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2000 West Coast Results Page


Ryan Evans Report #1 on the 2000 Season

Ryan Evans' First Report on the 2000 Season
Ryan Evans' Second Report on the 2000 Season
Ryan Evans' Third Report on the 2000 Season
Ryan Evans' Fourth Report on the 2000 Season

Well, the regular season has finally started!!!!! Here's to hoping that it is not the last at Costa Mesa.

Gary Hicks, once again, was very impressive on the scratch side of the program. He took his second consecutive main event this year. Let it be known, though, that Bobby Schwartz has been lightning-fast out of the gate on both nights so far and look for him to take his fair share of main events this year.

What's up with Brad Oxley? Two nights of racing, two nights he doesn't get out of his scratch heat. (Editor's note: Brad (1999 US Champ., WON the next week's event!)

Speaking of Oxleys, it was great to see Harry Oxley at his old stomping grounds. Hopefully, he was able to STOMP some sense into the fair board while he was in California.

I had asked about the whereabouts of the Sauer Brothers after the Spring Classic, but they did race on Opening Night. In fact, Robbie has discarded #117 in favor of #23.

Randy DiFrancesco has his own website now. You can check it out at the following web address: http://randytherocket.8k.com For those who don't remember, Randy changed his number to 12 before last year's Nationals.

One of the most interesting stories of last week was discussed by Larry Huffman Saturday night. Apparently, former NASCAR driver Wally Dallenbach, NASCAR executive Steve Petersen, some members of the Hendrick Motorsports team (Owners of Jeff Gordon, Terry Labonte, and Jerry Nadeau's cars), and some other NASCAR dignitaries met up with Dukie Ermolenko out at Ken Maely's Ranch last week. After an hour and a half of instruction, they took to the track and had a very good time. Dukie swears that Dallenbach could be a back-yardage D-2 rider right now. Hopefully, this could turn into something good. These are the kind of connections that speedway needs to make in order to become the type of sport that we want it to become. With the corporate and media connections these people have, it couldn't hurt to have these people interested in and attracted to our sport. What do you think?

Also taking a spin with Dukie and Company was former National Motocross and Supercross Champion Jeff Emig.

I mentioned Hicks being two for two this year, but what about Danny Perkins? D-2 main event winner at the Spring Classic from the 20, D-2 main event winner on Opening Night from the 30. I would like to see him get a shot at 1st Division soon, if not this week. Danny is a great story. He raced about 15 years ago, then hung up his leathers until late last year. He was put in 3rd Division and made a mockery of that, and has been very smoothe and impressive in his brief time back.

The Los Angeles Times did a very nice article on Andy Northrup in last Friday's edition. The story discussed his longevity in the sport, his outlook on this year, and his job as a Los Angeles County Police Officer.

Did anyone else notice that Larry Huffman did the "Huffman Hop" for "Flyin" Ryan Fisher Saturday Night?

For the second event in a row, a fan answered Larry's "Who's your favorite rider?" question with "Kevin Rubio." Once again, Larry answered, "He's not on the program tonight." If these fans only knew the story, I don't think they would give that answer anymore.

It was great to see the juniors in action. Justin Boyle, Skyler Greyson, Krystal Cramer, and Miles Calvin put on a great show for the fans. Its always great to see the kids take to the track.

That's all for now......
Keep it sideways!!!!
Ryan Evans sideways31@aol.com

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