American Speedway  

2005 California Speedway
Race Results

All Speedway Race Results


2005 California Speedway Race Results

Perris - Feb 5 - USA U21 Team Match
Carson City - April 9
Industry Hills - April 20 - Spring Classic
Costa Mesa - April 30 - Spring Classic
Industry Hills - May 4 - Season Opener
Auburn - May 6 - Season Opener
Costa Mesa - May 7 - Season Opener
Industry Hills - May 11
Auburn - May 13 - Faria Strong
Costa Mesa - May 14 - Jack Milne Cup
Industry Hills - May 18
Auburn - May 20 - Faria Streaks again!
Carson City - May 21 - Bast Doubles!
Costa Mesa - May 21
Industry Hills - May 25
Auburn - May 27 - Bast on top
Industry Hills - June 1
Auburn - June 3 - Yarrow wins
Costa Mesa - June 4
Industry Hills - June 8
Auburn - June 10 - Yarrow wins again
Costa Mesa - June 11
Industry Hills - June 15
Auburn - June 17 - Veneagas and Fowler on top
Costa Mesa - June 18
Industry Hills - June 22
Auburn - June 24 - Faria and Bast!
Costa Mesa - June 25
Industry Hills - June 29
Auburn - July 1 - Hedden back on top!
Carson City - July 2 - Tommy Hedden fastest!
Industry Hills - July 6
Auburn - July 8 - Venegas wins!
Costa Mesa - July 8 - Fair Derby
Industry Hills - July 13
Auburn - July 15 - North STOMPS South!
Industry Hills - July 20
Auburn - July 22 - Yarrow Doubles!
Industry Hills - July 27
Auburn - July 29 - Bast Doubles! and 25 Lapper
Carson City - July 30 - Veneagas Wins!
Industry Hills - August 3
Auburn - August 5 - Yarrow on top
Victorville - August 6
Industry Hills - August 10
Auburn - August 12 - Jannaro tops visit with win.
Carson City - August 13 - Sidecar Spectacular
Costa Mesa - August 13
Industry Hills - August 17
Auburn - August 19 - T. Hedden Back on top.
Carson City - August 20 - Yarrow blasts!
Costa Mesa - August 20 - Dick Kreps Cup
Industry Hills - August 24
Costa Mesa - August 27
Industry Hills - August 31
Auburn - September 2 - Hancock takes Round 1
Industry Hills - September 3 - AMA National Round 2
Costa Mesa - September 10 - Warren Russell Cup
Industry Hills - September 14 - Season Finale
Costa Mesa - September 24 - SRA National Championship
Victorville - October 1 - Match 1
Victorville - October 1 - Match 2
Auburn - October 8 - Hamill takes Round 3
Costa Mesa - October 15 - Fall Classic
Auburn - October 28 - USA vs World
Victorville - November 12 - AMA Under 21 Championship

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