorville Finale November 12th - Speedway Masters

The 2011 Victorville season concludes on November 12th with the annual track championship, now renamed SPEEDWAY MASTERS.

The top 10 D1 riders in points receive automatic invites to the race - such invites need to be accepted by Saturday 29th otherwise spots will be allocated on a first come first serve basis. Ideally D1 runs a 16 man 20 heat traditional championship format. Riders who are interested can apply right now to sign up. We already have 2 British National League riders who have said they want to ride.

We will also run all other classes for their own 'Speedway Masters Title' - that's D2, D3, PW, & Juniors.

I would love to pay a highest ever D1 purse (in my era as promoter at least) - to do so we will be selling heats - details of which I will post tomorrow but I can say that on this occasion I will do something different for heat sponsors with a prize draw for each sponsor with some very cool souvenirs being on offer. IF all 20 heats are sold the purse should exceed $3,000 which would be a huge accomplishment for a grass roots endeavor.

If you would like to ride please call or e-mail asap. We want to end the season on a big note!

After much deliberation John Aden and I have elected for a 4:30pm start. This is bearing in mind it could get chilly late in the evening and that on the other hand, early day races have never pulled a good crowd.

Thanks to all who have supported us this year - hopefully the season can round out with a great championship!

Steve Evans dreamteamspeedway@sbcglobal.net (October 24, 2011)

Southern California Speedway Awards Banquet

At the Southern California Speedway Awards Banquet on Oct. 23, 2011, at Costa Mesa, CA., $8,127.00 was distributed amongst the riders based on combined points earned from the Costa Mesa, City of Industry and San Bernardino race tracks. Costa Mesa promoter Brad Oxley was the master of ceremonies while Industry promoter Jeffrey Immediato and San Bernardino promoter Shawn McConnell assisted. The 2011 season champion was Jimmy Fishback, who walked off with a tidy sum of $1,630.00.

Southern California Speedway Awards Southern California Speedway Awards Southern California Speedway Awards
Brad Oxley shares a story with Shawn McConnell, Jimmy Fishback and Jeffrey Immediato about racing with Jimmy’s father 30 years ago. “Nobody”showed up. (Mike Salyer) Mike Salyer (Nobody) took the Most Improved Rider award.
Southern California Speedway Awards Southern California Speedway Awards Southern California Speedway Awards
Track officials Tom (aka Tim) Fox and Ryan Evans and rider Bobby Schwartz get a bite to eat before receiving awards. Flyin’ Mike Faria was found safe and sound in time to pick up third place for the season. Roxanne Faria got back from England just in time to join Robynn McConnell at the banquet.  
Southern California Speedway Awards Southern California Speedway Awards Southern California Speedway Awards
Aileen McGrath bags Tim’s check so it doesn’t get away. You just could not have a speedway banquet without Damon Barry! 1996 world champ Billy Hamill was saluted for his work with junior riders. Billy’ wife,Christina, looks on.

2011 American Tour in UK News Page

(Updated October 14, 2011)

AMA 2011 Invitational

Big Time Speedway is pleased to announce that "The Voice of Speedway" in Northern California, Mike "Roondog" Rooney will be doing the honors of announcing our AMA 2011 INVITATIONAL Event at Prairie City OHV Park next month.

Mike's years of experience as a rider, promoter and announcer give him the expertise and knowledge of the sport than only a few people have . He's like a walking dictionary, besides being an all around good guy. We are very excited to have him on board!

I love the GP style format with a few twist and a transponder timing system, great line up, trophy dash for cash and a $6000.00 purse should give me plenty to talk about. This is going to be "COOL".

It is the place to be on Saturday Nov. 5th. Gates open at noon. Timed Hot Lap / Testing session from 1:00 - 2:00.

More information & Advance tickets available at www.bigtimespeedway.com

BIGTIMESPEEDWAY bigtimespeedway@aol.com (October 19, 2011)

Speedway Awards Banquet

The banquet is at Baja Blues in Costa Mesa at the fairgrounds, right next to the track. this Sunday, October 23rd! Cocktails start at 4pm, and awards are at 5pm. Open to the public. Any and all are welcome. This is where the three track alliance total points awards will be given out as well!

Big Time Thanks!

Big Time Speedway wishes to Thank all the Motorcycle, Off Road people, Clubs and Fans that showed there support to Big Time Speedway yesterdays at the 2nd annual visitors appreciation day at Prairie City OHV Park.

There were a lot of state officials and other people in attendance and you guys showed them that Speedway Racing is something that you the fans are looking forward to having at Prairie City OHV! Great turn out

Like all of you, we are very much looking forward to November 5th's 2011INVITATIONAL and next years Events. Don't forget to come early and visit with the Legend and our GRAND MARSHALL for the EVENT:"Mr. Mike Bast"!

More information & Advance tickets available at www.bigtimespeedway.com

BIGTIMESPEEDWAY bigtimespeedway@aol.com (October 17, 2011)

John Grant Passes

With deep regret in need to inform the Georgetown, California community, Fast Fridays Motorcycle Speedway's family, Flat Track community and many friends that our friend and father John Grant passed away yesterday October 13, 2011.

I personally feel great sorrow for John's passing.

Please join me and wish his family all the best during this hard time.


David Joiner
Fast Fridays Motorcycle Speedway
Auburn, California
+01 530 878-7223 (RACE)

2011 USA Vs World

October 14, 2011
Fast Fridays, Auburn

1. Billy Janniro
2. Tommy Hedden
3. Bart Bast
4. Bob Hicks
5. Bryan Yarrow
6. Bobby Schwartz

1.Martin Smolinski – Germany
2. Alex Marcucci – USA
3.Robert Kosciecha – Poland
4.Geziegorz Walasek – Poland
5.Lewis Bridger – England
6.Cameron Woodward – Australia

2011 INVITATIONAL - Nov. 5th - Update

The Wild Card rider has been chosen from a long list of riders that have shown interest in being apart of Big Time Speedways - 2011 AMA PROINVITATION EVENT at Prairie City OHV Park on Nov. 5th. Former Junior National Champion, Alex Marcucci has been selected as the 16th rider on the program. Alex picked up a few very impressive Handicap Main Event Wins this season and is a top 5 finisher in rider points at Fast Fridays in Auburn for 2011. For the Nevada City, CA. resident, this will be the biggest event of his young career. Congratulations and Good Luck Alex

BIGTIMESPEEDWAY bigtimespeedway@aol.com (October 13, 2011)

Ventura November 5th

Entry form up on the website at Ventura Raceway/

At Ventura the current line-up includes Me, Bryan Thompson, Ken Thiebaud, Mike Lane, Tom Morley, Joey Bishop, Pat Smith, Dan Waller and Bob Waller. A couple more have shown interest but not committed.

Rules. There aren't any. Flag start open class speedway. You can run a legal modern machine to an open piped Nitro 22" monster of any era.
Trophies for top three. Everyone speedway rider should race Ventura at least once. Come on and give it a go.

Entry fee includes rider insurance of some sort. Pat Smith at 805 850 9076 is the organizer.

Malcolm Roe malcolmroe@wildblue.net (October 12, 2011)

Perris - October 29th - Canceled

Due to the race schedule conflicts this month and the lack of riders to go around, we have decided to cancel the October 29th race date. Although there is another race scheduled for the November 19th date as well... we will see what interest comes as the date nears.

If enough D2 & D3 riders are available - perhaps we can put something together!

Carrie Hancock chancockspeedwaypromotions@gmail.com (October 6, 2011)

Big Time Speedway

Announcement: You can NOW purchase your tickets to Big Time Speedway's - 2011 Invitational AMA Professional Speedway Event taking place on November 5th at Prairie City OHV Park in Rancho Cordova,CA. - Home of the world famous Dirt Diggers North "Hangtown MX Classic". Come meet the "Legend" ... Mr. Mike Bast our Grand Marshall, see newly Crowned SRA/ AMA Champion Billy "The Kid" Janniro, former World Champion Billy "The Bullet"Hamill and 14 of the nations other Top Pro Riders compete for a$6000.00 purse. Vendor Fair, Motorcycle Show and Shine, Supermoto Exhibition, Music & Food are just a few of the days other activities taking place

Go to www.bigtimespeedway.com and click on tickets. It will be "The Place to Be" on November5th.

BIGTIMESPEEDWAY bigtimespeedway@aol.com (October 5, 2011)

Western States Championship

IMS is wanting to increase our purse for the Western States Championship. Our riders are extremely dedicated and work hard and we would like to reward them. But, we need your help!! We are offering heat sponsorships for $100.00 each. Main event sponsorship is also available.

All money goes directly into the purse! Your name will be printed in the program above the heat race you are sponsoring along with PA announcements. We are really hoping to sell out all the heats so please let us know ASAP if you are interested, as we are trying to finalize the program! Shawn & Robynn 714-255-0088 or dogynn@aol.com

Thank you so much for supporting IMS and the riders! (October 3, 2011)

Update - Prairie City October Speedway Races Canceled


Prairie City I know it wasn't easy, but I agree with you and think it's better to wait and try and do things right.

We have decided to go ahead and have a Speedway event on Saturday October 29 as we had hoped, but it will be an Open Practice instead of a race. In addition, we will remain open as long as weather / track conditions allow on Sunday (10am -2pm) and Monday (5-7pm) for all riders wanting practice.

Thanks to all of you for your support, especially Steve L for his voice and ongoing efforts and Vance for providing the track drags and wisdom.

Track Updates can be found here: www.arenacross-tt.com and of course- Big Time Speedway Pro Invitational, Nov. 5th 2011.

Brokster supermotobrok@aol.com (October 3, 2011)

What A Great Evening

A few thoughts from tonight. (Costa Mesa SRA U.S. Nationals)

The BBQ was, as always, a fun time.

Brad & Co. really outdid themselves with the track tonight. It was absolutely beautiful with plenty of dirt. The track crew even had to scape the walls which you don't see at CM every night When some videos of the event come out, pay special attention to the surface.

It wasn't a sellout but the crowd was huge tonight.

The $12,500 purse really had the guys busting ass for every possible point. There was even great racing for 3rd and 4th in some heats.

Billy Janniro surprised nobody. He was perfect last Saturday at Costa Mesa. He was perfect last night at Fast Fridays Motorcycle Speedway. He was perfect tonight. At this point there is only one American rider who could beat Billy J on either track and he's busy trying to lead his team to the Polish Ekstraliga gold medal after winning the World Championship.

At least we have a consolidated National Champion.

There were two huge surprises of the evening.

The first was when Doug Nicol turned back the clock 20 years and bagged 8 of a possible 12 points (3,2,2,1) in the qualifying rounds. It all went bad when he broke the tapes trying to get into the final but still a great night for Doug, who got into the field as a reserve.

Doug was barely edged out for "surprise of the evening" by Michael Raines. The 24 year old, who has only been racing speedway for 23 months, collected 10 out of 12 points in the qualifiers (3,2,3,2), only dropping points to Billy Janniro and Charlie Venegas. He was seeded directly into the Main, where he came 4th, but what an incredible evening for someone who is pretty much considered a rookie. Michael will be on a plane tomorrow, heading for England, to ride for the American Touring Team. 23 months racing speedway ... simply amazing.

Perfect weather, a beautiful track, a huge purse, a great crowd and some unexpected surprises all added up to a fine night at The Bullring.

Full respect to Fast Fridays and the AMA National Championship but the fact is, nobody does it better than the home of American speedway.

Can't wait for the 44th Nationals.

Steve Graham stephenagraham@hotmail.com (October 2, 2011)

Prairie City - October Race Canceled

Hey Everybody,

Prairie City As much as I hate to do this the Speedway races planned for October have been canceled due to obstacles that we can't overcome in the time we have available. Rather than put on a poor show it has been decided to wait until an event can be organized properly.

The track is still open for practice at the usual times so come on out. The more people using it the better.

Thanks, Steve Lewotsky Cell916.203.1360 sklew@sbcglobal.net (September 30, 2011)

(Note: This appears to be the Oct 29 race. RC Jones)

IMS - Oct 2nd Points fund raiser/ lessons-practice

Hey everyone,

Just a reminder that we will be running our speedway practice/school as our part of the 3 track points fund raiser.

location at IMS, San Bernardino
Sunday Oct 2nd
Time: 10 am -4 ish (until we are done)
cost: 60.00 per rider, mechanics and spectators free

Get pointers/advise and lessons all day long from 2 time national champion Steve Lucero, and Shawn McConnell. Take advantage of the knowledge and experience available. ( please no paparazzi - ha ha)Everyone welcome. Please remember this IS a fund raiser so riders will be charged.

Please let us know if you are planning to attend save your spot early. Should be a great day and a lot of fun!

"dogynn@aol.com" <dogynn@aol.com> (September 27, 2011)

Big Time Speedway

Motosports presents:2011 INVITATIONAL "Extreme" Motorcycle Speedway Racing Event @ Prairie City OHV - Home of the world famous Dirt Diggers "HANGTOWN" Motocross Classic! This afternoon/evening Event will take place on Saturday November 5th, with gates opening at noon. Come and witness 16 of the nations TOP PROFESSIONAL SPEEDWAY RIDERS compete on this "BRAND NEW" track. Be apart of history and celebrate this INAUGURAL Event along with our Grand Marshall, one of the ALL TIME GREAT Speedway riders Mr. Mike Bast!! Get there early for photo opportunities and autograph signing with Mike. He is a true Legend and Hero to the sport!

GP Format will make the racing even more exciting along with a state of the art electronically timed practice, were the 4 fastest riders will compete in a 4 lap TROPHY DA$H for CA$H, a LCQ - last chance qualifier, so 1 more rider can advance into the 6 lap main event - Half time excitement will feature a Supermoto Exhibition - All day Vendor Fair - Motorcycle Show & Shine are just some of the happenings!! Stay tuned for more information and website to follow. It's will to be "The Place to be on Saturday Nov. 5th" BigTimeSpeedway.com

Riders that have committed are as follows: Billy Hamill, Billy Janniro, Charlie Venegas, Mike Faria, Bobby Hedden, Bart Bast, Tuff McBride, Tommy Hedden, Ricky Wells, Ryan Fisher, Dukie Ermolenko, Bryce Starks, Aaron Fox, Bryan Yarrow, Chris Kerr - Open Spot for Newly Crowned World Champion Mr. Greg Hancock. The 2 reserve riders have not be chosen as of yet. And of course Mr. Mike Bast as our Grand Marshall. Northern California voice of Speedway, Mr. Mike Rooney will be announcing and former State / National Champion Mr. Steve Lucero will be our official AMA referee.

Steve Steves <bigtimespeedway@yahoo.com> (September 25/26, 2011)

Big Time Speedway - Prairie City

Big Time Speedway running at Prairie City has their website up and running now at BigTimeSpeedway.com

The Nationals BBQ

The 2011 Nationals are rapidly approaching which can mean only one thing it's time for a barbecue. The annual Nationals BBQ will be held, as usual, at Tewinkle Park in Costa Mesa. Most of you know the drill but for those who haven't attended before and would like to, the park is located directly behind the Costa Mesa Bullring. We usually get set up around 3pm, break it down about an hour before the races and anyone is welcome with no RSVP required. Tom Fox and I will be providing two barbecues along with lots of cheeseburgers and Italian sausage sandwiches. Beverages and accessories are up to you.

This years National field looks awesome and I'm sure Brad and Co. will have an incredible track for most of America's best to race on. If you're going to The Nationals, may as well start the evening with a good meal and plenty of speedway chatter.

Cheers, Steve stephenagraham@hotmail.com (September 21, 2011)

Touring Team Squad Update

We had a late rider withdrawal from the team and it looked like we'd be a man short - British rules allow for this by letting you share the missing riders races within the remaining team members, but it does leave you open to further problems if you have an injury or broken bike.

A few riders were approached though the late notice makes it almost impossible to happen. However, I'm thrilled to announce that NY legend Tuff McBride is going to be joining us. Tuff has risen to the occasion and deserves the chance. Also thanks to Jason B who in a random speedway texting session let it slip that Tuff would love to go the UK. Two days later he is on the team! We have also added Mid-West Long Track specialist Chris Thomas as #8 in National League events and will ride at #8 or #9 in the expanded Premier League events for either the ATT or the opposition.

They join Mike Buman, Austin Novratil, Michael Raines, Russell Green, Rocco Scopellite and Eddie Castro.

Team flies in just 11 days.

Steve Evans dreamteamspeedway@sbcglobal.net (September 21, 2011)

Bowling Tournament

YouTube Speedway Motorcycle Points Fund Bowling Event Highlight Clip(Mark Williams)

It was a HUGE success ! Even though there was an Unofficial Protest filed by Team "Up You Alley" and after we tore Mike Faria's balls apart, Unofficial Official Tom Fox ruled that while they a little light they were fair.
SO TEAM Over 50 and Talking Sh&%$t WINS the Main Event of the 1st Annual Speedway Riders Point Fund Bowling Tournament. Captain Mike Faria, Tyson Talkington, Joey Donaldson and an amazing Robert Mendoza took the field to school winning every game to the end. It was a tight one with Larry's Lounge Laners but the winners of The Consi Team was "King Pins"Captain Ray "Sideways" Schmidt, Brian Sheppard, Jo Donna and the very generous Mike Sayler took the trophies home.

The big deal we surpassed the $1,000 dollars we were trying to make for the Point Fund and when Jeannie Fink with Sandy Hicks and Jeesi DeBois were finished with the Silent Auction we believe that tomorrow we will announce a number More THAN TWO GRAND !That's right we are almost positive that after all of the dust and cost settle, we will be announcing more than $2,000 going to the Rider Point Fund.

All three tracks of the Alliance were represented and bowled but it was Promoter Carrie Hancock's "bowling through the legs of Poster Babe Kylee Lucero to knock all 10 pins down as THE SHOT OF THE DAY !

From Industry Speedway, IMS and Costa Mesa promoters, we thank everyone who had a part in this success. Thank You

PS: I'm sure there is going to be great video from Mark and pictures from JT and John ...soon to follow!

Jeffrey Immediato jeffreyimmediato@yahoo.com (September 18, 2011)

Victorville Oct 22 - Sidecar / Clubman Nationals

October the 22nd at Victorville its cool to be any division unless its First Division!

This event features the Sidecar Nationals at its traditional home and the 4th running of the popular Clubman Amateur Nationals. The Clubman will award National titles for

Division Two
Division Three
200cc Juniors
Pee Wee Stock
Pee Wee Open
Powder Puffs.

Division One will run a 'Sandbagger' Class - no purse but no entry fees will be charged for riders - will just be a bit of fun.

You can call, e-mail, text, skype, aol, msn, yahoo or carrier pigeon your entry to me between now and October 1st. After October 1st you can still e-mail me or call Tony DeAlmeida on 949 294 4015.

The Speedway Masters with a projected $3,000 purse will be held on Nov 12.

Anyone out there feel like a National Champion?

Steve Evans dreamteamspeedway@sbcglobal.net (September 14, 2011)

Bowling Tournament Details

The Event is this Sunday (Sep 18) at Concourse Bowling Center at 1 PM. The event is 100% dedicated to raising the purse for the non-AMA tracks for the 2011 Southern California Professional Speedway Motorcycle Riders. Over the course of this last year, each of the three tracks, Industry, IMS and Costa Mesa have been putting in weekly money to fund this Point Fund. The goal was to reach at least $10,000. with each promoter to donate weekly to the fund and to have a fund raising event that would gross at least another $1,000.00 to the riders point fund. It looks like we will meet our first year goals.

This Bowling event is the one being produced by Industry Speedway, with the help of IMS and Costa Mesa. IMS and Costa Mesa will have their own fund raising event/activity (which Industry Speedway will assist in any and all ways) and it is all in hopes of having a great payout for the riders, in a Point Fund which will be distributed at a banquet. The banquet site has a TBA status due to the fact that there may not be a way to do one at Industry but Shawn has already confirmed that his Off-Track building is ready and able to host a great Speedway Riders Banquet and Awards Ceremony.

The details about this Sunday:Each team is made up of 4 people, doesn't matter, girls and boys, all girls or all boys. Each person pays $25. and is guaranteed to bowl a MINIMUM of two games. A bracket style for each 2 lanes, one to the Main and one to the Consi. If you loss twice you're drinking and watching, otherwise you move up the ladder for either the Consi or the Main. At the end there will be a Consi Winning Team and a Main Event Winning Team. Those two teams will have the ultimate bowl off for the overall Winner of the 1st Annual Speedway Riders Point Fund Tournament. Trophies will be given to each team member of the winning Consi and of the winning Main Event team. The Overall Trophy will be held as a perpetual trophy by the Overall Winner until next year. We plan on this being a yearly event.

In addition to the profits from bowling, the Point Fund will receive 100% of the gross from Silent Auction gifts and prizes. Here is where everyone can help. I've already got some great commitments from companies that the riders use equipment and services from. I also have a few unique prizes that will be offered, we could use more. So if you can get a donation from anyone for anything cool, that's where we can really boost the Point Fund. Call me at 949 514-4141 or e-mail Jeff@IndustrySpeedway.com or Jean Fink at FinkPrint@verizon.net in the next few days. We are almost at the minimum, in fact we may have already reached the minimum for the alley, so the more the merrier now !

The event should last for about 2 hours and really will be a blast come out and join the Speedway families for a day of fun competition and support. Friend and family are welcome and there is no charge to come and watch or just party with the So Cal Speedway family.

Jeffrey Immediato jeffreyimmediato@yahoo.com (September 12, 2011)

Fast Fridays Track Championship Line Up

Start Division 1 Division 2 Division 3
# Heat 1 Heat 1
1 32 Jim Lewis 181 Billy Vaughn 181 Billy Vaughn
2 105 Daniel Faria 150 Will McCloskey 150 Will McCloskey
3 309 Matt Drury 224 Bryce Taddy 224 Bryce Taddy
4 8 Bryan Yarrow 255 Glenn Scott 255 Glenn Scott
5 27 Chris Kerr
6 40 Tommy Hedden Heat 2 Heat 2
7 43 Charlie Venegas 236 Robert Mellor 391 Chris Casey
8 808 Bob Hicks 113 Rachalle Kerr 215 Kevin Chapman
9 12 Greg Hooten 316 Steve Rowett 109 Kevin Smith
10 245 Bryce Starks 225 Tyler Warren 121 Shane Szuh
11 93 JT Mabry
12 30 Devin Defreece
13 16 Alex Marcucci
14 1 Billy Janniro
15 25 JJ Martynse
16 87 Bart Bast

David Joiner
Fast Fridays Motorcycle Speedway
Auburn, California
+01 530 878-7223 (RACE)

Bowling Item Brings $1,000.00 to Point Fund

We wanted to let the riders know that we sold an item intended for the Silent Auction portion of the 1st ever Speedway Point Fund Bowling Tournament scheduled for Sunday September 18th.The Arai Helmet donated by Sammy Tanner and Sammy Tanner Distributing and on behalf of Industry Speedway sponsor Arai, was signed by the members participating in the 4th Annual Bruce Penhall "Night of Legends" event held at the Grand Arena last month.

A few weeks ago a fan of Industry, who could not attend the Bowling event, offered me $1,000. for the helmet. I made a decision that I didn't think it would reach that level at the Speedway Point Fund fun-raiser, so I sold it. Since Costa Mesa, IMS and Industry promoters all agreed that any event involving the Point Fund should make at least $1,000 to the fund, it made sense to take the "bird in hand" and start the event off with a grand on the books for the riders. As it was said in the beginning, we hoped that this first year of the Promoters working together towards a riders Point Fund we would reach a $10,000 total Point Fund the first year to be distributed at a banquet (date to be announced soon) this year this generous offer for one of the Silent Auction items in advance was too good not to accept for our guys.

The Bruvado California State Championships looks like it will pay almost TRIPLE POINTS (based upon prize monies) to the riders so when the new summary comes out next week positions could change, right now it's a pretty tight spread past the current 1st place point getter Jimmy Fishback.

Thanks to Mike Bloom, we now have a "where we are up to" summary before the California State and hope to have the final two weeks points from Costa Mesa soon so we can have an accurate total going in to the final stretch of the season. (Points listed here.)

If you haven't already signed up or sent a RSVP for the Bowling Event, please e-mail your name to : info@IndustrySpeedway.com or FinkPrint@Verizon.net

Jeffrey Immediato jeffreyimmediato@yahoo.com (September 2, 2011)

Friday September 2nd - Perris - CANCELLED!

Perris Raceway for tomorrow - Friday, September 2 has been canceled.
Intentions last night were to have a few more sign-ups, however it reversed & we had cancellations, as well as this morning.
CANCELLED for tomorrow night... please pass it on!!

Carrie Hancock chancockspeedwaypromotions@gmail.com (September 1, 2011)

Ivan Mauger Speedway School

Fast Fridays Motorcycle Speedway hosts
Ivan Mauger Speedway School
Saturday, September 3, 2011 6pm

Get racing & training tips from 12 Time World Speedway Champion Ivan Mauger the most decorated speedway racer in the history of the sport

· Learn how he became World Speedway Champion using visualization and mind power
· Learn what makes an ultimate champion

· Lots of track time with Ivan's supervision

Cost $200.00 per rider
Sign up with Fast Friday's Dave Joiner or Call
530 878 7223 (RACE) or send this form to
PO BOX 122, Auburn California 95604

RIDER NAME ________________________________
PHONE # ________________________________
Money Enclosed ___________Ck # ____________
Credit Card #_________________________________
Exp Date_______________Security Code_______

David Joiner
Fast Fridays Motorcycle Speedway
Auburn, California
+01 530 878-7223 (RACE)

Nor Cal News

It was very exciting for a few dozen riders and spectators yesterday as they got a personal show put on by MXRC's, Billy "The Kid" Janniro on Nor-Cals newest Speedway Track. The current State/National Champion not only put in some blistering HOT laps on the new track but took time out to help out a few riders with there bike set ups. I was given an invitation to come check it out and glad I did stated Janniro. You guys have a "nice" track, good shape, dirt ... there's going to be some good racing taking place here! I'm looking forward to the INAUGURAL INVITATIONAL EVENT on Nov. 5th. Track operator Broc McAllister commented: "SO that's HOW IT'S DONE" WOW! Starting gate is scheduled to be install in a few weeks and speedway riders that come out to practice will also get the opportunity to practice there starts using a gate!!! Check out practice time schedule at Arenacross-TT. Also out practicing with Billy was D1 rider Danny Faria, son of former national champ Mike Faria, winner of Saturdays Costa Mesa - Jake Milne Cup!

Big Time Speedway bigtimespeedway@yahoo.com (August 29, 2011)

Saturday Sep 3 is FULL

Speedway in Ventura Raceway, Speedway is on for the 3rd of September and 5th of November.

Riders just need to write in Speedway class on the top of the entry form along with pre paid by Pat Smith. Send entry in or have it ready for the day. Rules. There really aren't any. Any speedway bike, any year, muffler, no muffler, old muffler, 22" or19", Nitro, twin carb. Speedway the bike, Longtrack it or Flattrack it. Anything goes! It is all for fun and with the goal of bringing speedway back to Ventura and growing it. Three races next year.

Link to the entry form is on VenturaRaceway's front page.

USA Touring Team Squad Announcement

There have been a couple of changes to our team for October - the squad below however is very exciting!

Mike Buman
Bryce Starks
Austin Novratil
Russell Green
Rocco Scopellite
Michael Raines
Eddie Castro
Robbie Sauer

Novratil and Green have been added to the squad as of today. That means the top 3 from the Under 21 Nationals are named as well as 19 year old New Yorker Mike Buman and 15 year old rising talent Rocco Scopellite. With Michael Raines being the third oldest rider there is a lot to be excited about, not only for the tour but afterwards as much improvement in all who go is expected as usual.

In the case of Green he is still working on his budget but already a couple of fans have pledged help and his incredible form these last two weeks shows he is worthy of it. I can put anyone who wants to help him directly in touch with the fans.

The team itself is seeking heat sponsors for the Touring Team Fund-Racer at Victorville a week from Saturday on September 3. Big, medium or small, everything counts and is appreciated by all of the squad.

Steve Evans dreamteamspeedway@sbcglobal.net (August 22, 2011)

American Touring Team Fund-Racer Details, Victorville 3rd Sep

The 3rd September race at Victorville is being run as a fund raiser for the October tour. We were about to post details one week ago but held of as Industry was selling heats for State Championships and we still encourage people to do so for this great race.

For September 3rd we will be running a 4 team event where all riders, even juniors, Pee Wees and Support race as part of the teams. It will be loosely based off of the World Cup format.

Heats can be sponsored for $50, Mains $100 or sponsor a team for $150. Get as few or as many as you like. All monies raised go to riders travel fund for October tour, which leaves LAX 6 weeks today. There will be about 40 races just to give an idea.

Those riders who want to support the event but cannot make it (it is a holiday weekend) can sponsor a heat for the cost of an entry fee ($35).

Riders who are entering the event can sponsor a heat and entrance fee combined for $65.

Anyone who has already sponsored a heat at State Championships can get 20% off heat sponsorship ($40).

Any sponsors get a signed program of the race. Monies can also be credited towards the 'Friends of the Touring Team' membership levels.

Thanks also to the following for signing up or pledging help as 'Friends of the Touring Team.'

Alan Campbell
Richard Fehrman
Mark Lane
Mark Carpenter
Peter Davenport
Steve Buxton

Riders can also sign up for the race on the 3rd. Usual start time is 6pm. Thanks!

Steve Evans dreamteamspeedway@sbcglobal.net (August 21, 2011)

Full American Touring Team Race Schedule

October 5th King's Lynn (National League)
October 6th Redcar (Premier League)
October 9th Mildenhall (National League)
October 11th Vs England Under 22 (Monmore Green, Wolverhampton)
October 13th Vs Sheffield Tigers (Premier League)
October 15th Vs Leicester Lions (Premier League)

Steve Evans dreamteamspeedway@sbcglobal.net (August 16, 2011)

Perris - Fall/Winter - 2011

Friday night, September 2nd Perris will be back on the calendar! ALL Divisions, Juniors and Pee-Wees.

Following that: Saturday nights, October 29th, November 19th & December 10th - repeating the big event from last year with ALL Division 1 racing!!!!

Call, text, e-mail or Facebook if you want on for the first night back in September.

Carrie & Brad chancockspeedwaypromotions@gmail.com (August 11, 2011

'Speedway Billy' Memorial Race at Victorville Sept 3rd

The annual 'Speedway Billy' Memorial Trophy will be held at Victorville on September 3rd. As it is a holiday weekend I wanted to make the event known as early as possible as I know there are some non regular Victorville riders who make this race each year.

It will be a very special event this year, the full details of which will be announced on Sunday after this weekends team rematch. What I can tell you is that it will be a team race featuring an adaptation of the Speedway World Cup format (4 teams, one rider per team per heat) and that it will involve EVERYONE - D1, D2,, D3, Juniors, Sidecars, PW's - everyone will be on a team for the night.

More details will come on Sunday. IMS and Costa Mesa are dark that weekend but Perris returns with a race the night before too so it will be an excellent weekend for grass roots speedway.

Steve Evans dreamteamspeedway@sbcglobal.net (August 9, 2011)

Speedway Point Fund Charity Event Announcement

On Sunday, September 18th at 1PM at the Concourse Bowling Lanes in Anaheim, the three track alliance of Speedway is announcing the 1st Annual Speedway Bowling Tournament and Fund Raiser. 100% of the profits will go to this years combined track Point Fund Championship.

We'll be sending more information as time goes by, but the first thing we want you all to do is make up your Teams Bowling name. It's a first come first get "dibs" system. Each team consists of 4 bowlers. One rider and three others. Each team pays $100 to enter and with the costs to bowl, shoes, with trophies and some light refreshments it is going to cost about half, so we hope to add $50 to the Point Fund from each team. In addition, we are putting together some really great Silent Auction items, most one of a kind, the others will be prizes that directly benefit a rider. It's all being done for our riders and this will be a fun event. Send in your reserve name now.

Already taken: The Penhall Pinheads, The Boogaloo Bowlers, Larry's Lazy Laners
What's yours: ?

Jeffrey Immediato jeffreyimmediato@yahoo.com (August 6, 2011)

Bruce Penhall Classic

This Friday night at Inland Motorcycle Speedway the track will bring back the Bruce Penhall Classic, honoring the 1981 and 1982 World Speedway Champion. The Penhall Classic was an event that was held in high regard for many years at the original IMS in the 80's and the current promotion felt that with Penhall's recent induction into the Motorsports Hall of Fame of America in Detroit, Michigan it was appropriate timing to bring the race back and honor America's only two-time Champion. Penhall will be on hand this Friday to sign autographs at the track and will have a limited number of signed pictures to hand out. IMS is located on the National Orange Showgrounds on Arrowhead Ave. Gates open at 6:30 racing at 8pm. The races are called by the legendary Bruce Flanders just like the old days!

East Coast Speedway Promotions eastcoastspeedway@hotmail.com (Aug 3, 2011)

Motorcycle Transportation Permits

Here is a link to the DMV Permit form and a great explanation about transportation permits.  This attachment includes a link to the form as well.  It is recommended that you make an appointment online with the DMV.  If you do you can be in and out in five minutes.  If you don’t make an appointment expect to stand there for a long time…

Information from Harvey Hesse about the Permit

Big Time Speedway

Big Time Speedway is working with Brok McAllister track manager and owner of McAllister Motosports along with the Dirt Diggers North motorcycle club and will be hosting 1 event this year - the 2011 INVITATION INAUGURAL RACE with plans of hosting 3 or 4 similar Big Events next year in 2012.

One of which will take place during the same weekend as the World Famous "HANGTOWN" AMA out door national. Things are just getting started for us, but with in the next few weeks there will be a web site up with all kinds of information. www.bigtimespeedway.com. Ticket pricing, direction map, times and dates as soon as we confirm them, vendor fair info, sponsors etc.

Some of the riders that have already verbally committed to attending November 5th's EVENT are the likes of Billy Hamill, Billy Janniro, Bart Bast, Tommy Hedden, Bobby Schwartz, Charlie Venegas, Josh Larsen just to name a few. Greg Hancock will let me know a little bit later in the year, as his season draws closer to the end! There will be a total of 16 riders.

Steve Stasiefski big times peed way@yahoo.com / bigtimespeedway@aol.com. (Aug 1, 2011)

Victorville Rain Out!

Victorville Thanks to Tom Fox for getting word online promptly.

All was fine till 1:30pm, light rain turned into a thunderstorm and by 2:15 the track had a river around the inside and 1/3 of the turns were underwater. Rider safety comes first and when John Aden and I inspected the track we both agreed unanimously that the race should be canceled.

There was even a local power outage that hit the Fairgrounds and surrounding area - Valentini's Pizza couldn't even stay open so if that isn't a sign it just isn't our day I don't know what is.

We will redo the pit stop contest at a later date.

Next Saturday 6th Aug is one of the funniest races of the year - BEST PAIRS CHAMPIONSHIP! Because of the added complexities of this kind of racing please get your sign ups in ASAP! We would love to run this race using the old WORLD BEST PAIRS FORMAT (6 or 7 teams who race every other team one time only in a championship format, winners on points), though rider entry will determine this. We won't be running more than 7 teams though. You can enter as a Pairing or if you need a team mate I will find you one.

We will also run Best Pairs in Support Class and Juniors if there are 4 or more entries per class.

Also note there will be an Amateur Flat Track Class at both of the next two races.

Sorry we had to cancel this week but I am not going to run a race on a track that has been made unsafe due to rain.

Steve Evans dreamteamspeedway@sbcglobal.net (Jul 30, 2011)

North vs South Challenge Line Up

This Friday night is the 20th North vs South Challenge at Fast Fridays in Auburn California. Could be the biggest race of the season!


   1. Billy Janniro
   2. Tommy Hedden
   3. Bart Bast
   4. Bob Hicks
   5. Greg Hooten
   6. Alex Marcucci

   1. Billy Hamill
   2. Charlie Venegas
   3. Josh Larsen
   4. Chris Kerr
   5. Nate Perkins
   6. Bobby Schwartz

David Joiner(July 20, 2011)
Fast Fridays Motorcycle Speedway
Auburn, California
+01 530 878-7223 (RACE)

The USA U21 information is on this link now. Photos from practice U21 Photos 1 and U21 Photos 2.

Hagon Shocks /Joker Machine / Billy Hamill Jr. Speedway Academy

Hagon Shocks/Joker Machine We are pleased to announce two Jr. Speedway Academies in the month of July. We will be hosting one July 23 at Fast Fridays Speedway in Auburn CA and on July 31 we will have another one at IMS in San Bernardino CA.

Space is limited so please RSVP soon. Please call 760.308.8124 or e-mail hagonshocks@yahoo.com.

Billy Hamill (July 12, 2011)

USA Touring Team News

We were delighted today to receive and accept an invite to open up the 2011 Fall Tour at King's Lynn, the track used for today's World Team Cup Round 2 match. We found out in just enough time to let the riders on the team know so they could watch today's race with that October date firmly in mind!

As a final reminder, the deadline to register for the tour is this Saturday, July 16th and paperwork must be filled out by then. It can be mailed to myself or given to Assistant Tour Manager Romie Castro at any of the SoCal races this week.

I have just taken copy of DVDs of the Birmingham and Heathens matches and have other DVDs on the way. We put up an awesome show at both Perry Barr and Wolves with more passes than most Sky matches! Those of you who donated to the riders transportation fund have not been forgotten - you will get your DVDs and programs and, where applicable, replica race bibs in the next few weeks. I apologize this has taken longer than expected - my workload both with Victorville and outside of speedway has been absolutely huge this year but all is in hand.

We are of course accepting up to 4 fans to join in the experience. All profit from fan packages goes right back into the riders travel fund. Please get in touch if you want to be a part of this. Package includes all team events, plus Elite League Plays Offs, Olympique at Wolverhampton with an option to go to the Polish GP to see the 2011 World Champion Crowned.

I had previously mentioned if any mechanics wanted to come they were welcome to apply - however, as it stands, with the riders who are bringing their own and the resources we have in UK, most likely we are covered at present, but we will notify you as ever.

Fund Raising for the riders travel fund will commence shortly on a similar basis as previous years. The riders really appreciate those who get involved and assist.

It is hoped the full squad will be released after the weekend -currently in are Mikey Buman, Bryce Starks, Michael Raines and Rocco Scopellite. The full squad will be 7-8 riders.

Steve Evans dreamteamspeedway@sbcglobal.net (Jul 11, 2011)

Victorville Remaining Schedule - Team Rematch is ON!

Wanted to list out the Victorville schedule for the rest of the season. There are a few minor changes to the content of the races. Also the Flat Track race on 17th September has been canceled. as another venue scheduled the same date and we agreed to defer to them based on Perris have no alternate dates in September.

Due to popular rider demand there will be a second Old Guys Vs Young Guys Team race on August 13th. The Old Guys have a 3 point lead after the 1st leg, winning team will be awarded the "War of the Ages' Cup.

We will also combine Nationals for 200cc Juniors, D2, D3, Pee Wees and Powder Puffs on Oct 22nd, which is also the Sidecar Nationals date. A D1 Sandbagger class will run too.

Note the next 5 races through Labor Day will be the final points event of the year.

The top 10 riders in D1 points gain automatic entry to the Speedway Masters on Nov 12. It is planned to pay a highest ever purse of $3,000 if all heats are sold. 2 places in the event will be offered to NorCal riders, 2 to Americans racing Overseas with the remaining two, if entries exceed 16, to be raced off for prior to the event. Best bet to ensure an invite is to place top 10 in points.

Note the Speedway Masters start time is to be confirmed but 5pm seems likely.

The 'Speedway Drag Racing' on Sept 3 will feature a revision of the popular holeshot contest. 8 riders will feature in head to head match races with a finish line just out of turn 2. The winners of the 4 round 1 races will advance to the semi finals and so on.

23rd July - Harley Night
30th July - 'Fred Facchini Pit Stop Contest' + Old Skool Speedway (Handicap & Scratch)
6th August - 5th Annual Best Pairs Championship (+ Wheelie Contest)
13th August - 'WAR OF THE AGES Rematch' - Old Guys Vs Young Guys Team Race
3rd September - Summer Season Finale - Final Points Night + Speedway Drag Racing
17th September - POSTPONED
22nd October - SIDECAR NATIONALS (+ D2 / D3 / 200cc Junior / PW and Powderpuff Nationals)
12th November - SPEEDWAY MASTERS CHAMPIONSHIP (All Divisions)

Steve Evans dreamteamspeedway@sbcglobal.net (July 5, 2011)

Perris Speedway - Canceled. for June 12th!

Unfortunately, Sunday's race has to be canceled.

Lack of riders - with the season in full schedule, we do not have enough rider/entries to make a full program.

To all of the UK visitors, my sincere apologies! I wanted this to be as exciting as you all had hoped, however at this point it just can't be a show with the minimal riders - they are the show!

Enjoy the weekend - IMS this evening, as well as practice on Sunday along with Costa Mesa tomorrow night, the touring group will get a sense of speedway, So-Cal style for sure.

Thanks and again, I wish we had a full lineup to bring to those who were available and the fans as well.

Carrie Hancock chancockspeedwaypromotions@gmail.com (June 10, 2011)

4th July Race at Victorville Back On!!

After previously giving us an unworkable curfew, the Victorville Fairgrounds have done a U-turn and invited us back to race on July 4th as part of a big extravaganza.

The races will start half hour earlier than usual at 5:30, and the plan is to be done by 8:30 so that we can enjoy the Firework show at 8:45pm.

There will be activities at the Fairgrounds during the daytime and the Firecracker Derby will be the biggest crowd of the year.

The replacement date of July 9th will now not run.

Steve Evans dreamteamspeedway@sbcglobal.net (June 7, 2011)

Touring Team names 2 more for October 2011

The USA Touring Team has added a pair of 19 year olds to its October squad with Mike Buman and Bryce Starks both rejoining the team they made their international debuts with eight months ago.

Buman, who is still in the UK, impressed greatly in the latter half of the Spring tour, whilst Starks is very happy to return to the team where he was an instant hit last October.

Both riders already have caught the eye of British promoters and are definitely looking to use this tour to secure places in the 2012 British Premier League. It is likely they will form the 'engine room' of the team at positions 3 and 4 though that will be finalized once the complete team is known.

They join Michael Raines and Rocco Scopellite as the first four riders to be named.

Taking Sign-Ups at Industry Back Gate

I know we announced that we could no longer take sign-ups at the back gate because Brad at Costa Mesa changed to our Insurance Carrier and I just thought that we would have the rules he had to follow. However, I've been with K&K Insurance for 30 years and I don't have the same requirements. They just told me that the procedures I have are the same as they have always been so that means I will continue to have minors race and can take sign ups on the night. Our Back Gate opens at 4:30PM and if you haven't or didn't sign up and want to race, you can pay your full license fees tomorrow night.

The TV starts filming tomorrow night, the show has a tentative new title on VERSUS called Bruvados Two Wheeled Tuesdays or maybe Two Wheeled Mayhem. The first 4 shows will not have a dedicated time slot (standard show stuff) until we show or build a viewing audience then it will get it's own time slot. The really exciting news Mike DeFord the Marketing Director of Bruvado beverages told me is that FUEL TV has made an offer for the show now too. This TV thing is really going to be great for our sport and I hope to have your support. Most of you have Facebook and an e-mail list, use them, invite people out to the races tomorrow and MAKE SIGNS to show on TV! - E-mail me Jeff@IndustrySpeedway.com

This will be my last post until the race is over, please tell friends, we need a great opening night I put a lot of money into marketing the event and I hope that you guys got to see some of the ads. I'll take e-mail or text messages if you need. Thanks Jeff and Madison

Jeffrey jeffreyimmediato@yahoo.com (May 31, 2011)

NorCal Practice Track Opens

It's official - Northern California now has a practice track. Yesterday (May 29) was the opening day at McAllister's oval.
Plan is to hold regular practice sessions on Sundays 1-7 with a mixed bag of bikes - speedway, flat track moto cross, there was even a go-kart there yesterday! - and Tuesday afternoons for just speedway bikes. The Tuesday sessions haven't been officially scheduled yet, but they'll be posted on the web site at.

At the 80 split, 50 follow the signs to South Lake Tahoe, which puts you on 50
take exit 25, Prairie City Road
as you come off at the exit, turn right (south)
stay on Prairie Road till it dead ends, then turn right (west) onto White Rock Road
about 150 yards on left you'll see the entrance to Hangtown - don't take that
go another mile, to the main Prairie City OVH park
turn left into Main Park Entrance
drive about 200 yards to the ranger station gate
at the ranger gate ask for McAllister's TT track - don't pay for admission to the park
where the road takes a hard 90 left, go straight - there's a white fence here and some signage for McAllister's

Stephen Buxton stephen.buxton@gmail.com (May 30, 2011)

Unofficial 2011 Speedway Point standings

Been going ALL out to make 2011 a GREAT season at Costa Mesa Speedway. It takes a LOT of time to plan and produce a good event and crowd plus have an excellent racetrack. The points are current and will be posted June 4 at the back gate. 5 points each night you ride + 1 point. for every 10. earned purse. Support and D1 points are separate and some riders will have points in both.

Also, working on a ALL NEW program that can accommodate 25 D1 riders. Aaron and others deserve D1 rides and dudes as good as Spiderman, the Facchini's, Joey and Austin are too fast for Support! Thanks to ALL for cooperating, the rider support this year caught me off-guard and I have HATED moving guys down. Costa Mesa Speedway has the highest quality riders of any track in the USA and that creates a very competitive atmosphere for the riders and elevates the sport. So, keep on supporting us and I WILL make sure EVERYONE gets to ride!

Thanks to all- Brad ISI (May 27, 2011)

One Spot Open for D-1 Industry Speedway

We had a drop out sometimes its not so smart to practice when you have an Opening Night that starts a National TV Show so it's the "when one door closes etc." Call me 949 514-4141

Also, we need to have any Jr's. that are planning to ride to e-mail Jean Fink right away. finkprint@verizon.net

Met with our new sponsors again today. Filled the conference room at Industry Hills Expo Center today with them. They have hired some major heavy hitters from the beverage world the new President came from developing the company Muscle Milk. They are changing the name from Blanco Basura to Bruvado. Check our website: www.IndustrySpeedway.com

It's only a name change. Same great tasting beer, from the Mexicalli Beer Company that started in 1910 in Mexico. Too many distributors were just giving them too much backlash about the name me, I thought it was cool, but it's not my beverage company. However, when it comes to Speedway in the next two years their plan is amazing! They are doing a lot of behind the scenes work for Speedway besides paying for a National TV show for us. Should be a great Season at Industry we got a sponsor that cares about the sport and they are about to put more of their money where their mouth is and some is coming directly to you guys.

Please help me have a great Opening Night, invite friends and family, have them make a sign to show on TV they are supporting you! Besides the TV ads you may see starting Friday on SPEED, VERSUS, ESPN2, A&E and Discovery, I wanted you guys to know I bought 3 ads on the INDY 500 broadcast on ABC on Sunday your sport is worth it.

See Ya this Wednesday Night !

Jeffrey jeffreyimmediato@yahoo.com (May 26, 2011)

Junior Team Racing at Victorville - Sep 1

Wanted to alert all junior riders, dads and pit crews know that Victorville will be hosting a special team racing event for the kids on Sept 17th. This date is the final round of our Flat Track Series but also will feature the junior riders in a special 7 man teams, 15 heat British League style team race.

It will be a great event to showcase the kids as well as giving them perhaps a taste of the future. Billy Hamill will be assisting us with this event so that we make it an excellent experience for all.

Costa Mesa has a jump night this date - juniors are not an their race card that night. I would like to thank Jaleen Oxley for seeing the big picture and giving her blessing to this event, as we would not run on a Costa Mesa night without full coordination.

Steve Evans dreamteamspeedway@sbcglobal.net (May 20, 2011)

Industry Speedway Opening Night

We at Industry Speedway want to announce that our new major sponsor is changing the brand they will be promoting at Industry from Blanco Basura to BRUVADO Premium Mexican Lager and Spirits.

This doesn't change anything else, they are still paying for the TV show and the filming begins Opening Night. We know the show will be on VERSUS, which airs the IndyCar series and will also be on MavTV on the DISH Network. We expect the first air date to be about 3 weeks after Opening Night. More details as soon as I get them.

We are still taking license applications and there are spots open for Opening Night. Due to possible new Insurance requirements, we do not plan to take Licensing applications at the gate, so e-mail me Jeff@IndustrySpeedway.com or call the riders Hotline 949 640-0455 in the next two days.

Once again, we will kick off our advertising and marketing with multiple ads on the broadcast of the INDY 500 on KABC. The censors still have not approved one of my ads but we expect them too.

The website is being updated, but the schedule is up. Make plans for Wednesday Night, if you're serious about your racing you need to be on TV. This is the only way to increase your sponsorship revenue for your team. Also, if you think you have a great back story for the TV people send it to me. They are looking for stories.

Jeffrey jeffreyimmediato@yahoo.com (May 24, 2011)

IMS San Bernardino Date Change - No May 27th Race - Opening Night Friday June 3rd

We at IMS San Bernardino are very excited to begin our 2011 season. We originally had a tentative May 27th start date, however due to some unforeseen circumstances ….a temporary delay in light installation (we are now back on schedule), and our desire to honor our policy of free parking ( National orange show fair promoter is charging $5.00 parking fee that night), we are unable to open on May 27th.

We have postponed opening night by one week; our opening night will now be Friday June 3rd.It will be a great track! We have built a new track base with 4 truck and trailer loads of fresh DG with great blade work by Brad Oxley. We will also be bringing in more before opening night! We are also thrilled with the new addition of permanent lighting. It should be a fantastic season!

We are also happy to announce that there will be NO increase in admission prices. Our prices will remain the same….adults $13.00, juniors and seniors $10.00, children ages 6-12 and military with ID are $ 5.00, children 5 and under continue to be free. As usual parking and programs are free.

We are now taking rider sign-ups. Please be aware that you must have an IMS license in order to ride so don't delay. The sign up sheet will be available at Costa Mesa speedway Saturday night (tonight)….please see Shawn or Robynn McConnell. You may also sign up through e-mail (dogynn@aol.com)or by calling the office at 714 255 0088.

Bring your friends and come on out for a great 2011!!!! Thank you and See you at the Races!

Shawn dogynn@aol.com (May 21, 2011)

Victorville Date Change - No 4th July Race - 9th July Added

Victorville will not run a race on the 4th July as planned, due to the Fairgrounds giving us an unreasonable curfew on that date.

We are going to race instead on 9th July which is a free Saturday on the race schedule. Costa Mesa is dark and Perris runs Flat Track that day. We previously didn't want to race on the 9th as it was only 5 days after the 4th but the in-feasibility of the 4th now makes it workable.

[The new date, replacing 4th July, will be titled 'Old Skool Night'. It will feature Handicap and Scratch racing (though we won't put 6 or 8 men in heats for safety, most likely 4 or 5 man Handicap races). We also we will run a Veterans class and races for riders with Vintage / Upright bikes if there is interest. (Malcolm Roe are you out there?) Updated May 24, 2011]

Steve Evans dreamteamspeedway@sbcglobal.net (May 20, 2011)

Prairie City - Northern California Practice Track

Hey Everyone,

The Veale's and Vance Felicio we're working on the track all day Saturday. Eric was able to complete the grading but didn't get the DG spread and as you know Saturday night the rain returned. When the track gets completed depends, as usual, on the when the weather clears and the track dries out. The surface is draining properly now which is in our favor so we're hoping it will take less time to dry. But since the weather forecast is showing clouds and rain all the way through next weekend including Sunday the 22nd, I don't expect things to dry out in time to allow us to practice.

Prairie City OHV

I'm as tired of saying this as you probably are hearing it and for that I apologize but the weather is beyond my control.

Steve Lewotsky - sklew@sbcglobal.net (May 17, 2011)

Prairie City   Prairie City   Prairie City

Brentwood California - Practice Track

I took my speedway bike out to Brentwood CA since they have an oval near the bay area. Attached is my review:

The track is doable. The people are nice and the tilled and watered it for me when I first got there. That was really nice of them. The track is a layer of loosely packed dirt/gravel with some pieces the size of your palm, plus there are a lot of grooves and bumps. After playing with sprocket combos and traction crap towards the end of the day is when I started to cut her loose and said the hell with the grooves. The back turn is a little tighter than the front turn but I still found the outside worked the best for playing around. They are willing to clean up the track better if we start getting a larger turnout which would be awesome. If they water the track, give it an hour before you hit it because it does have a bunch of slippery spots.

Bike settings: (I have an 884-6) probably would be a good starting point for you, sprockets: 16-16-73 to start is pretty good.

When I dialed in after experimenting around, ruts or not, I was wide open around the front turn and cooled it for the back one. The ruts kill a little of confidence, but you really to figure your body lean and just charge over them. It worked for me and then I was flying : )

For a first time for speedway I was already drifting the bike around the entire corners and holding her wide open. I am hoping we might be able to get a bit of a turn out going here. If they are open, the oval is open. So like 5-7 days a week or something. If we start to get a lot of bikes out there, they will take care of it a lot more. The price of the track is $25 for riders and $5 for specs.

They also have lights and as far as the oval, it is open as long as the whole park is open, which is great. Here is a link with the same/more information. Sand Hill Ranch - Rider Planet USA

Sand Hill Ranch
Camino Diablo
Brentwood, CA 94513
(925) 634-3328

Jacek Slezak wroclaw@hbci.com (May 13, 2011)

USA Touring Team October 2011 Rider Packs Available

Rider packs are available for those who have interest in going to the UK in October to race 6 events. The package gives you all the information that you need to know at this point in time including a very specific breakdown of expected costing so that there is time to plan, as organization and predictability for the riders is everything in such an endeavor.

One positive change that has been made this time is that a central location has been found for all riders, mechanics and fans to stay at and we have negotiated a killer rate for you at the hotel. In the past local fans have kindly accommodated the team but a central location where everyone stays makes logistics way easier, not to mention what seems like endless mini bus drops on a late night home.

There is highest ever interest from the track promoters in the UK and already three Elite League venues have expressed a wish to have us race at their track in October. There is also one spot available for a tour member to race the prestigious Olympique at Wolverhampton. It is hoped to run 2 events at Premier Level, 4 at National.

As well as riders we are on the look out for mechanics (which can be D2 / D3 Riders) who would like to join us on the tour. It would be a great opportunity for someone.

Also there are four spots available for fans and this would include riding on the team bus and free or reduced spectator entry at most events. The two fans who joined us in April will happily tell you how amazing their trip was.

As mentioned before, riders need to be committed extra early and this will be a tour policy that will stand from hereon and all the way into the future. This is for the benefit of the UK promoters who really out a lot into this but it is only fair they know which riders are coming early so they know who is a potential signing for their club. Whilst most riders right now, quite correctly, will have the season just begun at the forefront of their mind, we do need to know the complete team by July 15th and this is the deadline for riders to sign up. If numbers are not sufficient by then we will simply roll back the tour to 2012.

As stated earlier, there are two more places only available in the U.K. at the reduced starting averages of 5 PL and 3 EL. After these are filled they will revert to 8 and 4 for new riders so I cannot emphasize this point enough. I known of two Premier clubs and one Elite Club who are very serious about adding an American rider for 2012.

You can e-mail me to request a pack or see me at Costa Mesa on the 21st or Victorville on the 28th.

The BSPA approved a scheme to give 'special dispensation' to four American riders so as to assist the USA in getting riders into the UK. It is known in BSPA circles that the most loyal overseas riders come from Australia, New Zealand and USA and so this was introduced to help us to start the flow of riders coming over. It is a huge favor to American Speedway to even get the four spots seeing as all other countries riders come in on higher numbers unless the rider has a British passport holder as parent or grandparent. Tyson, for example, got an EL starting average the same as an Englishman. It's not out of the question they could expand on the four riders in the future, but it would have to not only be approved by the promoters but also by the UK Department of Employment.

Steve Evans dreamteamspeedway@sbcglobal.net (May 12, 2011)

Fast Fridays Before Season PRACTICE

This Friday night, May 6th Fast Fridays Motorcycle Speedway Motorcycle Speedway will host a practice before the season opener Friday night May 13.

Tonight (Tuesday) we should have the track in good order and will be looking forward to hosting this practice after the rodeo reconstruction that has taken about a week to do.

The sign up office will open at 5pm with the pit gate opening at 6.Cost $25.00.Please enter via Pleasant street gate. Riders meeting at 6:15.

See you Friday evening and all the best.

David Joiner
Fast Fridays Motorcycle Speedway fastfriday@aol.com
Auburn, California
+01 530 878-7223 (RACE) (May 3, 2010)

Thank You To Our U-21 Speedway World Cup Team

Unfortunately, things didn't go as well today in Rivne, Ukraine, as we all hoped. The good thing is that is where the bad news stops.

We now have in place a foundation to build from, an infrastructure to work within and, hopefully, a spot in next year's U-21 Team Cup competition.

Personally, I couldn't be more proud of our guys today. Ricky Wells, Ricky Felicio, Austin Novratil, Mikey Buman and Bryce Starks all showed up and did what they could to represent the good old US of A and for that, they are all owed our thanks and gratitude.

The same can be said for Gary Gomez, Richard Child and Ryan Evans. Without their foresight, desire and hard work, there wouldn't even be a team that competed today.

Congratulations to the team, the organizers and the team dads that made it over there and made today happen. There's nowhere to go now but up and next year's version should be even better than this year's since they now know what they're up against and have some seasoning under their collective belts.

With a full year to plan next year's campaign, it is hard not to be optimistic.

I was going to kick in some sponsorship funds to help get us to Germany but that is a moot point now so I'd like to help kick off the 2012 USA U-21 Team Cup fund raising by pledging $250 to next year's efforts. Anyone else care to join in? It's never too early.

Thanks a million guys. USA speedway is very proud of all of you today.

Steve stephenagraham@hotmail.com (May 3, 2010)

Northern California Practice Track - Update

After talking with Brok today who talked with Eric Veale a couple of days ago our target for the first practice is the weekend of May 21 so mark your calendars. We’ll have the DG, the track will be dry enough to get the work done quickly and we’ll all have a GREAT track to practice on.  Done right this will transform Speedway in northern California so we plan to do it as right as possible.

Call me if you have any-questions.

Steve Lewotsky - sklew@sbcglobal.net (May 1, 2011)

Riders Packs Due for Industry Hills

Just wanted to remind you that there is less than a week to get your Riders License at the discounted rate from Industry Hills. Call Jean Fink if you don't have one .only completed and PAID applications received on or before May 5th can save at this special reduced rate. This deal is for all classes and mechanics. Also, the Family Only Season Pass offer expires on May 5th too. Jean's # 626 963-0202 or e-mail me at Jeff@IndustrySpeedway.com.

Jeffrey jeffreyimmediato@yahoo.com (April 29, 2011)

IMS Sunday, May 1

The IMS, San Bernardino race scheduled for this Sunday, May 1, has been canceled and changed to an open practice. Practice is from 10am-3pm. $40 per rider. No charge for mechanics or spectators.

Jessi missjessilee@sbcglobal.net (April 26, 2011)

2011 Touring Team - October Tour

I spent a lot of time during this months tour building relationships up with British Promoters at all levels of the sport in the UK.

It is quite clear that their interest in American riders has increased quite dramatically. The Touring Team, whether it wins or loses, always brings an entertaining show to town and though we are a ways away from our next Golden Age, the promoters, fans and sponsors know that no one does it on track like Americans.

It was no surprise to be invited back to the UK at the end of this season. At the start of 2010 the BSPA passed a special ruling to allow 4 new American riders into the league at a reduced average - 5 for the Premier League and 3 for the Elite. Two of those spots have been taken in the past 12 months by Kenny Ingalls and Tyson Burmeister. Two spots remain and the consensus amongst our affiliate clubs is "Bring us what you have in October, we are hiring for 2012 and beyond."

One thing that is different about October is that the tour as its stands is tentative - the first detail that needs to be in place is the team. The promoters in the UK want to know (by late July) who is seriously committed and on the team. Usually the team is the last detail we put in place, but this time it will be done first. There are enough venues that will have us race. Once the team is in place, the rest will follow. American Speedway is traditionally last minute and usually this works okay, but this time early commitment is needed. If the team is not in place in time we will defer and tour instead at the start of 2012.

There are riders whom we have been asked to invite based on progress reports that have been given to certain clubs. Any rider can apply to be on the tour but we expect, based on interest that has already been expressed, to be a lot of demand in being on the team. There will likely be a couple of spots for older riders who have proven these last two tours how much they truly bring to the table for the younger riders.

The plan would be to leave right after the Costa Mesa Nationals and stay for 16 days, with 6 team events being the target.

As well as riders there will be four spots available for fans to come and enjoy the tour once more. We also would be interested on hearing from anyone who could travel as a mechanic.

This time all riders will housed in the same location.

Rider packs are being worked on as we speak. They should be ready after the weekend.

Steve Evans dreamteamspeedway@sbcglobal.net (April 27, 2011)

Hagon Shocks / Billy Hamill Speedway Academy on May 14

We are kicking off the 2011 Speedway season with our next Speedway Academy at Costa Mesa Speedway on May 14 along with amateur afternoon. We are looking for new kids 8 thru 15 to try Speedway. Motorcycle experience is necessary. We will provide bikes,fuel,boots,skid shoe and instruction free of charge. Just pay 30.00 for track fee. Minors need to have parent or guardian present ($20.00 for parent or guardian). Space is limited, so sign up now at hagonshocks@yahoo.com or call (760) 308.8124.

Billy Hamill (April 26, 2011)


Due to some local logistics issues the race at Ridgecrest scheduled for next Friday 6th May has been postponed. At this point there are no plans to run any races at Ridgecrest this year but if things change I will let you all know.

Steve Evans dreamteamspeedway@sbcglobal.net (Monday, April 25, 2011 6:41 PM)

Harley Sidecar

The #25 Sidecar of T-Rod and Gene Stone made an impressive debut at the last Winter Series race at Inland Motorcycle Speedway, at the National Orange show Fairgrounds in San Bernardino, California. The 1700 cc machines "test motor" was more than enough for some shake-down runs and numerous "Hot Laps" to be made, while T-Rod, Stone and crew "dialed-in" the newest rig on the circuit. In a brief interview in the pits before the days action, the creators of the new machine revealed what it took to build from scratch, the only Harley-Davidson powered Sidecar currently on the Speedway scene.

The test motor is a 1700cc stock motor with a tricked-out cam, the "legal race-motor" will be 1000 cc full of custom parts, and burning alcohol for fuel, the team was waiting for that unit to be completed at press time. Approximately, over four months and 800 hours of custom fabrication were put into the three-wheeler.

The IICON, Sport Chrome, Harley-Davidson of Westminster, Primo Rivera, FTWCO, Illusion cycle Racing, Speedway Sidecar racing machine, should be ready for the 2011 race season opener. A nice photo of the Black and White painted rig was taken by Dorcey Wingo, and appears below

Scott " The Torch " Read. Out.

T-Rod and Gene Stone

Perris Raceway - April 30th Sign Ups are Open!

Sign ups are open for Perris Raceway on Saturday Night April 30th.

Gates open at 4:30PM. Sign ups are from 4PM-6PM. Practice is from 5:30PM-6:30PM. The first race will be taking off at 7PM. Lots of track time available at these races! You can get in as much practice as you can in an hour and guaranteed 3 races. All divisions including Juniors and Pee Wee's are open. E-mail Carrie chancockspeedwaypromotions@gmail.com or myself to sign up, or call me at 331-457-2257.

Thank you, Brad Pappalardo pappalardo611@yahoo.com (April 18, 2011)

IMS, San Bernardino Sunday Race Canceled, Saturday Practice Still On

Due to circumstances beyond our control IMS, San Bernardino has canceled this Sundays race, April 17th.

Saturdays practice however is still on. Practice is from 10-3. Anyone turning in their rider packet will practice for a discounted price of $30.00. Regular price is $40.00
Spectators and mechanics are free of charge.
Tomorrow is the last day to turn in rider packets at the discounted price of $40.00, after tomorrow the regular price is $60.00
Packets are available for download on our website. I will also have some available at the track.

* Please try to turn in all paperwork by noon.

From: "dogynn@aol.com" <dogynn@aol.com> (April 15, 2011)

Northern California Practice Track - Update

I talked with Eric Veale earlier this week. He feels we need at least another week or so of no rain and hot weather for the dirt to dry out enough to support the grader an get good cuts. Once the dirt is dry it will only take six to eight hours to cut the track and begin spreading and compacting the DG. Brok has located two additional sources for DG and is making arrangements to have what we need on site when Eric starts work.

E-mail me it you have any questions.

Steve Lewotsky sklew@sbcglobal.net (April 15, 2011)

Industry Speedway on VERSUS

Check out the website, big news for Speedway, huge news for races at Industry Hills and more than a little somethin-somethin coming for the racers.

A $5000 Purse California State Speedway Championship to Air Nationally on the Versus Channel. VERSUS and MavTV to Feature all 15 Speedway Motorcycle Races starting in June.

Jeff Immediato (April 14, 2011)

Practice at Fast Fridays Saturday April 16

Official practice at Fast Fridays Motorcycle Speedway is this SATURDAY April 16.

All riders will need: signed Fast Fridays entry form and have current AMA and USA Speedway memberships.

We will open the entry gate for practice at 3pm.The sign up will open at 2pm for anybody that needs to fill in and obtain AMA and USA memberships. Please access the sign up area from Pleasant street.

The entry fee is $25 per rider, all Fast Fridays classes are welcome. Speedway, Run what u Brung, Youth Speedway and Pee Wee. Remember you must have your entry stuff done.

The last practice was well attended, the track was great and like this weekend it is looking to be a perfect spring day.

Also make plans to stick around for a eat what you bring (pot luck) BBQ about 6:30 and then campfire starting about 7:30 at the Pit Side Cafe

Hope to see you all Saturday at the Fast Fridays Motorcycle Speedway 2011 season kick off practice and eat what you bring BBQ.

Best Regards
David Joiner
Fast Fridays Motorcycle Speedway
Auburn, California
+01 530 878-7223 (RACE)

IMS - Sunday April 10th & April Schedule Change

The race scheduled for this Sunday, April 10th has now been made a Division 2, Division 3, Junior (Youth), & Pee Wee race ONLY! There will be NO Division 1 riders. We need at least 20 support riders to make a program. So, please, if you have not signed up already, do so asap! Thank you! :)

Changes to the IMS April schedule:

We have added another race day, Sunday, April 17th. This race will be for ALL divisions. We are now taking sign-ups for this race as well. Please let us know if you want to be included on the program. This race will only happen given we have enough riders in ALL divisions to make a program.

Thank you to everyone!

Jessi <missjessilee@sbcglobal.net> (April 3, 2011)

2011 Fast Fridays Swap Meet-Sign Up-Practice Session

Fast Fridays Motorcycle Speedway is kicking off its 2011 season with its annual Swap Meet / Sign Up / Practice Session, this Saturday April 2 at the Auburn track at the Gold Country Fairgrounds in Auburn.

The swap meet starts at 9AM and is free to both buyers and sellers.
At 11 am the rider sign up for the 2011 season starts and goes on until 2pm.
At 4PM there will be a practice session for all signed up riders. Cost is $25.00

See you there.

- Gary Roberts@iee.org (March 31, 2011)

Old Guys Young Guys?

We are looking forward to a team race at Victorville on June 25th. Whilst the long term team race vision is to involve the other tracks in an occasional league / series, we meantime remain committed to showcasing team racing at Victorville.

In the absence of a league we have run a number of challenge matches but its fair to say the Victorville Vikings vs. Ridgecrest Aces races have been done to death.

So this year we are going to do something different, and I would like to thank Aaron Fox for the idea.


It will use the full 15 heat British League race format. We will have to work a 'cut off' age for what is an old / young guy but that may well depend on rider sign ups.

I would also welcome names for the teams (keep the respectful please!). YOUNG GUNS and SUPER LEGENDS have been suggested so far but I'm sure that someone out there may have a better idea. FREE PIT PASS for those who suggest the best team names.

Steve Evans dreamteamspeedway@sbcglobal.net (March 26, 2011)

Costa Mesa Speedway 2011 Riders Licenses

ISI is super excited about the 2011 season. Jeff, Shawn and I have already been working for months to make it the best in recent history. Thank you to the FEW who have returned their license applications Please note that there is only a few days left to purchase licenses at the reduced price of $40. After April 1, 2011 they will cost $60.

Try to understand that it takes time to review, approve and issue the licenses After producing, mailing and administrating the process there is 0 (as in NO) profit to the promoter! We prefer that you pay the $40 early fee, save $ and save us valuable time.

In 2011 at Costa Mesa Speedway:
NO rider licenses will be processed at the back gate.
NO unlicensed riders will be on the program.
The May 7 Spring Classic WILL be a Point race!
NO riders license fee will be compensated (yes this means YOU)
The point fund WILL top $10,000.00 or I will DIE trying!!
Riders with out a legible Name and Number will not be scored.
Mechanics will wear proper attire. No one in pits will be allowed without SHOES.

Sounds like a lot but, required by K&K Insurance, the industry leader.
We also have a promising TV deal AND sponsor in the works.

Help us to help you make 2011 the best EVER!! Brad Oxley ISI

Jaleen <cmspeedway@sbcglobal.net>

2011 Speedway Point Fund

The Promoters of Southern California's 3 major weekly professional Speedway Motorcycle racetracks are thrilled to announce the creation of a group Point Fund.

Industry Speedway, Inland Motorcycle Speedway and Costa Mesa Speedway have joined forces to elevate the level of professionalism and competition at each of their successful venues. The Point Fund was a major part of the sports popularity in the past and is designed to inspire an atmosphere of renewed cooperation and unity in 2011.

Details are as follows:

Participating Tracks:
Inland Motorcycle Speedway, San Bernardino
Industry Speedway, City of Industry
Costa Mesa Speedway, Costa Mesa

Goals: To encourage rider participation at each track
To raise the level of professionalism in the pits and on the track
To provide a united awards banquet at seasons end
To promote membership at each track
To place the events above the club level competition
To raise $10,000.+ for the fund! Sponsors welcome!

The Plan: Each track to pay $100. per event into the fund ($4000. plus!)
Each track will host at least 1 fund raiser
All mechanics to wear shoes, black or white pants or Team Uniform
No-Shows will be discouraged
Encourage all riders to wear Speedway Suits w/visible # and Name!
Rider must be a PAID member to receive points

Points: Rider earns 5 points for each event he participates in
Rider earns 1 point for each $10.00 he wins from each purse
Each track keeps its points standings and posts them weekly
Top 10 D1 riders share point fund
Top 5 D2 riders share point fund

Please support all 3 tracks in 2011 as we take Speedway into the future!!

Andy <Andy@trickvideo.com> (March 16, 2011)

National TV for Industry Speedway

Industry Speedway is proud to announce some major news for Speedway in California. We have signed a deal for a major sponsor that not only puts more money in the racers pockets, but finally, a National Television show. Check out the website: www.IndustrySpeedway.com

Jeffrey <jeffreyimmediato@yahoo.com> (March 15, 2011)

Gumball Rally Coverage

Ryan Evans got us some great press for American Speedway. Check it out!www.todayscyclecoverage.com.

Billy <hagonshocks@yahoo.com> (March 15, 2011)

Northern California Practice Track

Northern California Practice TrackNorthern California Practice Track

Hi Everyone,

Here are some photos of the practice track. Brok and Eric and Les Veale have been out there all weekend getting as much done as possible. The track shape and surface elevation is pretty much set but the ground is still too wet to make finish cuts because the ground moves when the grader wheels roll over it. It will take several days of dry, warm weather for the ground to firm up enough to support the grader but we've made a good start. Brok has about eight loads of DG at the track with more coming as weather permits.

I want to let everyone know that Eric Veale and Les Veale are the guys building the track and they are doing a killer job. Eric has built a number of tracks and has the right equipment to do the job. Plus he's raced speedway before so he knows what's needed. Anyone who's thinking about coming out to practice when the track is finished should make a point of thanking Eric and Les. Without them this track probably wouldn't be happening.

Call me if you have any questions.

Steve Lewotsky - Cell916.203.1360 - sklew@sbcglobal.net

IMS Winter Series Sunday March 20th

Next Sundays Winter Series Race 3 at IMS (March 20) will start at 1pm now with the time change and later daylight. Please sign up ASAP, we really need to make sure we have a certain number of riders in order to be able to make expenses and need to be confident of this by Wed to push forward. So far the winter races have been great and everyone seems to be having fun so lets keep it going. D-2 and D-3 will be separate and a normal number of riders in each heat as long as riders sign up and just don't show up so that it creates problems at the last minute for the person doing the heats. Thanks for the support.

East Coast Speedway Promotions (March 12, 2011)

IMS, San Bernardino  
Sat March 12 2011: Just for Fun Minibike racing
  Sign ups at 9:00AM
  Practice at 10:00AM
  Races at 11:00AM
  First class $30.00
  Additional class $15.00
  Spectators $5.00
Sun March 13 2011: Speedway Practice
  10:00AM - 3:00PM
  No charge for mechanics and spectators

Touring Team Fan Package Itinerary

Looks like we have just one spot left to join the team on tour.

Here is the itinerary - it is action packed! Aside from 7 events with the Touring Team, there are 4 Elite League matches and 2 Premier League matches on the agenda. You'll get to see Tyson & Ricky race in three events, Kenny Ingalls in at least one and Ryan Fisher leading the Touring Team at Plymouth.

Its very busy with 13 Speedway matches + Touring Team practice in just 15 days, but there is a spare day or two if you want to be a Tourist and visit London, Stratford or any of the Tourist spots.

You will see several current or former GP stars race - Freddie Lindgren, Chris Holder, Peter Karlsson, Tai Woffinden, Lee Richardson, Scott Nicholls, Krystof Kasprazak, Davey Watt, 1992 World Champion Gary Havelock as well as current World Under 21 Champion Darcy Ward.

Here is the itinerary - please e-mail if you want to join us!

April 3rd – Depart LAX 4pm
April 4th – Arrive London 11am. Minibus and Van take us to base. Go to watch Wolverhampton Vs Poole on the night (Tyson, Ricky + 2 GP Riders)
April 5th – Riders do Bike Prep
April 6th – Practice daytime at Buxton Speedway
April 7th – Touring Team Races Vs Birmingham Bulls
April 8th – Off day
April 9th – Touring Team Races Vs Hackney Hawks at Rye House
April 10th – Touring Team Races Vs Team Viking at Newcastle (Following Newcastle Vs Rye House Premier League match)
April 11th – Daytime free – evening Wolverhampton Vs Swindon Robins
April 12th– Touring Team Vs Dudley Heathens at Wolverhampton
April 13th – Free Day
April 14th – Daytime Free – Evening Birmingham Vs Lakeside (Elite League)
April 15th – Touring Team Vs Plymouth (Premier League match, Ricky Wells & Ryan Fisher race for Touring Team)
April 16th –Touring Team Vs Workington (following Workington Vs Redcar, Premier League, featuring Kenny Ingalls)
April 17th – Touring Team Vs Buxton
April 18th – Last Day, Evening Wolverhampton Vs Eastbourne, Elite League
April 19th – Fly Home 4pm

Steve Evans dreamteamspeedway@sbcglobal.net (March 4, 2011)

Hancock and Janniro to race Gumball Rally!

2010 undisputed US National Champion, Billy Janniro, and 1997 World Champion and 8x National Champ, Greg Hancock, have signed up to race in the 2011 Gumball Rally on March 5 at Inland Motorcycle Speedway in San Bernardino, CA. With over 80 racers signed up for the two days of racing, the duo will be a great opening act to the Headline American Junior Speedway field who will race the following day on March 6.

Hancock and Janniro, who are both products of American Junior Speedway, will be there to show their skills to the future stars of American Speedway. Janniro, who has ridden in the previous two Gumball Rally events in 2008 and 2009, has shown what a spectacular racer he is with his all action style. Hancock, being an OG Gumballer, has not participated in the Gumball Rally since 1985. Hancock will also be the sole American competing in the 2011 world Championship Grand Prix.

Promoter Billy Hamill is stoked to have been able to include Janniro and Hancock to the lineup."It's gonna be a great show with these two guys leading a field of 25 First Division riders. I'm really happy that the kids will be able to watch and learn from riders of their caliber, not to mention what the crowd is in for. We have quite a few youngsters, such as Jason Ramirez and Austin Novratil, in our field that will be looking to make a name for themselves, as well. Don't forget the main event is the Jr. Speedway field that will be racing on Sunday, though. These guys are just the opener! I'm also looking forward to running a Handicap and Scratch program into the mix."

As an event, the Gumball Rally is rich in tradition. The first one was in the early `80's at Ken Maely's ranch because Jr. parents wanted more track time for their kids. In those days, Jr.'s were a side show and would only get 2 races a night – that is IF you transferred to the Main. In the late `90's Ken Maely and Billy Hamill resurrected the event with the help of Steve and Trish Wells, who were Jr. parents at the time. The event has now turned into a celebration of American Speedway with a full weekend of training schools for young and old, riding, camping, and, of course, two great race events.

Billy Hamill - gumballrally2011@yahoo.com (March 1, 2011)

American Touring Team

The American Touring Team is pleased and to announce that 15 year old Joey Holt is our latest squad addition for the squad that departs to the UK in just 42 days. Holt has shown much potential and despite his age is a veteran of the US Speedway scene having started as a junior at a very young age. This was a very unplanned and surprising addition - The Holt family approached us yesterday and the presence on the team of Eddie Castro and most likely another close mentor made it a comfortable environment for him to make his first UK trip.

He joins Eddie Castro, Doug Nicol, Mike Buman, Jim Terchila and Marvin Sonnier.

There will be another 1-2 additions to the squad that races 7 events in just 11 days.

Steve Evans dreamteamspeedway@sbcglobal.net (February 21, 2011)

Perris Saturday February 19 Canceled

We are canceling the race scheduled for tomorrow.

Thanks to all who signed up and held on till this late in the game... Please everyone - pass it on. I will also send out a message to Facebook as well as text messages, however word of mouth works best!

Enjoy the Saturday off and again, thanks to all who were committed.

I will be posting the calendar dates this evening that we have thus far... when I can get home to my calendar and notes!

Have a great weekend, all!

Carrie Hancock <chancockspeedwaypromotions@gmail.com> Fri, February 18, 2011 3:46:34 PM

UK Speedway Scholarship Available this April

I have just received word from one of the American Touring Team Affiliate Clubs that they are interested in sponsoring a young rider (preferably age 20-25) with an Elite League standard bike to race on our tour this April. The rider would need to be first division standard with a genuine interest in a professional career in Europe. They can be located anywhere within the USA or even possibly Canada.

This is a great opportunity for a rider who many not otherwise have the funding to race in Europe this April on the Touring Team.

Any riders who are serious about taking this opportunity should call me (310) 309 9418 or e-mail at the first opportunity as this rider would likely take the final spot on our squad.

Steve Evans dreamteamspeedway@sbcglobal.net (February 18, 2011)

Northern California Practice Track

Hey Everyone,

It's time for a little prep work on the practice track before we bring in the grader.  We'd like to do it Thursday the 24th at 5pm for a couple of hours.  If you have shovels, rakes, wheelbarrows, etc. bring 'em.  

Let me know if you can make it.

The grading for the practice track will begin on March 1st and will take a week to complete.  Between now and the 1st some work needs to be done buildings safety fence, moving hay bales, rocks, etc.  With a hand full of people it shouldn't take too long.  It would be best for Brok to do it during the week after work.  If people can't make that then the alternative is a weekend after his track closes which is around 5pm.  Anyone who has time to help send me an e-mail and let me know what works best for you.

Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks,

Steve Lewotsky - sklew@sbcglobal.net (February 11, 2011)

American Touring Team

The USA Touring Team will be racing against the famous Hackney Hawks on April 9th. The Hawks have not ridden in a competitive race meeting in 21 years, but they have chosen to host their return against the Tourists. The Hawks stadium hosted the first two British GP's, including Craig Boyce's famous punch that floored current world champion Tomasz Gollob.

The Hawks, like many other famous clubs, lost their stadium but will return to the 2011 National League racing matches at Rye House and Lakeside.

The Touring Team hopes it will be victorious once more against an old club returning, as they were last April against the Dudley Heathens.

The Touring Team also visits Workington on April 16th, the home of Kenny Ingalls. So impressed are the Comets with Kenny that they wanted to invite the Tourists for a race event. The Comets are keen to add another American to their squad at some future point.

Steve Evans dreamteamspeedway@sbcglobal.net (February 15, 2011)

Victorville Practice February 27th

Victorville will be hosting its final pre season practice day on Sunday February 27th from 11am to 3pm. The season starts in just five weeks, so this will be a golden chance for all to get dialed in for the 2011 season.

We are also now going to run Speedway Bikes on the April 23rd event that was previously just Sidecars and Flat Track as the date is now free with the Costa Mesa schedule being finalized.

Steve Evans dreamteamspeedway@sbcglobal.net (February 11, 2011)

IMS Winter Series Sunday February 13th

IMS in San Bernardino is now taking sign ups for the Sunday Feb 13th Winter Series event. Please e-mail back or text 585 739-9612 or get a hold of Ryan Evans.

East Coast Speedway Promotions (February 5, 2011)

American Touring Team

The American Touring Team, due to hit the UK in just over 8 weeks, has named 7 riders to its 2011 team. As usual it is a mixture of Young and Old with a squad that is likely to entertain like never before!

It is no surprise that Eddie Castro returns as team captain for his 4th tour. Castro's popularity on the other side of the pond mirrors that in the States. At the age of 51 he came close to a Premier League contract this winter and he is thrilled to be leading the team.

On the veteran side we add Doug Nicol. Uncle Doug was a hugely popular member of the Middlesboro Bears back in the 1990's and he his UK fan base will be delighted that he turns out for the team.

In 2010 we had two great #1 riders in Kenny Ingalls and Tyson Burmeister who would be a hard act to follow. So, in looking for our #1 rider we decided to go for Kenny Ingalls and Tyson Burmeister! Tyson made it clear to me several times this off season that if he was signed for a British club he would still like to ride for the Touring Team. Of course his schedule with Wolves would make him over busy if he did all 7 matches, so, he is sharing the #1 bib with Kenny, who is also delighted to ride for the team. The purpose of the Touring Team is to give its younger members (and Eddie!) the shot at a professional career. Getting signed is one thing, but having a long career is another game entirely. Racing for the Touring team will give Tyson much needed track time and confidence building as he works on the job in hand, and for Kenny, valuable track time as he returns from injury. Though not one of the 7 named, Ricky Wells is also willing to be on standby for the #1 bib should our other two need a night off.

Our next rider is Mike Buman out of New York. So inspired with the chance of a Pro career, Mike is planning on spending over a month in the UK this Spring. He is hoping to race in events beyond the Touring Team tour and has a couple of leads to race in Germany and Poland while he is over. He will be in the UK for the entire month of April and part of May.

A new tradition was hatched a year ago where the #8 bib on the squad is given to an older rider who is a mid to lower Division One rider who would otherwise never get the chance to ride in the UK. It's a spot that fulfills a dream for the rider. Last Spring Rick Valdez was due to get the call, but he got injured before the trip. In October Robbie Sauer got his dream trip. This time veteran rider Marvin Sonnier gets the chance of a lifetime to experience life as a pro speedway rider for 16 days. I'm sure his grin will last at least 17!

The final spot on the squad goes to junior rider Broc Nicol. Broc will get to ride his Hagon Shocks junior bike at all tracks on the tour. He's gonna be a part of the team and will certainly have a great time.

There are 2-3 more spots to add and they should be announced shortly. There are several riders in the frame and some really good names amongst them. It's not too late for riders to add their names to list - sometimes spots even open up last minute due to injuries or rider withdrawals.

Our schedule has a couple of (very positive) changes, most likely including one race at Premier League level at one of our favorite venues. The first race is April 7th versus Birmingham, our last April 17th at Buxton. The showpiece event versus Dudley Heathens at Wolverhampton is on April 12th.

Sponsor packages are available as previously stated - we also urge our fans to support the Gumball Rally on March 5th.

Steve Evans dreamteamspeedway@sbcglobal.net (February 5, 2011)

Perris - February 19th - All Divisions - Day Race

Perris Raceway - Just a reminder:

We are set to race again this month - ALL Divisions
SIGN-UPS are open!Text, e-mail, Facebook or call to get on the program.

Saturday, February 19th
Gates open at 9am
Practice from 10:30-11:30 First race at 12noon!

All Access/pit pass - $15 (adults/mechanics)
Concessions available - Bring your own coolers - NO GLASS/BOTTLES

Don't forget about all the events lined up, at ALL tracks -
Under 21 Greg Hancock Private Practice Session (9am-12noon) - OPEN Practice - SPEEDWAY ONLY (12noon - 5pm) - Saturday February 12th
IMS: Sunday, February 13th - see previous messages for details!

Carrie Hancock (February 3, 2011)

Preparations and Plans for the 2011 Gumball Rally are in Full Swing

This year's Gumball Rally will be held on the weekend of March 5th and 6th at IMS in San Bernardino, California.

Heats are available for sponsorship for $50.00 each, the Semis and Last Chance Qualifier are going for $100.00 each, and the Gumball Junior Mains will be $200.00 each.

This event is being run as a fund raiser to assist in the growth of our Speedway program. We are taking it further and wider in the task of developing rider talent for America's future.

Our TENTATIVE Schedule is:

8:00-12:00 - Billy Hamill Academy (for adult riders only – all divisions)
12:00-4:00 - Open practice for all
6:00 – Big Kids' Gumball Rally (Division 1, Division 2, Division 3)

9:00-12:00 – Billy Hamill Speedway Academy (Junior riders only)
1:00 – Gumball Rally

POSSIBLY: Mini Bike Race after Trophy Presentation
FREE Camping!

Billy H. gumballrally2011@yahoo.com (Feb 1, 2011)

Inland Motorcycle Speedway

Inland Motorcycle Speedway is very pleased to announce that "The Original Voice of IMS", Bruce Flanders, will be back behind the Mic for a large number of events in the 2011 regular season! The legendary, Larry "Supermouth" Huffman, will still be a vital cog for IMS as he will continue working behind the scenes in an advertising and sponsorship role and will still live announce in a scaled back capacity. Rookie Speedway announcer Scott "The Torch" Read, who is doing a great job with the winter series events, will continue as the off-season event voice as he gets his feet wet in the world of speedway announcing in preparation to one day be handed THE TORCH from the two elder Legends! The news of Flanders return should be exciting news to San Bernardino Speedway Fans as he has been a very popular fixture at the facility for years and has a huge following! We look forward to the 2011 season with great anticipation and will be releasing the Summer season schedule very soon!

East Coast Speedway Promotions (Jan 31, 2011)

Northern California Practice Track

Hey Everyone, I found a company with a motor grader and an operator with experience building race tracks. I met them at the track with the promoter over the weekend to plan the work and set a schedule. They will be shaping the track a little more, level it and putting a slight banking in it for drainage then spreading the DG and compacting it. Assuming the weather cooperates the work should be completed around the end of the month/first part of March. We wanted it to be done sooner but finding someone who had both a grader and an experienced operator took longer than expected. Also, a crash wall is part of the plan as well and we may need some help building it. I'll let everyone know as soon as I get some firm dates and times. Let me know if you have any questions.

Steve Lewotsky - sklew@sbcglobal.net (Jan 31, 2011)

IMS Winter Schedule

Don't forget there are minibike races at IMS tomorrow, old school TT and oval. Should be a blast. If it goes well there will be more off-season dates for it. Call Shawn if you need info 714-305-8529. IMS Winter Schedule

Our next Winter Speedway series race is Feb 13th. We are ready to release more tentative dates for this winter...

Our regular season is tentatively planned for shortly after May 15. Plenty of practice dates and Speedway Schools will be available and mixed into this schedule between Now and May and Shawn will have those available soon. Thanks to everyone for the support on the first Winter race a couple weeks ago, it was a good success and it seems a lot of fun was had. Some great news will be coming real soon as well. Stay Tuned!

East Coast Speedway Promotions

'Breaking Into British Speedway' Seminar at Victorville this Sunday

After the practice at Victorville this Sunday at about 3pm, we will be holding an hour long Seminar titled 'Breaking Into British Speedway.' It will cover the basics of the British scene and will give more details about the Affiliate Program the USA Touring Team has launched with 7 British Clubs and how this will help improve riders get placement at British clubs.

It is for anyone - Touring Team Prospects, riders who are not planning to go this time, fans or anyone curious about racing across the pond. There will be no charge for this and riders can attend who do not attend the practice.

Please RVSP via e-mail if you intend to attend. Steve Evans dreamteamspeedway@sbcglobal.net

Northern California Practice Track - Punch Card Update

I have sold all of the 10 practice session punch cards and there won't be any more of those. However, Brok has a standard $100 punch card good for 6 practice sessions. That's about $16.67/practice which is still a great price. Anyone who is interested in one of those can contact Brok directly at 916.837.3243 or buy them at the track.

The weather is really helping out right now. Brok is expecting 12 more truck loads of DG. The mine is still wet which is holding up delivery but it should be there soon. Right now we are looking for a motor grader and an operator who can level out the track. An asphalt roller would be good too. It's not absolutely necessary but it would sure help compact the surface. Do either of you know Les Veale's phone number?I'd like to contact him to see if he does that kind of work. Leveling and compacting the track is the last piece of the process so we are still looking good to be ready by the first half of February.

Steve Lewotsky - sklew@sbcglobal.net (Jan 24, 2011)

Fast Fridays Motorcycle Speedway

Fast Fridays Motorcycle Speedway &
"Funday Sunday"
January 30th
11:00-3:30 SPEEDWAY practice $25
run what u brung $25
@ Fast Fridays Track in Auburn @ the Fairgrounds

Speedway Tech Support & Set Up Advice
Kenny Ingalls, Tommy Hedden, & Chris Kerr

4:00-6:00 Free Speedway MOVIES with U.K. Workington Comets Kenny Ingalls
in the new Fast Fridays clubhouse @ the Track

Raffle and Auction… proceeds will help Kenny with his costs of racing in the UK.
Thanks for your support!!!!

Fast Fridays 530 878-RACE(7223) Ingalls Racing530 367-4021

Northern California Practice Track - Update

I wanted to update you on the $100 punch cards. I will only be getting five more cards.

I should have them in my hands by Saturday and I will mail them out on a first-come-first-served basis.

After these final five cards are gone there will be no more!


Steve Lewotsky
DRE Lic. # 01340012
Re/Max Gold
sklew@sbcglobal.net (Jan 13, 2011)

Northern California Practice Track - Update

Passes Question: The answer is no, you can't get the passes from the Rangers at the front gate and you won't pay anything at the front gate.

The track is located on property leased from the State so the Rangers aren't involved.

If people are interested or have questions they just need to contact me. I can be reached a 916.203.1360 or by e-mail at sklew@sbcglobal.net.

Regarding progress on the track:

'I stopped out at the track on Tuesday and it was still wet in a lot of areas. The rain has stopped but the wet fog has kept the ground from drying out too much. The basic shape of the track has been laid-out. Brok has reshaped the existing track by making one turn deeper and wider, and making the back straight wider as well. Two loads of DG have been delivered and spread out also. If the weather stays dry over the next week the ground should firm up enough to finish leveling the track surface. Once that is completed the rest of the DG can be delivered and spread out.'

Steve Lewotsky (Jan 12, 2011)

Riders Profile

There is now a Riders Profile Application / Update Form. You can use this to update or create a new riders profile. All of the riders profiles can be found from this link here, Riders Profiles. We were able to get a lot of the riders updated last year and hope to continue with that success.

Cheers RC Jones E-Mail rcjones@SpeedwayBikes.Com

January Events at IMS

We have some exciting events coming up this month. Everything should be great, however if weather is extremely bad, please check our website @ www.inlandmotorcyclespeedway.com to confirm that we have not been rained out.

Sunday January 9th we will be offering speedway practice from 10-3, discount price this week is 30.00 per rider, no charge for spectators.

Saturday January 15th is the Billy Hamill /Hagon Shocks speedway academy. This is a great opportunity for kids up thru age 15 to try speedway. All equipment use is free…you pay only for track time. Adult bikes will also be available for rent. This event begins at approximately 10 am. Please call in advance to reserve your spot.

Sunday, January 16th for our 1st race of the winter series. We have a full program offering all divisions including juniors. Gates open at 10:00 races begin at noon. Adults are 10.00, juniors and seniors are 5.00, kids ages 6-12 are 3.00, children ages 5 and under continue to be free. As usual parking is free.

Saturday January 29, We will be running flat track and TT races (minibikes thru open class). Gates open at 9am, practice begins at 10 am and races begin at 11:00.Entry fee is 30 for the 1st class and 20 for any additional class. Spectators are 5.00.

Additional practice dates may be added. Please let us know asap if you are interested in any of these events!Thanks and have a great day.

Shawn McConnell - dogynn@aol.com

Northern California Practice Track

Prairie City OHV

At this point we are ready to begin reshaping the existing track and bring in the DG. The facility owner has ordered about $5K worth of DG from a State approved mine in Coloma to start with. All we are waiting for now is a stretch of dry weather so the ground at the track can dry out enough for trucks to unload the DG and for us to get a tractor onto the track to improve the shape and drainage. Fortunately things dry out pretty quickly where the track is located.

The contribution to help get the track going is $100 for each rider. For that each rider will receive a track punch card good for ten practice sessions. That's $10 per session which is cheap. After the track is up and running anyone with a Speedway bike can come out and practice but the cost will be probably be around $20 to $25 per session.

Currently we have 11 riders participating. If anyone wants to get involved or has questions they can call me at 916.203.1360.

Steve Lewotsky E-Mail - sklew@sbcglobal.net

American Touring Team

The American Touring Team (ATT) is very pleased to announce the appointment of Andrew Hale as its UK Manager. Mr. Hale came on board for the last tour as team sponsor, under the Penhall Museum banner. However it soon became clear that he was much more than that - his hands on approach and positive attitude made him a huge asset on the most successful and well received tour to date which took in 3 Elite League venues and raced 2 events at Premier League Level.

Steve Evans, Promoter of the ATT says, "In the last 6 months things have exploded as regards The Touring Team. No longer do we tour, take a breather and then start over - its become a year round activity with a hugely increased workload as we keep fine tuning the product of the last 6 years. I have always felt we needed someone to take charge of the UK end of the business as it is difficult to do so from my California base. Andrew has the same purpose and commitment as myself as far as returning the USA to the top Internationally. We work great together and by having him even more on board I am sure 2011 will be a whole new level of growth for us."

Hale is relishing his newly expanded role, though Evans is quick to point out that the large band of UK helpers who take care of many aspects of the tour workload will pretty much remain in place.

The American Touring Team will hit the UK early April for its 7th tour and will race in 6 events, including a showpiece event on April 12th Vs the world famous Dudley Heathens at Monmore Green Stadium, Wolverhampton.

Steve Evans dreamteamspeedway@sbcglobal.net

Victorville Practice Sunday January 30th

I'm looking at 2 pre season test and practice days at Victorville - Sunday January 30th and Sunday Feb. 27th are the dates. Gates will open at 10am with practice from 11-3. It will be a great chance to get unlimited laps on the very fast and banked oval. I will need to know ahead that there are enough numbers to cover rental and insurance but with more notice this time I'm sure it will be good. Looking at $35 to practice, $10 for all others to cover insurance.

Steve Evans dreamteamspeedway@sbcglobal.net

Perris - January 8, 2011

Our next race at Perris will be on January 8th at 12 PM!! We are having the race during the day that way everyone can get to supercross that night.

Gates will open at 9AM Sign Ups will start at 10Am, practice from 10:30-11-30AM and the first race will start at noon.

ALL riders will be paying, this includes D1 riders as their will be a purse for this race.
Riders - $35
Juniors - $20
Spectators - $15

Concessions will be available at the track but you are more than welcome to bring your own coolers but please no glass bottles.

If you have not already signed up please contact either my mom or I.

Thank you,
Brad Pappalardo

2 added bonus purse: $200 and D3 added bonus purse: $100 - plus the regular
(D2/D3) payout purse we have had every event in the past!
D1 riders, we have just a few spots left available!
Saturday, January 8th - gates open @ 9am
Practice from 10:30-11:30...First race at 12noon!
Call, text, Facebook or e-mail if you want to sign up.
Thanks for the support!!

Gumball Rally 2011

Mon Dec 20, 2010

After a one year hiatus, I am pleased to announce that the World Famous Gumball Rally will be back on the Speedway Calendar in 2011.The weekend of March 5th and 6th will be a fun filled Speedway Extravaganza for all! It will be held at IMS (Inland Motorcycle Speedway) in San Bernardino, California.

The weekend will consist of:
• Open practice for all
• 1 on 1 training
• Bike rental (500 and junior) available
• Two great events

On Saturday evening we will run a "Big Kids Gumball" with racing for the Adults in all divisions.

I feel the show on Sunday should be kept 100% for the kids, with Juniors, Pee Wee and possibly a Powder Puff class. With the increase of Junior riders, I am sure we will have a full program.

The Gumball Rally will showcase American Junior Speedway and be a platform to raise funds towards the growth and future of American Speedway. There will be heat sponsorships available and hopefully an auction when it's all done.

In typical Rally tradition overnight camping is available.

I am super pumped to be staging the Gumball Rally 2011 and with the Hagon Shocks/Joker Machine/Billy Hamill Speedway Academy success, there couldn't be a better time.

Thanks, Billy Hamill - hagonshocks@yahoo.com

Inland Motorcycle Speedway

In what may be the most obvious e-mail of the day, I am sorry to confirm that the big race at Inland Motorcycle Speedway scheduled for Sunday (December 19) has been canceled due to rain.

I just spoke with Mad Dog who was at the track, pumping water. All to no avail, as it continues to shower as I poke the keys. The infield is flooded, pits are flooded, too. The good news is, the dirt will dry out before long and we are due to race again at IMS on Sunday, January 16, 2011.

Dorcey Wingo

American Touring Team Schedule 2011 and Fan Travel Package

At the request of some of our US based fans we are putting together a package for fans to come on tour with us in April. The tour would include traveling to all 6-7 matches to watch the touring team, watching races from Elite League and Premier League matches on the off days, as well as excursions to places of interest nearby some of the tracks.

I am working with a UK based company called SnowCo Travel who are helping me put this together. The package would include air travel, accommodations and transportation to the races. Race tickets would be extra but most tracks would discount.

The costs are being finalized but the more people we get, the cheaper it will become - 12-16 fans is the target.

If you have interest in attending a 12-14 day Speedway, speedway and more speedway trip, please e-mail me. It will be pure heaven for any speedway fan!

Our race schedule is pretty much nailed down - 2 of the clubs don't want us to go public yet so the first and last dates do not name the teams we will be racing.

Note the April 12th will be the biggest we have ever done. It is a rematch versus The Heathens and it will be our first ever full meeting at Monmore Green Stadium, Wolverhampton. The riders can expect a packed out stadium with at least 2,000 fans in attendance.

There is also a possible half time show planned for this event that could easily see crowd numbers doubled.

The schedule is;
April 7th
April 9th - Rye House Cobra's
April 10th - Newcastle Versus 'Team Viking' (Scandinavian Dream Team)
April 12th - Dudley Heathens (at Wolverhampton)
April 15th - Lakeside
April 16th - Stoke
April 17th

Expect the first rider announcements very soon. Riders who haven't requested a rider pack should do so soon as we have highest ever rider interest.

Steve Evans dreamteamspeedway@sbcglobal.net


Speedway News